ARG DOCKER_HUB_PROXY="" FROM "${DOCKER_HUB_PROXY}python:3.12-slim-bookworm" AS php-base ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive # Uncomment when building in corporate environments # COPY ./cert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootca.pem # COPY ./cert.pem /usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem RUN apt-get update; apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ lsb-release \ ca-certificates \ curl FROM php-base AS composer-build ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ENV COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER 1 ARG CORE_TAG ARG CORE_COMMIT RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ php8.2 \ php8.2-apcu \ php8.2-curl \ php8.2-xml \ php8.2-intl \ php8.2-bcmath \ php8.2-mbstring \ php8.2-mysql \ php8.2-redis \ php8.2-gd \ php8.2-fpm \ php8.2-zip \ unzip \ && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR /tmp RUN curl -o /tmp/composer.json${CORE_COMMIT:-${CORE_TAG}}/app/composer.json COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer RUN composer config --no-interaction allow-plugins.composer/installers true RUN composer install RUN composer require --with-all-dependencies --no-interaction \ elasticsearch/elasticsearch:^8.7.0 \ jakub-onderka/openid-connect-php:^1.0.0 \ aws/aws-sdk-php FROM php-base AS php-build ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ENV TZ Etc/UTC RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ gcc \ g++ \ git \ make \ php8.2 \ php8.2-dev \ php8.2-xml \ php-pear \ libbrotli-dev \ libfuzzy-dev \ librdkafka-dev \ libsimdjson-dev \ libzstd-dev \ && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.2 RUN update-alternatives --set php-config /usr/bin/php-config8.2 RUN update-alternatives --set phpize /usr/bin/phpize8.2 RUN cp "/usr/lib/$(gcc -dumpmachine)"/libfuzzy.* /usr/lib RUN pecl channel-update && \ pecl install rdkafka && \ pecl install simdjson && \ pecl install zstd && \ pecl install brotli # install pecl-text-ssdeep 1.2 RUN git clone --recursive --depth=1 /tmp/pecl-text-ssdeep RUN cd /tmp/pecl-text-ssdeep && phpize && ./configure && make && make install FROM php-base AS python-build ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ARG CORE_TAG ARG CORE_COMMIT ARG PYPI_REDIS_VERSION ARG PYPI_LIEF_VERSION ARG PYPI_PYDEEP2_VERSION ARG PYPI_PYTHON_MAGIC_VERSION ARG PYPI_MISP_LIB_STIX2_VERSION ARG PYPI_MAEC_VERSION ARG PYPI_MIXBOX_VERSION ARG PYPI_CYBOX_VERSION ARG PYPI_PYMISP_VERSION ARG PYPI_MISP_STIX_VERSION RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ git \ && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Download MISP using git in the /var/www/ directory. Remove unnecessary items. RUN <<-EOF if [ ! -z "${CORE_COMMIT}" ]; then git clone /var/www/MISP && cd /var/www/MISP && git checkout "${CORE_COMMIT}" else git clone --branch "${CORE_TAG}" --depth 1 /var/www/MISP fi cd /var/www/MISP || exit; git submodule update --init --recursive . EOF RUN <<-EOF mkdir /wheels # Add additional dependencies (container specific) # The "set" line contains the list of modules we want to ensure are present. # PYPI_MODULE_NAME_VERSION env vars can be set to specify the version desired, # e.g. PYPI_SURICATA_VERSION="==2.0" to specify exactly version 2.0 for the suricata package # # 1. Check for presence of each module in requirements.txt # 2. If missing, add it (with optional version from env (defaults to empty string)) # 3. If present, replace with our specified version if it exists, otherwise leave # the upstream version alone. set -- "redis" "lief" "pydeep2" "python-magic" "misp-lib-stix2" "maec" "mixbox" "cybox" "pymisp" "misp-stix" for mod in "$@"; do mod_version_var=$(echo "PYPI_${mod}_VERSION" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr '-' '_') mod_version=$(eval "echo \"\$$mod_version_var\"") grep -q ${mod} /var/www/MISP/requirements.txt exists=$? if [ "${exists}" -eq "1" ]; then echo "Adding missing module ${mod} with version '${mod_version}'" echo ${mod}${mod_version} >> /var/www/MISP/requirements.txt else if [ "$(echo ${mod_version} | wc -m)" -gt 1 ]; then echo "Overwriting existing module ${mod}, version '${mod_version}'" sed -i "/${mod}/s/.