var feedStatusFreqCheck = 1000*15; var maxNumPoint = hours_spanned; var keepaliveTime = 0; var emptyArray = []; var _timeoutLed; var toPlotLocationLog; for(i=0; i feedStatusFreqCheck) { // no feed htmlLed.removeClass("led_green"); htmlLed.addClass("led_red"); } else { htmlLed.removeClass("led_red"); htmlLed.addClass("led_green"); } } this._feedLedsTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ ledmanager.manageColors(); }, feedStatusFreqCheck); } } class Sources { constructor() { this._sourcesArray = {}; this._sourcesCount = {}; this._sourcesCountMax = {}; this._globalMax = 0; this._sourceNames = []; } addSource(sourceName) { this._sourcesArray[sourceName] = emptyArray; this._sourcesCount[sourceName] = 0; this._sourcesCountMax[sourceName] = 0; this._sourceNames.push(sourceName); } addIfNotPresent(sourceName) { if (this._sourceNames.indexOf(sourceName) == -1) { this.addSource(sourceName); } } incCountOnSource(sourceName) { this._sourcesCount[sourceName] += 1; } resetCountOnSource() { for (var src of this._sourceNames) { this._sourcesCount[src] = 0; } } slideSource() { var globMax = 0; for (var src of this._sourceNames) { // res[0] = max, res[1] = slidedArray var res = slideAndMax(this._sourcesArray[src], this._sourcesCount[src]); // max this._sourcesCountMax[src] = res[0]; globMax = globMax > res[0] ? globMax : res[0]; // data this._sourcesArray[src] = res[1]; } this._globalMax = globMax; } toArray() { var to_return = []; for (var src of this._sourceNames) { if(src == 'global') //ignore global continue; var realData = this._sourcesArray[src].slice(0); //clone array realData.push([maxNumPoint, 0]); to_return.push({ label: src, data: realData }); } return to_return; } toArrayDirect() { var to_return = []; for (var src of this._sourceNames) { if(src == 'global') //ignore global continue; var realData = this._sourcesArray[src].slice(0); //clone array realData.push([maxNumPoint, this._sourcesCount[src]]); this._globalMax = this._globalMax > this._sourcesCount[src] ? this._globalMax : this._sourcesCount[src]; to_return.push({ label: src, data: realData }); } return to_return; } getGlobalMax() { return this._globalMax; } getSingleSource(sourceName) { return this._sourcesArray[sourceName]; } getEmptyData() { return [{label: 'no data', data: emptyArray}]; } } /* END CLASS SOURCE */ var sources = new Sources(); sources.addSource('global'); var ledmanager = new LedManager(); var curMaxDataNumLog = 0; var livelog; $(document).ready(function () { $.getJSON(urlForHead, function(head) { livelog = new $.livelog($("#divLogTable"), { pollingFrequency: 5000, tableHeader: head, tableMaxEntries: 50, // animate: false, preDataURL: urlForLogs, endpoint: urlForLogs }); }); }); // LOG TABLE function updateLogTable(name, log, zmqName, ignoreLed) { if (log.length == 0) return; // update keepAlives if (ignoreLed !== true) { ledmanager.updateKeepAlive(zmqName); } // only add row for attribute if (name == "Attribute" ) { var categName = log[toPlotLocationLog]; sources.addIfNotPresent(categName); sources.incCountOnSource(categName); sources.incCountOnSource('global'); updateChartDirect(); } else if (name == "Keepalive") { // do nothing } else { // do nothing } } function slideAndMax(orig, newData) { var slided = []; var max = newData; for (i=1; i max ? y : max; } slided.push([orig.length-1, newData]); curMaxDataNumLog = max; return [curMaxDataNumLog, slided]; } function getTextColour(rgb) { var r = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(0,2)); var g = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(2,4)); var b = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(4,6)); var avg = ((2 * r) + b + (3 * g))/6; if (avg < 128) { return 'white'; } else { return 'black'; } } function createRow(tableBody, log) { var tr = document.createElement('TR'); for (var key in log) { if (log.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var td = document.createElement('TD'); if(typeof log[key] === 'object') { //handle list of objects theObj = log[key]; for(var objI in { addObjectToLog(,[objI], td); } } else { var textToAddArray = log[key].split(char_separator); for(var i in textToAddArray){ if (i > 0) td.