#!/bin/bash term_proc() { echo "Entrypoint NGINX caught SIGTERM signal!" echo "Killing process $master_pid" kill -TERM "$master_pid" 2>/dev/null } trap term_proc SIGTERM init_mysql(){ # Test when MySQL is ready.... # wait for Database come ready isDBup () { echo "SHOW STATUS" | $MYSQL_CMD 1>/dev/null echo $? } isDBinitDone () { # Table attributes has existed since at least v2.1 echo "DESCRIBE attributes" | $MYSQL_CMD 1>/dev/null echo $? } RETRY=100 until [ $(isDBup) -eq 0 ] || [ $RETRY -le 0 ] ; do echo "... waiting for database to come up" sleep 5 RETRY=$(( RETRY - 1)) done if [ $RETRY -le 0 ]; then >&2 echo "... error: Could not connect to Database on $MYSQL_HOST:$MYSQL_PORT" exit 1 fi if [ $(isDBinitDone) -eq 0 ]; then echo "... database has already been initialized" export DB_ALREADY_INITIALISED=true else echo "... database has not been initialized, importing MySQL scheme..." $MYSQL_CMD < /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/MYSQL.sql fi } init_misp_data_files(){ # Init config (shared with host) echo "... initialize configuration files" MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH=/var/www/MISP/app/Config # workaround for https://forums.docker.com/t/sed-couldnt-open-temporary-file-xyz-permission-denied-when-using-virtiofs/125473 # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/bootstrap.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/bootstrap.default.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/bootstrap.php # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/database.default.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/core.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/core.default.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/core.php # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/config.default.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/email.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php # [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/routes.php ] || cp $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/routes.php $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/routes.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/bootstrap.php ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/bootstrap.default.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/bootstrap.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/database.default.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/core.php ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/core.default.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/core.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php.template ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/config.default.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php.template [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php ] || echo -e "" > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/config.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/email.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php [ -f $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/routes.php ] || dd if=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH.dist/routes.php of=$MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/routes.php echo "... initialize database.php settings" # workaround for https://forums.docker.com/t/sed-couldnt-open-temporary-file-xyz-permission-denied-when-using-virtiofs/125473 # sed -i "s/localhost/$MYSQL_HOST/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php # sed -i "s/db\s*login/$MYSQL_USER/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php # sed -i "s/3306/$MYSQL_PORT/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php # sed -i "s/db\s*password/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php # sed -i "s/'database' => 'misp'/'database' => '$MYSQL_DATABASE'/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php chmod +w $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php sed "s/localhost/$MYSQL_HOST/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php > tmp; cat tmp > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php; rm tmp sed "s/db\s*login/$MYSQL_USER/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php > tmp; cat tmp > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php; rm tmp sed "s/3306/$MYSQL_PORT/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php > tmp; cat tmp > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php; rm tmp sed "s/db\s*password/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php > tmp; cat tmp > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php; rm tmp sed "s/'database' => 'misp'/'database' => '$MYSQL_DATABASE'/" $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php > tmp; cat