*/${mod}${mod_version}/" /var/www/MISP/requirements.txt else echo "Skipping overwriting ${mod} due to missing version variable" fi fi done; pip wheel --no-cache-dir -w /wheels/ -r /var/www/MISP/requirements.txt # Remove files we do not care for find /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/* ! -name 'MYSQL.sql' -type f -exec rm {} + find /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/* ! -name 'MYSQL.sql' -type l -exec rm {} + # Remove most files in .git - we do not use git functionality in docker find /var/www/MISP/.git/* ! -name HEAD -exec rm -rf {} + # Remove libraries submodules rm -r /var/www/MISP/PyMISP rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/cti-python-stix2 rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/misp-stix rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/mixbox rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/python-cybox rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/python-maec rm -r /var/www/MISP/app/files/scripts/python-stix EOF FROM php-base ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ARG CORE_TAG ARG CORE_COMMIT ARG PHP_VER RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ gettext \ procps \ sudo \ nginx \ supervisor \ cron \ openssl \ gpg \ gpg-agent \ mariadb-client \ rsync \ # PHP Requirements php8.2 \ php8.2-apcu \ php8.2-curl \ php8.2-xml \ php8.2-intl \ php8.2-bcmath \ php8.2-mbstring \ php8.2-mysql \ php8.2-redis \ php8.2-gd \ php8.2-fpm \ php8.2-zip \ php8.2-ldap \ libmagic1 \ libldap-common \ librdkafka1 \ libbrotli1 \ libsimdjson14 \ libzstd1 \ ssdeep \ libfuzzy2 \ # Unsure we need these zip unzip \ # Require for advanced an unattended configuration curl jq \ && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.2 # Install python modules COPY --from=python-build /wheels /wheels RUN pip install --no-cache-dir /wheels/*.whl && rm -rf /wheels # PHP: install prebuilt libraries, then install the app's PHP deps COPY --from=php-build ["/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/", "/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/", "/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/", "/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/", "/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/", "/usr/lib/php/${PHP_VER}/"] # Do an early chown to limit image size COPY --from=python-build --chown=www-data:www-data --chmod=0550 /var/www/MISP /var/www/MISP COPY --from=composer-build --chown=www-data:www-data --chmod=0550 /tmp/composer.lock /var/www/MISP/app/composer.lock COPY --from=composer-build --chown=www-data:www-data --chmod=0550 /tmp/Vendor /var/www/MISP/app/Vendor COPY --from=composer-build --chown=www-data:www-data --chmod=0550 /tmp/Plugin /var/www/MISP/app/Plugin # 'setuptools' is needed at runtime by 'mixbox' RUN pip install setuptools RUN cp /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ \ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/mixbox/ RUN sed -i 's/from distutils\.version/from mixbox.distutils_version/' \ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/mixbox/ RUN pip uninstall -y setuptools pip # Gather these in one layer, only act on actual directories under /etc/php/ RUN <<-EOF set -- "ssdeep" "rdkafka" "brotli" "simdjson" "zstd" for mod in "$@"; do for dir in /etc/php/*/; do echo "extension=${mod}.so" > "${dir}mods-available/${mod}.ini" done; phpenmod "${mod}" done; phpenmod redis EOF # nginx RUN rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; mkdir -p /run/php /etc/nginx/certs # Make a copy of the file and configuration stores, so we can sync from it # The spirit of the upstream dockerization is to make: # 1) User and group aligned in terms of permissions # 2) Files executable and read only, because of some rogue scripts like 'cake' # 3) Directories writable, because sometimes MISP add new files RUN <<-EOF cp -R /var/www/MISP/app/files /var/www/MISP/app/files.dist echo "${CORE_COMMIT:-${CORE_TAG}}" > /var/www/MISP/app/files/VERSION cp -R /var/www/MISP/app/Config /var/www/MISP/app/Config.dist find /var/www/MISP \( ! -user www-data -or ! -group www-data \) -exec chown www-data:www-data '{}' +; find /var/www/MISP -not -perm 550 -type f -exec chmod 0550 '{}' +; find /var/www/MISP -not -perm 770 -type d -exec chmod 0770 '{}' +; # Diagnostics wants this file to be present and writable even if we do not use git in docker land touch /var/www/MISP/.git/ORIG_HEAD && chmod 0600 /var/www/MISP/.git/ORIG_HEAD && chown www-data:www-data /var/www/MISP/.git/ORIG_HEAD EOF # Copy all our image specific files to appropriate locations COPY files/ / ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ] # Change Workdirectory WORKDIR /var/www/MISP