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textToAddArray[i])); } } tr.appendChild(td); } } // level if( log.level == "INFO" ){ tr.className = "info"; } else if ( log.level == "WARNING" ){ tr.className = "warning"; } else if ( log.level == "CRITICAL"){ tr.className = "danger" } tableBody.appendChild(tr); } function createHead(callback) { if (document.getElementById('table_log_head').childNodes.length > 1) return $.getJSON( urlForHead, function( data ) { var tr = document.createElement('TR'); for (i in data) { var head = data[i]; var th = document.createElement('TH'); if (head == itemToPlot) { toPlotLocationLog = i; } th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(head)); tr.appendChild(th); } document.getElementById('table_log_head').appendChild(tr); callback(); }); } /* LIVE LOG */ (function(factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (window.jQuery && !window.jQuery.fn.Livelog) { factory(window.jQuery); } } (function($) { 'use strict'; // Livelog object var Livelog = function(container, options) { this._default_options = { pollingFrequency: 5000, tableHeader: undefined, tableMaxEntries: undefined, animate: true } options.container = container; this.validateOptions(options); this._options = $.extend({}, this._default_options, options); // create table and draw header this.origTableOptions = { dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12'<'dt-toolbar-led'>>>" + "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>", searching: false, paging: false, "order": [[ 0, "desc" ]], responsive: true, columnDefs: [ { targets: 0, orderable: false }, { targets: '_all', searchable: false, orderable: false, render: function ( data, type, row ) { var $toRet; if (typeof data === 'object') { $toRet = $('');, i) { switch ( { case 'Tag': var $tag = $(''); $tag.addClass('tagElem'); $tag.css({ backgroundColor: cur.colour, color: getTextColour(cur.colour.substring(1,6)) }); $tag.text( $toRet.append($tag); break; case 'mispObject': $toRet.append('MISP Object not supported yet') break; default: break; } }); $toRet = $toRet[0].outerHTML; } else if (data === undefined) { $toRet = ''; } else { var textToAddArray = data.split(char_separator); $toRet = ''; textToAddArray.forEach(function(e, i) { if (i > 0) { $toRet += '
' + e; } else { $toRet += e; } }); } return $toRet; }, } ], }; this.DOMTable = $('
'); this._options.container.append(this.DOMTable); this.origTableOptions.columns = []; var that = this; this._options.tableHeader.forEach(function(field) { var th = $(''+field+''); that.origTableOptions.columns.push({ title: field }); }); this.dt = this.DOMTable.DataTable(this.origTableOptions); this.fetch_predata(); // add status led this._ev_timer = null; this._ev_retry_frequency = this._options.pollingFrequency; // sec this._cur_ev_retry_count = 0; this._ev_retry_count_thres = 3; var led_container = $('
'); var led = $('
'); this.statusLed = led; led_container.append(led); var header = this._options.container.parent().parent().find('.panel-heading'); if (header.length > 0) { // add in panel header header.append(led_container); } else { // add over the map led.css('display', 'inline-block'); led_container.append($('Status')).css('float', 'left'); $('.dt-toolbar-led').append(led_container) } this.data_source = undefined; this.connect_to_data_source(); }; Livelog.prototype = { constructor: Livelog, validateOptions: function(options) { var o = options; if (o.endpoint === undefined || typeof o.endpoint != 'string') { throw "Livelog must have a valid endpoint"; } if (o.container === undefined) { throw "Livelog must have a container"; } else { o.container = o.container instanceof jQuery ? o.container : $('#'+o.container); } // pre-data is either the data to be shown or an URL from which the data should be taken from if (Array.isArray(o.preData)){ o.preDataURL = null; o.preData = o.preData; } else if (o.preData !== undefined) { // should fetch o.preDataURL = o.preData; o.preData = []; } if (o.tableHeader === undefined || !Array.isArray(o.tableHeader)) { throw "Livelog must have a valid header"; } if (o.tableMaxEntries !== undefined) { o.tableMaxEntries = parseInt(o.tableMaxEntries); } }, changeOptions: function(options) { var that = this; Object.keys(options).forEach(function (optionName) { that._options[optionName] = options[optionName]; }); }, fetch_predata: function() { var that = this; if (this._options.preDataURL !