tmp > $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/database.php; rm tmp echo "... initialize email.php settings" chmod +w $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php tee $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php > /dev/null < 'Smtp', 'from' => array('misp-dev@admin.test' => 'Misp DEV'), 'host' => '$SMTP_FQDN', 'port' => 25, 'timeout' => 30, 'client' => null, 'log' => false, ); public \$smtp = array( 'transport' => 'Smtp', 'from' => array('misp-dev@admin.test' => 'Misp DEV'), 'host' => '$SMTP_FQDN', 'port' => 25, 'timeout' => 30, 'client' => null, 'log' => false, ); public \$fast = array( 'from' => 'misp-dev@admin.test', 'sender' => null, 'to' => null, 'cc' => null, 'bcc' => null, 'replyTo' => null, 'readReceipt' => null, 'returnPath' => null, 'messageId' => true, 'subject' => null, 'message' => null, 'headers' => null, 'viewRender' => null, 'template' => false, 'layout' => false, 'viewVars' => null, 'attachments' => null, 'emailFormat' => null, 'transport' => 'Smtp', 'host' => '$SMTP_FQDN', 'port' => 25, 'timeout' => 30, 'client' => null, 'log' => true, ); } EOT chmod -w $MISP_APP_CONFIG_PATH/email.php # Init files (shared with host) echo "... initialize app files" MISP_APP_FILES_PATH=/var/www/MISP/app/files if [ ! -f ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/INIT ]; then cp -R ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}.dist/* ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH} touch ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/INIT fi } update_misp_data_files(){ # If $MISP_APP_FILES_PATH was not changed since the build, skip file updates there FILES_VERSION= MISP_APP_FILES_PATH=/var/www/MISP/app/files CORE_COMMIT=${CORE_COMMIT:-${CORE_TAG}} if [ -f ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/VERSION ]; then FILES_VERSION=$(cat ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/VERSION) echo "... found local files/VERSION:" $FILES_VERSION if [ "$FILES_VERSION" = "${CORE_COMMIT:-$(jq -r '"v\(.major).\(.minor).\(.hotfix)"' /var/www/MISP/VERSION.json)}" ]; then echo "... local files/ match distribution version, skipping file sync" return 0; fi fi for DIR in $(ls /var/www/MISP/app/files.dist); do if [ "$DIR" = "certs" ] || [ "$DIR" = "img" ] || [ "$DIR" == "taxonomies" ] ; then echo "... rsync -azh \"/var/www/MISP/app/files.dist/$DIR\" \"/var/www/MISP/app/files/\"" rsync -azh "/var/www/MISP/app/files.dist/$DIR" "/var/www/MISP/app/files/" else echo "... rsync -azh --delete \"/var/www/MISP/app/files.dist/$DIR\" \"/var/www/MISP/app/files/\"" rsync -azh --delete "/var/www/MISP/app/files.dist/$DIR" "/var/www/MISP/app/files/" fi done } enforce_misp_data_permissions(){ # If $MISP_APP_FILES_PATH was not changed since the build, skip file updates there MISP_APP_FILES_PATH=/var/www/MISP/app/files CORE_COMMIT=${CORE_COMMIT:-${CORE_TAG}} if [ -f "${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/VERSION" ] && [ "$(cat ${MISP_APP_FILES_PATH}/VERSION)" = "${CORE_COMMIT:-$(jq -r '"v\(.major).\(.minor).\(.hotfix)"' /var/www/MISP/VERSION.json)}" ]; then echo "... local files/ match distribution version, skipping data permissions in files/" else echo "... chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/MISP/app/tmp" && find /var/www/MISP/app/tmp \( ! -user www-data -or ! -group www-data \) -exec chown www-data:www-data {} + # Files are also executable and read only, because we have some rogue scripts like 'cake' and we can not do a full inventory echo "... chmod -R 0550 files /var/www/MISP/app/tmp" && find /var/www/MISP/app/tmp -not -perm 550 -type f -exec chmod 0550 {} + # Directories are also writable, because there seems to be a requirement to add new files every once in a while echo "... chmod -R 0770 directories /var/www/MISP/app/tmp" && find /var/www/MISP/app/tmp -not -perm 770 -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} + # We make 'files' and 'tmp' (logs) directories and files user and group writable (we removed the SGID bit) echo "... chmod -R u+w,g+w /var/www/MISP/app/tmp" && chmod -R u+w,g+w /var/www/MISP/app/tmp echo "... chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/MISP/app/files" && find /var/www/MISP/app/files \( ! -user www-data -or ! -group www-data \) -exec chown www-data:www-data {} + # Files are also executable and read only, because we have some rogue scripts like 'cake' and we can not do a full inventory echo "... chmod -R 0550 files /var/www/MISP/app/files" && find /var/www/MISP/app/files -not -perm 550 -type f -exec chmod 0550 {} + # Directories are also writable, because there seems to be a requirement to add new files every once in a while echo "... chmod -R 0770 directories /var/www/MISP/app/files" && find /var/www/MISP/app/files -not -perm 770 -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} + # We make 'files' and 'tmp' (logs) directories and files user and group writable (we removed the SGID bit) echo "... chmod -R u+w,g+w /var/www/MISP/app/files" && chmod -R u+w,g+w /var/www/MISP/app/files fi echo "... chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/MISP/app/Config" && find /var/www/MISP/app/Config \( ! -user www-data -or ! -group www-data \) -exec chown www-data:www-data {} + # Files are also executable and read only, because we have some rogue scripts like 'cake' and we can not do a full inventory echo "... chmod -R 0550 files /var/www/MISP/app/Config ..." && find /var/www/MISP/app/Config -not -perm 550 -type f -exec chmod 0550 {} + # Directories are also writable, because there seems to be a requirement to add new files every once in a while echo "... chmod -R 0770 directories /var/www/MISP/app/Config" && find /var/www/MISP/app/Config -not -perm 770 -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} + # We make configuration files read only echo "... chmod 600 /var/www/MISP/app/Config/{config,database,email}.php" && chmod 600 /var/www/MISP/app/Config/{config,database,email}.php } flip_nginx() { local live="$1"; local reload="$2"; if [[ "$live" = "true" ]]; then NGINX_DOC_ROOT=/var/www/MISP/app/webroot elif [[ -x /custom/files/var/www/html/index.php ]]; then NGINX_DOC_ROOT=/custom/files/var/www/html/ else NGINX_DOC_ROOT=/var/www/html/ fi # must be valid for all roots echo "... nginx docroot set to ${NGINX_DOC_ROOT}" sed -i "s|root.*var/www.*|root ${NGINX_DOC_ROOT};|" /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ "$reload" = "true" ]]; then echo "... nginx reloaded" nginx -s reload fi } init_nginx() { # Adjust timeouts echo "... adjusting 'fastcgi_read_timeout' to ${FASTCGI_READ_TIMEOUT}" sed -i "s/fastcgi_read_timeout .*;/fastcgi_read_timeout ${FASTCGI_READ_TIMEOUT};/" /etc/nginx/includes/misp echo "... adjusting 'fastcgi_send_timeout' to ${FASTCGI_SEND_TIMEOUT}" sed -i "s/fastcgi_send_timeout .*;/fastcgi_send_timeout ${FASTCGI_SEND_TIMEOUT};/" /etc/nginx/includes/misp echo "... adjusting 'fastcgi_connect_timeout' to ${FASTCGI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}" sed -i "s/fastcgi_connect_timeout .*;/fastcgi_connect_timeout ${FASTCGI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT};/" /etc/nginx/includes/misp # Adjust forwarding header settings (clean up first) sed -i '/real_ip_header/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp sed -i '/real_ip_recursive/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp sed -i '/set_real_ip_from/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ "$NGINX_X_FORWARDED_FOR" = "true" ]]; then echo "... enabling X-Forwarded-For header" echo "... setting 'real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For'" echo "... setting 'real_ip_recursive on'" sed -i "/index index.php/a real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;\nreal_ip_recursive on;" /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ ! -z "$NGINX_SET_REAL_IP_FROM" ]]; then SET_REAL_IP_FROM_PRINT=$(echo $NGINX_SET_REAL_IP_FROM | tr ',' '\n') for real_ip in ${SET_REAL_IP_FROM_PRINT[@]}; do echo "... setting 'set_real_ip_from ${real_ip}'" done SET_REAL_IP_FROM=$(echo $NGINX_SET_REAL_IP_FROM | tr ',' '\n' | while read line; do echo -n "set_real_ip_from ${line};\n"; done) SET_REAL_IP_FROM_ESCAPED=$(echo $SET_REAL_IP_FROM | sed '$!s/$/\\/' | sed 's/\\n$//') sed -i "/real_ip_recursive on/a $SET_REAL_IP_FROM_ESCAPED" /etc/nginx/includes/misp fi fi # Adjust Content-Security-Policy echo "... adjusting Content-Security-Policy" # Remove any existing CSP header sed -i '/add_header Content-Security-Policy/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ -n "$CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY" ]]; then # If $CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY is set, add CSP header echo "... setting Content-Security-Policy to '$CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY'" sed -i "/add_header X-Download-Options/a add_header Content-Security-Policy \"$CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY\";" /etc/nginx/includes/misp else # Otherwise, do not add any CSP headers echo "... no Content-Security-Policy header will be set as CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY is not defined" fi # Adjust X-Frame-Options echo "... adjusting X-Frame-Options" # Remove any existing X-Frame-Options header sed -i '/add_header X-Frame-Options/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ -z "$X_FRAME_OPTIONS" ]]; then echo "... setting 'X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN'" sed -i "/add_header X-Download-Options/a add_header X-Frame-Options \"SAMEORIGIN\" always;" /etc/nginx/includes/misp else