mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard
263 lines
12 KiB
263 lines
12 KiB
import datetime
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import random
import sys
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
import redis
import geoip2.database
import phonenumbers
import pycountry
import util
from helpers import live_helper
from phonenumbers import geocoder
class InvalidCoordinate(Exception):
class Geo_helper:
def __init__(self, serv_redis_db, cfg):
self.serv_redis_db = serv_redis_db
self.cfg = cfg
self.serv_coord = redis.StrictRedis(
host=cfg.get('RedisGlobal', 'host'),
port=cfg.getint('RedisGlobal', 'port'),
db=cfg.getint('RedisMap', 'db'))
self.live_helper = live_helper.Live_helper(serv_redis_db, cfg)
logDir = cfg.get('Log', 'directory')
logfilename = cfg.get('Log', 'helpers_filename')
logPath = os.path.join(logDir, logfilename)
if not os.path.exists(logDir):
handler = logging.FileHandler(logPath)
except PermissionError as error:
print("Please fix the above and try again.")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.keyCategCoord = "GEO_COORD"
self.keyCategCountry = "GEO_COUNTRY"
self.keyCategRad = "GEO_RAD"
self.PATH_TO_DB = cfg.get('RedisMap', 'pathMaxMindDB')
self.PATH_TO_JSON = cfg.get('RedisMap', 'path_countrycode_to_coord_JSON')
self.CHANNELDISP = cfg.get('RedisMap', 'channelDisp')
self.reader = geoip2.database.Reader(self.PATH_TO_DB)
except PermissionError as error:
print("Please fix the above and try again.")
self.country_to_iso = {}
for country in pycountry.countries:
self.country_to_iso[country.name] = country.alpha_2
except AttributeError:
with open(self.PATH_TO_JSON) as f:
self.country_code_to_coord = json.load(f)
''' GET '''
def getTopCoord(self, date):
topNum = 6 # default Num
data = util.getZrange(self.serv_redis_db, self.keyCategCoord, date, topNum)
return data
def getHitMap(self, date):
topNum = 0 # all
data = util.getZrange(self.serv_redis_db, self.keyCategCountry, date, topNum)
return data
def getCoordsByRadius(self, dateStart, dateEnd, centerLat, centerLon, radius):
dico_coord = {}
to_return = []
delta = dateEnd - dateStart
for i in range(delta.days+1):
correctDatetime = dateStart + datetime.timedelta(days=i)
date_str = util.getDateStrFormat(correctDatetime)
keyname = "{}:{}".format(self.keyCategRad, date_str)
res = self.serv_redis_db.georadius(keyname, centerLon, centerLat, radius, unit='km', withcoord=True)
#sum up really close coord
for data, coord in res:
flag_added = False
coord = [coord[0], coord[1]]
#list all coord
for dicoCoordStr in dico_coord.keys():
dicoCoord = json.loads(dicoCoordStr)
#if curCoord close to coord
if self.isCloseTo(dicoCoord, coord):
#add data to dico coord
flag_added = True
# coord not in dic
if not flag_added:
dico_coord[str(coord)] = [data]
for dicoCoord, array in dico_coord.items():
dicoCoord = json.loads(dicoCoord)
to_return.append([array, dicoCoord])
return to_return
''' ADD '''
def getCoordFromIpAndPublish(self, supposed_ip, categ):
rep = self.ip_to_coord(supposed_ip)
coord = rep['coord']
coord_dic = {'lat': coord['lat'], 'lon': coord['lon']}
ordDic = OrderedDict() #keep fields with the same layout in redis
ordDic['lat'] = coord_dic['lat']
ordDic['lon'] = coord_dic['lon']
ordDic['categ'] = categ
ordDic['value'] = supposed_ip
coord_list = [coord['lat'], coord['lon']]
if not self.coordinate_list_valid(coord_list):
raise InvalidCoordinate("Coordinate do not match EPSG:900913 / EPSG:3785 / OSGEO:41001")
self.push_to_redis_zset(self.keyCategCoord, json.dumps(ordDic))
iso_code = rep['full_rep'].country.iso_code if rep['full_rep'].country.iso_code is not None else rep['full_rep'].registered_country.iso_code
country_name = rep['full_rep'].country.name if rep['full_rep'].country.name is not None else rep['full_rep'].registered_country.name
self.push_to_redis_zset(self.keyCategCountry, iso_code)
ordDic = OrderedDict() #keep fields with the same layout in redis
ordDic['categ'] = categ
ordDic['value'] = supposed_ip
self.push_to_redis_geo(self.keyCategRad, coord['lon'], coord['lat'], json.dumps(ordDic))
to_send = {
"coord": coord,
"categ": categ,
"value": supposed_ip,
"country": country_name,
"specifName": rep['full_rep'].subdivisions.most_specific.name,
"cityName": rep['full_rep'].city.name,
"regionCode": iso_code,
j_to_send = json.dumps(to_send)
self.serv_coord.publish(self.CHANNELDISP, j_to_send)
self.live_helper.add_to_stream_log_cache('Map', j_to_send)
self.logger.info('Published: {}'.format(json.dumps(to_send)))
except ValueError:
