#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pprint import pprint import os import redis import configparser import argparse RED="\033[91m" GREEN="\033[92m" DEFAULT="\033[0m" def clean(brutal=False): configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'config/config.cfg') cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) host = cfg.get("RedisGlobal", "host") port = cfg.getint("RedisGlobal", "port") servers = [] for db in range(0, 4): servers.append(redis.Redis(host, port, db=db, decode_responses=True)) if brutal: print(RED+'Brutal mode'+DEFAULT+' selected') print('[%s:%s] Cleaning data...' % (host, port)) cleanBrutal(servers[0]) else: print(GREEN+'Soft mode'+DEFAULT+' selected') print('[%s:%s] Cleaning data...' % (host, port)) cleanSoft(servers) # Perform a FLUSHALL def cleanBrutal(server): server.flushall() # Delete all keys independently def cleanSoft(servers): prefix_keys_per_db = { 0: [], # publish only 1: [], # publish only (maps) 3: ['bufferList'], # queuing 2: [ 'GEO_COORD:*', 'GEO_COUNTRY:*', 'GEO_RAD:*', 'CONTRIB_DAY:*', 'CONTRIB_CATEG:*', 'CONTRIB_LAST:*', 'CONTRIB_ALL_ORG', 'CONTRIB_ORG:*', 'CONTRIB_TROPHY:*', 'CONTRIB_LAST_AWARDS:*', 'CONTRIB_ALL_ORG', 'LOGIN_TIMESTAMP:*', 'LOGIN_ORG:*', 'LOGIN_ALL_ORG', 'TRENDINGS_EVENTS:*', 'TRENDINGS_CATEGS:*', 'TRENDINGS_TAGS:*', 'TRENDINGS_DISC:*', 'TRENDINGS_SIGHT_sightings:*', 'TRENDINGS_SIGHT_false_positive:*', 'TEMP_CACHE_LIVE:*', ] } for db, keys in prefix_keys_per_db.items(): serv = servers[db] for k in keys: # fetch all keys on the db key_to_del = serv.keys(k) # delete all existing keys if len(key_to_del) > 0: serv.delete(*tuple(key_to_del)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Clean data stored in the redis server specified in the configuration file') parser.add_argument("-b", "--brutal", default=False, action="store_true", help="Perfom a FLUSHALL on the redis database. If not set, will use a soft method to delete only keys used by MISP-Dashboard.") args = parser.parse_args() clean(args.brutal) print(GREEN+'Done.'+DEFAULT)