echo "... setting 'X-Frame-Options $X_FRAME_OPTIONS'" sed -i "/add_header X-Download-Options/a add_header X-Frame-Options \"$X_FRAME_OPTIONS\";" /etc/nginx/includes/misp fi # Adjust HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) echo "... adjusting HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)" # Remove any existing HSTS header sed -i '/add_header Strict-Transport-Security/d' /etc/nginx/includes/misp if [[ -n "$HSTS_MAX_AGE" ]]; then # If $HSTS_MAX_AGE is defined, add the HSTS header echo "... setting HSTS to 'max-age=$HSTS_MAX_AGE; includeSubdomains'" sed -i "/add_header X-Download-Options/a add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=$HSTS_MAX_AGE; includeSubdomains\";" /etc/nginx/includes/misp else # Otherwise, do nothing, keeping without the HSTS header echo "... no HSTS header will be set as HSTS_MAX_AGE is not defined" fi # Testing for files also test for links, and generalize better to mounted files if [[ ! -f "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80" ]]; then echo "... enabling port 80 redirect" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/misp80 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 else echo "... port 80 already enabled" fi if [[ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "true" ]]; then echo "... disabling IPv6 on port 80" sed -i "s/[^#] listen \[/ # listen \[/" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 else echo "... enabling IPv6 on port 80" sed -i "s/# listen \[/listen \[/" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 fi if [[ "$DISABLE_SSL_REDIRECT" = "true" ]]; then echo "... disabling SSL redirect" sed -i "s/[^#] return / # return /" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 sed -i "s/# include /include /" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 else echo "... enabling SSL redirect" sed -i "s/[^#] include / # include /" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 sed -i "s/# return /return /" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp80 fi # Testing for files also test for links, and generalize better to mounted files if [[ ! -f "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp443" ]]; then echo "... enabling port 443" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/misp443 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp443 else echo "... port 443 already enabled" fi if [[ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "true" ]]; then echo "... disabling IPv6 on port 443" sed -i "s/[^#] listen \[/ # listen \[/" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp443 else echo "... enabling IPv6 on port 443" sed -i "s/# listen \[/listen \[/" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/misp443 fi if [[ ! -f /etc/nginx/certs/cert.pem || ! -f /etc/nginx/certs/key.pem ]]; then echo "... generating new self-signed TLS certificate" openssl req -x509 -subj '/CN=localhost' -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/nginx/certs/key.pem -out /etc/nginx/certs/cert.pem -days 365 \ -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost, IP:, IP:::1" else echo "... TLS certificates found" fi if [[ ! -f /etc/nginx/certs/dhparams.pem ]]; then echo "... generating new DH parameters" openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/certs/dhparams.pem 2048 else echo "... DH parameters found" fi if [[ "$FASTCGI_STATUS_LISTEN" != "" ]]; then echo "... enabling php-fpm status page" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/php-fpm-status /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/php-fpm-status sed -i -E "s/ listen [^;]+/ listen $FASTCGI_STATUS_LISTEN" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/php-fpm-status elif [[ -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/php-fpm-status ]]; then echo "... disabling php-fpm status page" rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/php-fpm-status fi flip_nginx false false } # Initialize MySQL echo "INIT | Initialize MySQL ..." && init_mysql # Initialize NGINX echo "INIT | Initialize NGINX ..." && init_nginx nginx -g 'daemon off;' & master_pid=$! # Initialize MISP echo "INIT | Initialize MISP files and configurations ..." && init_misp_data_files echo "INIT | Update MISP app/files directory ..." && update_misp_data_files echo "INIT | Enforce MISP permissions ..." && enforce_misp_data_permissions echo "INIT | Flip NGINX live ..." && flip_nginx true true # Run configure MISP script echo "INIT | Configure MISP installation ..." /configure_misp.sh if [[ -x /custom/files/customize_misp.sh ]]; then echo "INIT | Customize MISP installation ..." /custom/files/customize_misp.sh fi # Restart PHP workers echo "INIT | Configure PHP ..." supervisorctl restart php-fpm echo "INIT | Done ..." # Wait for it wait "$master_pid"