#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import configparser import copy import datetime import json import logging import os import random import sys import time import redis import zmq import util from helpers import (contributor_helper, geo_helper, live_helper, trendings_helper, users_helper) configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'config/config.cfg') cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) logDir = cfg.get('Log', 'directory') logfilename = cfg.get('Log', 'dispatcher_filename') logPath = os.path.join(logDir, logfilename) if not os.path.exists(logDir): os.makedirs(logDir) try: logging.basicConfig(filename=logPath, filemode='a', level=logging.INFO) except PermissionError as error: print(error) print("Please fix the above and try again.") sys.exit(126) logger = logging.getLogger('zmq_dispatcher') LISTNAME = cfg.get('RedisLIST', 'listName') serv_log = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'host'), port=cfg.getint('RedisGlobal', 'port'), db=cfg.getint('RedisLog', 'db')) serv_redis_db = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'host'), port=cfg.getint('RedisGlobal', 'port'), db=cfg.getint('RedisDB', 'db')) serv_list = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'host'), port=cfg.getint('RedisGlobal', 'port'), db=cfg.getint('RedisLIST', 'db')) live_helper = live_helper.Live_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) geo_helper = geo_helper.Geo_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) contributor_helper = contributor_helper.Contributor_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) users_helper = users_helper.Users_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) trendings_helper = trendings_helper.Trendings_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg) def getFields(obj, fields): jsonWalker = fields.split('.') itemToExplore = obj lastName = "" try: for i in jsonWalker: itemToExplore = itemToExplore[i] lastName = i if type(itemToExplore) is list: return { 'name': lastName , 'data': itemToExplore } else: if i == 'timestamp': itemToExplore = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(itemToExplore)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return itemToExplore except KeyError as e: return "" ############## ## HANDLERS ## ############## def handler_skip(zmq_name, jsonevent): logger.info('Log not processed') return def handler_audit(zmq_name, jsondata): action = jsondata.get('action', None) jsonlog = jsondata.get('Log', None) if action is None or jsonlog is None: return # consider login operations if action == 'log': # audit is related to log logAction = jsonlog.get('action', None) if logAction == 'login': # only consider user login timestamp = int(time.time()) email = jsonlog.get('email', '') org = jsonlog.get('org', '') users_helper.add_user_login(timestamp, org, email) else: pass def handler_dispatcher(zmq_name, jsonObj): if "Event" in jsonObj: handler_event(zmq_name, jsonObj) def handler_keepalive(zmq_name, jsonevent): logger.info('Handling keepalive') to_push = [ jsonevent['uptime'] ] live_helper.publish_log(zmq_name, 'Keepalive', to_push) # Login are no longer pushed by `misp_json_user`, but by `misp_json_audit` def handler_user(zmq_name, jsondata): logger.info('Handling user') action = jsondata['action'] json_user = jsondata['User'] json_org = jsondata['Organisation'] org = json_org['name'] if action == 'edit': #only consider user login pass else: pass def handler_conversation(zmq_name, jsonevent): logger.info('Handling conversation') try: #only consider POST, not THREAD jsonpost = jsonevent['Post'] except KeyError as e: logger.error('Error in handler_conversation: {}'.format(e)) return org = jsonpost['org_name'] categ = None action = 'add' eventName = 'no name or id yet...' contributor_helper.handleContribution(zmq_name, org, 'Discussion', None, action, isLabeled=False) # add Discussion nowSec = int(time.time()) trendings_helper.addTrendingDisc(eventName, nowSec) def handler_object(zmq_name, jsondata): logger.info('Handling object') return def handler_sighting(zmq_name, jsondata): logger.info('Handling sighting') jsonsight = jsondata['Sighting'] org = jsonsight['Event']['Orgc']['name'] categ = jsonsight['Attribute']['category'] action = jsondata.get('action', None) contributor_helper.handleContribution(zmq_name, org, 'Sighting', categ, action, pntMultiplier=2) handler_attribute(zmq_name, jsonsight, hasAlreadyBeenContributed=True) timestamp = jsonsight.get('date_sighting', None) if jsonsight['type'] == "0": # sightings trendings_helper.addSightings(timestamp) elif jsonsight['type'] == "1": # false positive trendings_helper.addFalsePositive(timestamp) def handler_event(zmq_name, jsonobj): logger.info('Handling event') #fields: threat_level_id, id, info jsonevent = jsonobj['Event'] #Add trending eventName = jsonevent['info'] timestamp = jsonevent['timestamp'] trendings_helper.addTrendingEvent(eventName, timestamp) tags = [] for tag in jsonevent.get('Tag', []): tags.append(tag) trendings_helper.addTrendingTags(tags, timestamp) #redirect to handler_attribute if 'Attribute' in jsonevent: attributes = jsonevent['Attribute'] if type(attributes) is list: for attr in attributes: jsoncopy = copy.deepcopy(jsonobj) jsoncopy['Attribute'] = attr handler_attribute(zmq_name, jsoncopy) else: handler_attribute(zmq_name, attributes) action = jsonobj.get('action', None) eventLabeled = len(jsonobj.get('EventTag', [])) > 0 org = jsonobj.get('Orgc', {}).get('name', None) if org is not None: contributor_helper.handleContribution(zmq_name, org, 'Event', None, action, isLabeled=eventLabeled) def handler_attribute(zmq_name, jsonobj, hasAlreadyBeenContributed=False): logger.info('Handling attribute') # check if jsonattr is an attribute object if 'Attribute' in jsonobj: jsonattr = jsonobj['Attribute'] #Add trending categName = jsonattr['category'] timestamp = jsonattr.get('timestamp', int(time.time())) trendings_helper.addTrendingCateg(categName, timestamp) tags = [] for tag in jsonattr.get('Tag', []): tags.append(tag) trendings_helper.addTrendingTags(tags, timestamp) to_push = [] for field in json.loads(cfg.get('Dashboard', 'fieldname_order')): if type(field) is list: to_join = [] for subField in field: to_join.append(str(getFields(jsonobj, subField))) to_add = cfg.get('Dashboard', 'char_separator').join(to_join) else: to_add = getFields(jsonobj, field) to_push.append(to_add) #try to get coord from ip if jsonattr['category'] == "Network activity": geo_helper.getCoordFromIpAndPublish(jsonattr['value'], jsonattr['category']) #try to get coord from ip if jsonattr['type'] == "phone-number": geo_helper.getCoordFromPhoneAndPublish(jsonattr['value'], jsonattr['category']) if not hasAlreadyBeenContributed: eventLabeled = len(jsonobj.get('EventTag', [])) > 0 action = jsonobj.get('action', None) contributor_helper.handleContribution(zmq_name, jsonobj['Event']['Orgc']['name'], 'Attribute', jsonattr['category'], action, isLabeled=eventLabeled) # Push to log live_helper.publish_log(zmq_name, 'Attribute', to_push) ############### ## MAIN LOOP ## ############### def process_log(zmq_name, event): topic, eventdata = event.split(' ', maxsplit=1) jsonevent = json.loads(eventdata) try: dico_action[topic](zmq_name, jsonevent) except KeyError as e: logger.error(e) def main(sleeptime): numMsg = 0 while True: content = serv_list.rpop(LISTNAME) if content is None: logger.debug('Processed {} message(s) since last sleep.'.format(numMsg)) numMsg = 0 time.sleep(sleeptime) continue content = content.decode('utf8') the_json = json.loads(content) zmqName = the_json['zmq_name'] content = the_json['content'] process_log(zmqName, content) numMsg += 1 dico_action = { "misp_json": handler_dispatcher, "misp_json_event": handler_event, "misp_json_self": handler_keepalive, "misp_json_attribute": handler_attribute, "misp_json_object": handler_object, "misp_json_sighting": handler_sighting, "misp_json_organisation": handler_skip, "misp_json_user": handler_user, "misp_json_conversation": handler_conversation, "misp_json_object_reference": handler_skip, "misp_json_audit": handler_audit, } if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The ZMQ dispatcher. It pops from the redis buffer then redispatch it to the correct handlers') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sleep', required=False, dest='sleeptime', type=int, help='The number of second to wait before checking redis list size', default=5) args = parser.parse_args() try: main(args.sleeptime) except (redis.exceptions.ResponseError, KeyboardInterrupt) as error: print(error)