== null) { $.when( $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: this._options.preDataURL, data: this._options.additionalOptions, success: function(data) { that._options.preData = data; }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(textStatus); that._options.preData = []; } }) ).then( function() { // success // add data to the widget that._options.preData.forEach(function(j) { var name =, zmqName = j.zmqName, entry = j.log; updateLogTable(name, entry, zmqName, true); switch (name) { case 'Attribute': that.add_entry(entry); break; case 'ObjectAttribute': that.add_entry(entry, true); break; default: break; } }); }, function() { // fail } ); } }, connect_to_data_source: function() { var that = this; if (!this.data_source) { // var url_param = $.param( this.additionalOptions ); this.data_source = new EventSource(this._options.endpoint); this.data_source.onmessage = function(event) { var json = jQuery.parseJSON( ); var name =, zmqName = json.zmqName, entry = json.log; updateLogTable(name, entry, zmqName); switch (name) { case 'Attribute': that.add_entry(entry); break; case 'ObjectAttribute': that.add_entry(entry, true); break; default: break; } }; this.data_source.onopen = function(){ that._cur_ev_retry_count = 0; that.update_connection_state('connected'); }; this.data_source.onerror = function(){ if (that.data_source.readyState == 0) { // reconnecting that.update_connection_state('connecting'); } else if (that.data_source.readyState == 2) { // closed, reconnect with new object that.reconnection_logique(); } else { that.update_connection_state('not connected'); that.reconnection_logique(); } }; } }, reconnection_logique: function () { var that = this; if (that.data_source) { that.data_source.close(); that.data_source = null; } if (that._ev_timer) { clearTimeout(that._ev_timer); } if(that._cur_ev_retry_count >= that._ev_retry_count_thres) { that.update_connection_state('not connected'); } else { that._cur_ev_retry_count++; that.update_connection_state('connecting'); } that._ev_timer = setTimeout(function () { that.connect_to_data_source(); }, that._ev_retry_frequency*1000); }, reconnect: function() { if (this.data_source) { this.data_source.close(); this.data_source = null; this._cur_ev_retry_count = 0; this.update_connection_state('reconnecting'); this.connect_to_data_source(); } }, update_connection_state: function(connectionState) { this.connectionState = connectionState; this.updateDOMState(this.statusLed, connectionState); }, updateDOMState: function(led, state) { switch (state) { case 'connected': led.removeClass("led_red"); led.removeClass("led_orange"); led.addClass("led_green"); break; case 'not connected': led.removeClass("led_green"); led.removeClass("led_orange"); led.addClass("led_red"); break; case 'connecting': led.removeClass("led_green"); led.removeClass("led_red"); led.addClass("led_orange"); break; default: led.removeClass("led_green"); led.removeClass("led_orange"); led.addClass("led_red"); } }, add_entry: function(entry, isObjectAttribute) { entry = this.sanitizeJson(entry); var rowNode = this.dt.row.add(entry).draw().node(); if (this._options.animate) { $( rowNode ) .css( 'background-color', '#5cb85c !important' ) .animate( { 'background-color': '' }, { duration: 1500 } ); } if (isObjectAttribute === true) { $( rowNode ).children().last() .css('position', 'relative') .append( $('') ); } // remove entries var numRows = this.dt.rows().count(); var rowsToRemove = numRows - this._options.tableMaxEntries; if (rowsToRemove > 0 && this._options.tableMaxEntries != -1) { //get row indexes as an array var arraySlice = this.dt.rows().indexes().toArray(); //get row indexes to remove starting at row 0 arraySlice = arraySlice.slice(-rowsToRemove); //remove the rows and redraw the table var rows = this.dt.rows(arraySlice).remove().draw(); } }, sanitizeJson: function(dirty_json) { var sanitized_json = {}; var that = this; Object.keys(dirty_json).forEach(function(k) { var val = dirty_json[k]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { var clear_array = []; sanitized_json[k] = { return that.sanitize(item); }); } else if(typeof val === 'object') { sanitized_json[k] = that.sanitizeJson(val); } else { sanitized_json[k] = that.sanitize(val); } }); return sanitized_json; }, sanitize: function(e) { return $("

