mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard
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105 lines
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from collections import defaultdict
import datetime, time
ONE_DAY = 60*60*24
def getZrange(serv_redis_db, keyCateg, date, topNum, endSubkey=""):
date_str = getDateStrFormat(date)
keyname = "{}:{}{}".format(keyCateg, date_str, endSubkey)
data = serv_redis_db.zrange(keyname, 0, topNum-1, desc=True, withscores=True)
data = [ [record[0].decode('utf8'), record[1]] for record in data ]
return data
def noSpaceLower(text):
return text.lower().replace(' ', '_')
def push_to_redis_zset(serv_redis_db, mainKey, toAdd, endSubkey="", count=1):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
today_str = getDateStrFormat(now)
keyname = "{}:{}{}".format(mainKey, today_str, endSubkey)
serv_redis_db.zincrby(keyname, toAdd, count)
def getMonthSpan(date):
ds = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, 1)
dyear = 1 if ds.month+1 > 12 else 0
dmonth = -12 if ds.month+1 > 12 else 0
de = datetime.datetime(ds.year + dyear, ds.month+1 + dmonth, 1)
delta = de - ds
to_return = []
for i in range(delta.days):
to_return.append(ds + datetime.timedelta(days=i))
return to_return
def getXPrevDaysSpan(date, days):
de = date
ds = de - datetime.timedelta(days=days)
delta = de - ds
to_return = []
for i in range(delta.days+1):
to_return.append(de - datetime.timedelta(days=i))
return to_return
def getXPrevHoursSpan(date, hours):
de = date
de = de.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
ds = de - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)
delta = de - ds
to_return = []
for i in range(0, int(delta.total_seconds()/3600)+1):
to_return.append(de - datetime.timedelta(hours=i))
return to_return
def getHoursSpanOfDate(date, adaptToFitCurrentTime=True, daySpanned=6):
ds = date
ds = ds.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
to_return = []
now = datetime.datetime.now()
for i in range(0, 24):
the_date = ds + datetime.timedelta(hours=i)
if the_date > now or the_date < now - datetime.timedelta(days=daySpanned): # avoid going outside
return to_return
def getDateStrFormat(date):
return str(date.year)+str(date.month).zfill(2)+str(date.day).zfill(2)
def getDateHoursStrFormat(date):
return getDateStrFormat(date)+str(date.hour)
def getTimestamp(date):
return int(time.mktime(date.timetuple()))
def sortByTrendingScore(toSort, topNum=5):
scoredLabels = defaultdict(float)
numDay = len(toSort)
baseDecay = 1.0
decayRate = lambda x: baseDecay*((numDay-x**2)/numDay)
for i, arr in enumerate(toSort):
timestamp = arr[0]
dailyData = arr[1]
for item in dailyData:
label = item[0]
occ = item[1]
scoredLabels[label] += occ*decayRate(i)
topList = [[l, s] for l, s in scoredLabels.items()]
topList.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
topSet = [ l for l, v in topList[:topNum]]
# now that we have the top, filter out poor scored elements
topArray = []
for arr in toSort:
timestamp = arr[0]
dailyData = arr[1]
topDailyArray = list(filter(lambda item: (item[0] in topSet), dailyData))
dailyCombi = [timestamp, topDailyArray]
return topArray