
176 lines
4.8 KiB

/* VARS */
var date;
var eventPie = ["#eventPie"];
var eventLine = ["#eventLine"];
var categPie = ["#categPie"];
var categLine = ["#categLine"];
var tagPie = ["#tagPie"];
var tagLine = ["#tagLine"];
var sightingEventPieWidget;
var sightingCategLineWidget;
var datePickerOptions = {
showOn: "button",
maxDate: 0,
buttonImage: urlIconCalendar,
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: "Select date",
showAnim: "slideDown",
onSelect: dateChanged
var lineChartOption = {
lines: {
show: true,
steps: true,
fill: true
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
minTickSize: [1, "day"],
legend: {
show: false,
var pieChartOption = {
series: {
pie: {
innerRadius: 0.5,
show: true,
label: {
show: false,
legend: {
show: true,
labelFormatter: legendFormatter
function getTextColour(rgb) {
var r = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(0,2));
var g = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(2,4));
var b = parseInt('0x'+rgb.substring(4,6));
var avg = ((2 * r) + b + (3 * g))/6;
if (avg < 128) {
return 'white';
} else {
return 'black';
function legendFormatter(label, series) {
try {
// transforming true into "true", removing unwanted "
var jsonLabel = label.replace(/\"/g, "").replace(/True/g, "\"True\"").replace(/False/g, "\"False\"").replace(/\'/g, "\"")
jsonLabel = JSON.parse(jsonLabel);
var backgroundColor = jsonLabel.colour;
var color = getTextColour(backgroundColor.substring(1,6));;
var labelText = jsonLabel.name;
return '<div '
+ 'style="font-size:8pt;text-align:inherit;padding:2px;">'
+ '<a class="tagElem" style="background-color: '+ backgroundColor + ';'
+ 'color: ' + color + ';"> ' + labelText + '</a>'
+ '</div>';
} catch(err) {
return '<div '
+ '<a class="tagElem"> ' + label
+ '</a>';
function updatePie(pie, data) {
pieID = pie[0];
pieWidget = pie[1];
if (data === undefined || data.length == 0 || (data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0)) {
toPlot = [{ label: 'No data', data: 100 }];
} else {
toPlot = [];
for (var item of data) {
toPlot.push({label: item[0], data: item[1]});
if (!(pieWidget === undefined)) {
} else {
pieWidget = $.plot(pieID, toPlot, pieChartOption);
function updateLine(line, data) {
lineID = line[0];
lineWidget = line[1];
// formating - Generate empty data
toPlot_obj = {};
allDates = [];
for (var arr of data) {
var date = new Date(arr[0]*1000);
var items = arr[1];
if (items.length > 0) {
for(var item_arr of items) {
var count = item_arr[1];
var item = item_arr[0]
if(toPlot_obj[item] === undefined)
toPlot_obj[item] = {};
toPlot_obj[item][date] = count;
toPlot = []
for (var item in toPlot_obj) {
if (toPlot_obj.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
data_toPlot = []
for (var curDate of allDates) {
if (toPlot_obj[item].hasOwnProperty(curDate)) {
data_toPlot.push([curDate, toPlot_obj[item][curDate]])
} else {
data_toPlot.push([curDate, 0])
toPlot.push({label: item, data: data_toPlot})
// plot
if (!(lineWidget === undefined)) {
} else {
lineWidget = $.plot(lineID, toPlot, lineChartOption);
function updatePieLine(pie, line, url) {
$.getJSON( url+"?date="+parseInt(date.getTime()/1000), function( data ) {
updatePie(pie, data[0][1]);
updateLine(line, data);
function dateChanged() {
date = datePickerWidget.datepicker( "getDate" );
updatePieLine(eventPie, eventLine, url_getTrendingEvent)
updatePieLine(categPie, categLine, url_getTrendingCateg)
updatePieLine(tagPie, tagLine, url_getTrendingTag)
$(document).ready(function () {
datePickerWidget = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(datePickerOptions);
datePickerWidget.datepicker("setDate", new Date());
date = datePickerWidget.datepicker( "getDate" );
updatePieLine(eventPie, eventLine, url_getTrendingEvent)
updatePieLine(categPie, categLine, url_getTrendingCateg)
updatePieLine(tagPie, tagLine, url_getTrendingTag)