
516 lines
22 KiB

(function(factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (window.jQuery && !window.jQuery.fn.ProxyMapper) {
(function($) {
'use strict';
* constructionInstruction:
* .x -> raw x string
* .@label -> reference to another field
* .@@date -> index reference to another field
* .@>label -> reference to another field but direct set (do not append)
var ProxyMapper = function(mapping, constructionInstruction, data, options) {
var that = this;
this.itemsToBeMapped = Object.keys(constructionInstruction);
this.constructionInstruction = constructionInstruction;
this.mapping = mapping;
//this.mapping = {
// dates: ["l", 0],
// index: {
// '@labels': [0],
// '@dates': [0]
// },
// //labels: ["l", 1, "l", 0],
// labels: [],
// //values: ["@dates,l", "{1}", "@labels,l", "{1}"]
// values: ["@dates,l", "{1}", "@labels"]
this.data = data;
this.result = {};
var funcs = {};
this.labelKey = [];
this.itemsToBeMapped.forEach(function(item) {
funcs[item] = new Function('value', 'datum', 'return value');
let ci = constructionInstruction[item];
if (ci.strategy !== undefined && ci.strategy == 'date') { // only 1 key can be a fill key
that.fillKey = item;
else if (ci.strategy !== undefined && ci.strategy == 'label') { // multiple keys can be label key
else if (ci.strategy !== undefined && ci.strategy == 'value') { // only 1 key can be value key
that.valueKey = item;
// init default type for wanted key
let s = ci.instructions.split('.');
if (s.length >= 2 && s[0] === '' && s[1] !== '') {
let p_res, p_key;
let c_res = that.result;
s.slice(1).forEach(function(k) {
if (k[0] === '@') {
return false;
c_res[k] = {};
p_res = c_res;
p_key = k;
c_res = c_res[k];
if (p_key !== undefined) {
p_res[p_key] = [];
this._default_options = {
fillValue: 0,
functions: funcs,
datum: false // the tree data to walk in parallel
this.options = $.extend({}, this._default_options, options);
this.mappingI2 = {};
this.mappingToIndexes = {};
this.itemsToBeMapped.forEach(function(item) {
that.mappingToIndexes[item] = {};
return this.result;
ProxyMapper.prototype = {
constructor: ProxyMapper,
perform_mapping: function(data) {
var that = this;
var fk = this.fillKey;
var lk = this.labelKey;
var vk = this.valueKey;
/* fill key is processed first */
if (fk !== undefined && this.mapping[fk].length > 0) {
// prepare fill array
let fillArray = [];
if (fk !== undefined) {
for (var i=0; i<this.result[fk].length; i++) {
if ((this.options.fillValue !== undefined && this.options.fillValue !== '')) {
// inject prefill data
for (let keyname in this.options.prefillData) {
let p_data = this.options.prefillData[keyname];
let subkeys = {};
subkeys[keyname] = p_data;
this.addFromInstruction(keyname, fillArray.slice(0), subkeys, true);
//this.i1_prefill = x;
// inject prefill data
//for (var x of this.options.prefillData.labels) {
// this.result[x] = fillArray.slice(0);
// this.i1_prefill = x;
//if (this.mapping.labels.length > 0) {
// this.c_labels(this.data, this.mapping.labels); // probe and fetch all labels
lk.forEach(function(labelK) {
if (that.mapping[labelK].length > 0) {
//if (Object.keys(this.result).length > 1 && this.mapping.values.length > 0) {
//if (Object.keys(that.result).length > 0 && that.mapping[vk].length > 0) {
//if (Object.keys(that.result).length > 1 && that.mapping[vk].length > 0) {
if (Object.keys(that.result).length > 0 && that.mapping[vk].length > 0) {
for (var k in that.result) { // filter out undefined value
let res = that.result[k];
if (res !== undefined && Array.isArray(res)) { // if object, picking is likely to be incoherent
let filtered = res.filter(function(n){ return n != undefined });
that.result[k] = filtered;
apply_strategy: function(keyname) {
let strategy = this.constructionInstruction[keyname].strategy;
if (strategy == 'date') {
this.c_dates(this.data, this.mapping[keyname], keyname); // probe and fetch all dates
} else if (strategy == 'label') {
this.c_labels(this.data, this.mapping[keyname], keyname); // probe and fetch all labels
} else if (strategy == 'value') {
this.c_values(this.data, this.mapping[keyname], keyname); // fetch values and overwrite default values
} else {
console.log('Invalid mapping strategy');
c_dates: function(intermediate, instructions, keyname) {
var that = this;
