argParser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate documentation from MISP galaxy clusters',epilog='Available galaxy clusters are {0}'.format(clusters))
dedication="\n[dedication]\n== Funding and Support\nThe MISP project is financially and resource supported by[CIRCL Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg ].\n\nimage:{images-misp}logo.png[CIRCL logo]\n\nA CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) funding under CEF-TC-2016-3 - Cyber Security has been granted from 1st September 2017 until 31th August 2019 as ***Improving MISP as building blocks for next-generation information sharing***.\n\nimage:{images-misp}en_cef.png[CEF funding]\n\nIf you are interested to co-fund projects around MISP, feel free to get in touch with us.\n\n"
doc=doc+"The MISP threat sharing platform is a free and open source software helping information sharing of threat intelligence including cyber security indicators, financial fraud or counter-terrorism information. The MISP project includes multiple sub-projects to support the operational requirements of analysts and improve the overall quality of information shared.\n\n"
doc="{}{}".format(doc,"\nMISP galaxy is a simple method to express a large object called cluster that can be attached to MISP events or attributes. A cluster can be composed of one or more elements. Elements are expressed as key-values. There are default vocabularies available in MISP galaxy but those can be overwritten, replaced or updated as you wish. Existing clusters and vocabularies can be used as-is or as a template. MISP distribution can be applied to each cluster to permit a limited or broader distribution scheme.\n")
output="\n{}.\n\n{}{}{}{}.json[*this location*] {}.\n".format(content,'NOTE: ',title,'is a cluster galaxy available in JSON format at',title.lower(),' The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in[MISP]')