").text(e).html();; } }; $.livelog = Livelog; $.fn.livelog = function(option) { var pickerArgs = arguments; return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), inst = $'livelog'), options = ((typeof option === 'object') ? option : {}); if ((!inst) && (typeof option !== 'string')) { $'livelog', new Livelog(this, options)); } else { if (typeof option === 'string') { inst[option].apply(inst,, 1)); } } }); }; $.fn.livelog.constructor = Livelog; })); /* Live log filter */ function recursiveInject(result, rules, isNot) { if (rules.rules === undefined) { // add to result var field = rules.field; var value = rules.value; var operator_notequal = rules.operator === 'not_equal' ? true : false; var negate = isNot ^ operator_notequal; value = negate ? '!' + value : value; if (result.hasOwnProperty(field)) { if (Array.isArray(result[field])) { result[field].push(value); } else { result[field] = [result[field], value]; } } else { result[field] = value; } } else if (Array.isArray(rules.rules)) { rules.rules.forEach(function(subrules) { recursiveInject(result, subrules, isNot ^ rules.not) ; }); } } function cleanRules(rules) { var res = {}; recursiveInject(res, rules); // clean up invalid and unset Object.keys(res).forEach(function(k) { var v = res[k]; if (v === undefined || v === '') { delete res[k]; } }); return res; } $(document).ready(function() { var qbOptions = { plugins: { 'filter-description' : { mode: 'inline' }, 'unique-filter': null, 'bt-tooltip-errors': null, }, allow_empty: true, filters: [], rules: { condition: 'AND', not: false, rules: [], flags: { no_add_group: true, condition_readonly: true, } }, icons: { add_group: 'fa fa-plus-square', add_rule: 'fa fa-plus-circle', remove_group: 'fa fa-minus-square', remove_rule: 'fa fa-minus-circle', error: 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle' } }; // add filters and rules [ 'Attribute.category', 'Attribute.comment', 'Attribute.deleted', 'Attribute.disable_correlation', 'Attribute.distribution', 'Attribute.event_id', '', 'Attribute.object_id', 'Attribute.object_relation', 'Attribute.sharing_group_id', '', 'Attribute.timestamp', 'Attribute.to_ids', 'Attribute.type', 'Attribute.uuid', 'Attribute.value', 'Event.Org', 'Event.Orgc', 'Event.analysis', 'Event.attribute_count', '', 'Event.disable_correlation', 'Event.distribution', 'Event.event_creator_email', 'Event.extends_uuid', '', '', 'Event.locked', 'Event.org_id', 'Event.orgc_id', 'Event.proposal_email_lock', 'Event.publish_timestamp', 'Event.published', 'Event.sharing_group_id', 'Event.threat_level_id', '', 'Event.timestamp', 'Event.uuid', '', '', 'Org.uuid', '', '', 'Orgc.uuid' ].forEach(function(field) { var tempFilter = { "input": "text", "type": "string", "operators": [ "equal", "not_equal" ], "unique": true, "id": field, "label": field, "description": "Perfom strict equality on " + field, "validation": { "allow_empty_value": true } }; qbOptions.filters.push(tempFilter); }); var filterCookie = getCookie('filters'); var filters = JSON.parse(filterCookie !== undefined && filterCookie !== '' ? filterCookie : "{}"); var activeFilters = Object.keys(filters) var tempRule = []; activeFilters.forEach(function(field) { var v = filters[field]; var tmp = { field: field, id: field, value: v }; tempRule.push(tmp); }); qbOptions.rules.rules = tempRule; updateFilterButton(activeFilters); var $ev = $('#filteringQB'); var querybuilderTool = $ev.queryBuilder(qbOptions); querybuilderTool = querybuilderTool[0].queryBuilder; $('#saveFilters').click(function() { var rules = querybuilderTool.getRules({ skip_empty: true, allow_invalid: true }); var result = {}; recursiveInject(result, rules, false); updateFilterButton(Object.keys(result)); var jres = JSON.stringify(result, null); document.cookie = 'filters=' + jres; $('#modalFilters').modal('hide'); livelog.dt .clear() .draw(); livelog.fetch_predata(); livelog.reconnect(); }) $('#log-fullscreen').click(function() { var $this = $(this); var $panel = $('#panelLogTable'); var isfullscreen = $'isfullscreen'); if (isfullscreen === undefined || !isfullscreen) { $panel.detach().prependTo('#page-wrapper') $panel.addClass('liveLogFullScreen'); $'isfullscreen', true); $panel.find('#divLogTable').css({'overflow-y': 'auto'}); livelog.changeOptions({tableMaxEntries: 300}); } else { $panel.detach().appendTo('#rightCol') $panel.removeClass('liveLogFullScreen'); $'isfullscreen', false); $panel.find('#divLogTable').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}); livelog.changeOptions({tableMaxEntries: 50}); } }); }); function updateFilterButton(activeFilters) { if (activeFilters.length > 0) { $('#log-filter').removeClass('btn-default'); $('#log-filter').addClass('btn-success'); } else { $('#log-filter').removeClass('btn-success'); $('#log-filter').addClass('btn-default'); } } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i