var matchingFun = function (intermediate, instructions, additionalData) {
let index = instructions;
let val = intermediate[index];
if (that.mappingToIndexes[keyname][val] === undefined) {
//that.mappingToIndexes[keyname][val] = that.result['dates'].length;
that.mappingToIndexes[keyname][val] = that.result[keyname].length;
//let nval = that.options.functions.dates(val, additionalData.datum);
let nval = that.options.functions[keyname](val, additionalData.datum);
that.addFromInstruction(keyname, nval, {}, false);
this.iter(intermediate, instructions, matchingFun, { datum: this.options.datum });
c_labels: function(intermediate, instructions, keyname) {
var that = this;
var matchingFun = function (intermediate, instructions, additionalData) {
let reg = /\{(\w+)\}/;
let res = reg.exec(instructions);
if (res !== null) {
instructions = res[1];
let index = instructions;
if (index == 'l') { // labels are the keys themselves
for (let label in intermediate) {
let val = [];
for (var i=0; i<additionalData.valueLength; i++) {
if ((that.options.fillValue !== undefined && that.options.fillValue !== '')) {
let nlabel = that.options.functions[keyname](label, additionalData.datum);
//that.result[nlabel] = val;
var subkeys = {};
subkeys[keyname] = nlabel;
that.addFromInstruction(keyname, val, subkeys, true);
} else {
let label = intermediate[index];
let val = [];
for (var i=0; i<additionalData.valueLength; i++) {
if ((that.options.fillValue !== undefined && that.options.fillValue != '')) {
let nlabel = that.options.functions[keyname](label, additionalData.datum);
var subkeys = {};
subkeys[keyname] = nlabel;
//that.result[nlabel] = val;
that.addFromInstruction(keyname, val, subkeys, true);
let valueLength = this.result[this.fillKey] !== undefined ? this.result[this.fillKey].length : 0;
this.iter(intermediate, instructions, matchingFun, {valueLength: valueLength, datum: this.options.datum});
c_values: function(intermediate, instructions, keyname) {
var that = this;
var matchingFun = function (intermediate, instructions, additionalData) {
let val;
if (!instructions) { // value is self (intermediate)
val = intermediate;
} else {
let reg = /\{(\w+)\}/;
let res = reg.exec(instructions);
if (res !== null) {
instructions = res[1];
let index = instructions;
val = intermediate[index];
let subkeyNames = that.get_subkeys_basename(keyname);
let subkeys = {};
let directValue = false;
subkeyNames.forEach(function(kn) {
// fetch index in array from the key
let v;
let kn_strip;
if (kn.substring(0, 2) === '@@') {
kn = kn.slice(1);
kn_strip = kn.slice(1);
v = additionalData[kn];
v = that.mappingToIndexes[kn_strip][v];
directValue = true;
} else {
if (kn.substring(0, 2) === '@>') {
kn = '@' + kn.slice(2);
directValue = true;
kn_strip = kn.slice(1);
v = additionalData[kn];
v = v !== undefined ? v : instructions;
// apply transformation function, only for non-index
v = that.options.functions[kn_strip](v, additionalData.datum);
subkeys[kn_strip] = v;
//that.options.functions.labels(i1, additionalData.datum);
//that.options.functions.values(val, additionalData.datum);
//let i1 = additionalData.i1;
////i1 = i1 !== undefined ? i1 : that.i1_prefill;
//let i2 = additionalData.i2;
//// fetch index in array from the key
//let i2_adjusted = that.mappingI2[i2];
// fetch index in array from the key
// apply transformation function
//let ni1 = that.options.functions.labels(i1, additionalData.datum);
//let nval = that.options.functions.values(val, additionalData.datum);
//that.result[ni1][i2_adjusted] = nval;
//var subkeys = { labels: ni1, dates: i2_adjusted};
let nval = that.options.functions[keyname](val, additionalData.datum);
that.addFromInstruction(keyname, nval, subkeys, directValue);
this.iter(intermediate, instructions, matchingFun, {mapping: this.mapping, datum: this.options.datum});
// deterministic function, always follow the indexes
fetch_value: function(intermediate, instructions) {
if (instructions.length == 0) {
return intermediate;
} else {
let index = instructions[0];
return this.fetch_value(intermediate[index], instructions.slice(1));
iter: function(intermediate, instructions, matchingFun, additionalData) {
if (instructions === undefined) {
if (instructions.length == 0 || instructions[0] === '') {
return matchingFun(intermediate, false, additionalData);