self.logger.warning("Can't resolve IP: " + str(supposed_ip))
except geoip2.errors.AddressNotFoundError:
self.logger.warning("Address not in Database")
except InvalidCoordinate:
self.logger.warning("Coordinate do not follow redis specification")
def getCoordFromPhoneAndPublish(self, phoneNumber, categ):
rep = phonenumbers.parse(phoneNumber, None)
if not (phonenumbers.is_valid_number(rep) or phonenumbers.is_possible_number(rep)):
self.logger.warning("Phone number not valid")
country_name = geocoder.country_name_for_number(rep, "en")
country_code = self.country_to_iso[country_name]
if country_code is None:
self.logger.warning("Non matching ISO_CODE")
coord = self.country_code_to_coord[country_code.lower()] # countrycode is in upper case
coord_dic = {'lat': coord['lat'], 'lon': coord['long']}
ordDic = OrderedDict() #keep fields with the same layout in redis
ordDic['lat'] = coord_dic['lat']
ordDic['lon'] = coord_dic['lon']
coord_list = [coord['lat'], coord['long']]
if not self.coordinate_list_valid(coord_list):
raise InvalidCoordinate("Coordinate do not match EPSG:900913 / EPSG:3785 / OSGEO:41001")
self.push_to_redis_zset(self.keyCategCoord, json.dumps(ordDic))
self.push_to_redis_zset(self.keyCategCountry, country_code)
ordDic = OrderedDict() #keep fields with the same layout in redis
ordDic['categ'] = categ
ordDic['value'] = phoneNumber
self.push_to_redis_geo(self.keyCategRad, coord['long'], coord['lat'], json.dumps(ordDic))
to_send = {
"coord": coord_dic,
"categ": categ,
"value": phoneNumber,
"country": country_name,
"specifName": "",
"cityName": "",
"regionCode": country_code,
j_to_send = json.dumps(to_send)
self.serv_coord.publish(self.CHANNELDISP, j_to_send)
self.live_helper.add_to_stream_log_cache('Map', j_to_send)
self.logger.info('Published: {}'.format(json.dumps(to_send)))
except phonenumbers.NumberParseException:
self.logger.warning("Can't resolve phone number country")
except InvalidCoordinate:
self.logger.warning("Coordinate do not follow redis specification")
''' UTIL '''
def push_to_redis_geo(self, keyCateg, lon, lat, content):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
today_str = util.getDateStrFormat(now)
keyname = "{}:{}".format(keyCateg, today_str)
self.serv_redis_db.geoadd(keyname, lon, lat, content)
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as error:
print("Please fix the above, and make sure you use a redis version that supports the GEOADD command.")
print("To test for support: echo \"help GEOADD\"| redis-cli")
self.logger.debug('Added to redis: keyname={}, lon={}, lat={}, content={}'.format(keyname, lon, lat, content))
def push_to_redis_zset(self, keyCateg, toAdd, endSubkey="", count=1):
if not isinstance(toAdd, str):
self.logger.warning('Can\'t add to redis, element is not of type String. {}'.format(type(toAdd)))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
today_str = util.getDateStrFormat(now)
keyname = "{}:{}{}".format(keyCateg, today_str, endSubkey)
self.serv_redis_db.zincrby(keyname, count, toAdd)
self.logger.debug('Added to redis: keyname={}, toAdd={}, count={}'.format(keyname, toAdd, count))
def ip_to_coord(self, ip):
resp = self.reader.city(ip)
lat = float(resp.location.latitude)
lon = float(resp.location.longitude)
except TypeError: # No location, try to use iso_code instead
self.logger.info('no location in geIP.database response for ip: {}'.format(ip))
iso_code = resp.registered_country.iso_code #if no iso_code, throws
coord = self.country_code_to_coord[iso_code.lower()] # countrycode is in upper case
lat = float(coord['lat'])
lon = float(coord['long'])
# 0.0001 correspond to ~10m
# Cast the float so that it has the correct float format
lat_corrected = float("{:.4f}".format(lat))
lon_corrected = float("{:.4f}".format(lon))
return { 'coord': {'lat': lat_corrected, 'lon': lon_corrected}, 'full_rep': resp }
def isCloseTo(self, coord1, coord2):
clusterMeter = self.cfg.getfloat('GEO' ,'clusteringDistance')
clusterThres = math.pow(10, len(str(abs(clusterMeter)))-7) #map meter to coord threshold (~ big approx)
if abs(float(coord1[0]) - float(coord2[0])) <= clusterThres:
if abs(float(coord1[1]) - float(coord2[1])) <= clusterThres:
return True
return False
# adjust latitude and longitude to fit the limit, as specified
# by EPSG:900913 / EPSG:3785 / OSGEO:41001
# coord_list = [lat, lon]
def coordinate_list_valid(self, coord_list):
lat = float(coord_list[0])
lon = float(coord_list[1])
if (-180 <= lon <= 180) and (-85.05112878 <= lat <= 85.05112878):
return True
return False