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add: [dark-pattern] updates the README

Jean-Louis Huynen 2019-12-04 09:44:39 +01:00 commit de GitHub
commit 62e88bd2c7
Nenhuma chave conhecida encontrada para esta assinatura no banco de dados
ID da chave GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 arquivos alterados com 1 adições e 0 exclusões

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ to localized information (which is not shared) or additional information (that c
- [clusters/sectors.json](clusters/sectors.json) - Activity sectors
- [clusters/cert-eu-govsector.json](clusters/cert-eu-govsector.json) - Cert EU GovSector
- [clusters/social-dark-patterns.json](clusters/social-dark-patterns.json) - Social Engineering - Dark Patterns
# Available Vocabularies