var flag_register_i = false;
var i_type;
if (instructions.length == 1) {
return matchingFun(intermediate, instructions[0], additionalData);
} else {
let tmp = new String(instructions[0]).split(',');
let record_inst = tmp[0]
let ind_inst = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0];
if (record_inst[0] == '@') {
if (additionalData.mapping) {
flag_register_i = true;
i_type = record_inst;
//switch (record_inst) {
// case 'i1':
// if (additionalData.mapping) {
// flag_register_i = true;
// i_type = 'i1';
// }
// break;
// case 'i2':
// if (additionalData.mapping) {
// flag_register_i = true;
// i_type = 'i2';
// }
// break;
// case '':
// break;
// default:
// break;
let inst = ind_inst;
let reg = /\{(\w+)\}/;
let res = reg.exec(inst);
if (res !== null) { // check if index requested
let i = res[1];
if (flag_register_i) {
let sub_instructions = additionalData.mapping.index[i_type]
let curI;
if (sub_instructions.length > 0) {
curI = this.fetch_value(intermediate[i], sub_instructions);
} else {
curI = i;
additionalData[i_type] = curI;
additionalData.datum = this.update_datum(additionalData.datum, i);
return this.iter(intermediate[i], instructions.slice(1), matchingFun, additionalData);
// fallback to standard loop
if (!(Array.isArray(intermediate) || this.isObject(intermediate))) {
if (Array.isArray(intermediate)) {
for (var k=0; k<intermediate.length; k++) {
var node = intermediate[k];
if (flag_register_i) {
let sub_instructions = additionalData.mapping.index[i_type]
let curI;
if (sub_instructions.length > 0) {
curI = this.fetch_value(node, sub_instructions);
} else {
console.log('Should never happend');
additionalData[i_type] = curI;
// update datum object
additionalData.datum = this.update_datum(additionalData.datum, k);
this.iter(node, instructions.slice(1), matchingFun, additionalData);
} else if (this.isObject(intermediate)) {
for (var k in intermediate) {
var node = intermediate[k];
if (flag_register_i) {
let sub_instructions = additionalData.mapping.index[i_type]
let curI;
if (sub_instructions.length > 0) {
curI = this.fetch_value(node, sub_instructions);
} else {
curI = k;
additionalData[i_type] = curI;
additionalData.datum = this.update_datum(additionalData.datum, k, true);
this.iter(node, instructions.slice(1), matchingFun, additionalData);
addFromInstruction: function(constructionKey, value, subkeys, trueValue) {
let inst = this.constructionInstruction[constructionKey].instructions;
let split = inst.split('.').slice(1); // split and remove the first entry
let cres = this.result;
let p_res, p_key;
split.forEach(function(inst) {
if (inst == '') {
return false;
} else if (inst[0] === '@') {
let subkeyName;
if (inst.substring(0, 2) === '@@' || inst.substring(0, 2) === '@>' ) {
subkeyName = inst.slice(2);
} else {
subkeyName = inst.slice(1);
let subkey = subkeys[subkeyName];
if (!cres.hasOwnProperty(subkey)) {
cres[subkey] = {};
p_res = cres;
p_key = subkey;
cres = cres[subkey];
} else {
p_res = cres;
p_key = inst;
cres = cres[inst];
if (trueValue) {
p_res[p_key] = value;
} else {
if (this.isObject(cres) && p_key !== undefined) {
p_res[p_key] = [];
get_subkeys_basename: function(keyname) {
var list = [];
let instructions = this.constructionInstruction[keyname].instructions.split('.');
instructions = instructions.slice(1);
instructions.forEach(function(inst) {
if (inst[0] === '@') {
return list;
isObject: function(v) {
return v !== null && typeof v === 'object' && !Array.isArray(v);
update_datum: function(d, k, should_look_into_linkname) {
if (!d) { // no datum, ignoring update
} else if (d.children == undefined) {
return d;
var next;
if (should_look_into_linkname) {
for (var n in d.children) {
var c = d.children[n];
if (c.linkname == k) {
next = c;
} else {
next = d.children[k];
return next;
$.proxyMapper = ProxyMapper;
$.fn.proxyMapper = function(options) {
var pickerArgs = arguments;
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
inst = $this.data('proxyMapper'),
options = ((typeof option === 'object') ? option : {});
if ((!inst) && (typeof option !== 'string')) {
$this.data('proxyMapper', new ProxyMapper($this, options));
} else {
if (typeof option === 'string') {
inst[option].apply(inst, Array.prototype.slice.call(pickerArgs, 1));
$.fn.proxyMapper.constructor = ProxyMapper;