A production ready Docker MISP image (formerly hosted at https://github.com/ostefano/docker-misp, now deprecated) loosely based on CoolAcid and DSCO builds, with nearly all logic rewritten and verified for correctness and portability.
-`docker-compose pull` if you want to use pre-built images or `docker-compose build` if you want to build your own (see the `Troubleshooting` section in case of errors)
- It is recommended to specify the build you want run by editing `docker-compose.yml` (see here for the list of available tags https://github.com/orgs/MISP/packages)
- If you need to automatically run additional steps each time the container starts, create a new file `files/customize_misp.sh`, and replace the variable `${CUSTOM_PATH}` inside `docker-compose.yml` with its parent path.
- Make sure you run a fairly recent version of Docker and Docker Compose (if in doubt, update following the steps outlined in https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/)
- Some Linux distributions provide a recent version of Docker but a legacy version of Docker Compose, so you can try running `docker compose` instead of `docker-compose`
- Make sure you are not running an old image or container; when in doubt run `docker system prune --volumes` and clone this repository into an empty directory
A GitHub Action builds both `misp-core` and `misp-modules` images automatically and pushes them to the [GitHub Package registry](https://github.com/orgs/MISP/packages). We do not use tags inside the repository; instead we tag images as they are pushed to the registry. For each build, `misp-core` and `misp-modules` images are tagged as follows:
-`misp-core:${commit-sha1}[0:7]` and `misp-modules:${commit-sha1}[0:7]` where `${commit-sha1}` is the commit hash triggering the build
-`misp-core:latest` and `misp-modules:latest` in order to track the latest builds available
-`misp-core:${CORE_TAG}` and `misp-modules:${MODULES_TAG}` reflecting the underlying version of MISP and MISP modules (as specified inside the `template.env` file at build time)