MISP galaxy is a simple method to express a large object called cluster that can be attached to MISP events or
attributes. A cluster can be composed of one or more elements. Elements are expressed as key-values. There
are default vocabularies available in MISP galaxy but those can be overwritten, replaced or updated as you wish.
are default knowledge base (such as Threat Actors, Tools, Ransomware, ATT&CK matrixes) available in MISP galaxy
but those can be overwritten, replaced, updated, forked and shared as you wish.
Existing clusters and vocabularies can be used as-is or as a template. MISP distribution can be applied
Existing clusters and vocabularies can be used as-is or as a common knowledge base. MISP distribution can be applied
to each cluster to permit a limited or broader distribution scheme.
Vocabularies are from existing standards (like STIX, Veris, MISP and so on) or custom ones.
Galaxies can be also used to expressed existing matrix-like standards such as MITRE ATT&CK(tm) or custom ones.
The objective is to have a comment set of clusters for organizations starting analysis but that can be expanded
to localized information (which is not shared) or additional information (that can be shared).
# Available clusters
- [clusters/android.json](clusters/android.json) - Android malware galaxy based on multiple open sources.
- [clusters/banker.json](clusters/banker.json) - A list of banker malware.
- [clusters/stealer.json](clusters/stealer.json) - A list of malware stealer.
- [clusters/backdoor.json](clusters/backdoor.json) - A list of backdoor malware.
- [clusters/botnet.json](clusters/botnet.json) - A list of known botnets.
- [clusters/branded_vulnerability.json](clusters/branded_vulnerability.json) - List of known vulnerabilities and exploits.
- [clusters/exploit-kit.json](clusters/exploit-kit.json) - Exploit-Kit is an enumeration of some exploitation kits used by adversaries. The list includes document, browser and router exploit kits. It's not meant to be totally exhaustive but aim at covering the most seen in the past 5 years.
- [clusters/microsoft-activity-group.json](clusters/microsoft-activity-group.json) - Activity groups as described by Microsoft.
- [clusters/ransomware.json](clusters/ransomware.json) - Ransomware galaxy based on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/pubhtml
- [clusters/rat.json](clusters/rat.json) - remote administration tool or remote access tool (RAT), also called sometimes remote access trojan, is a piece of software or programming that allows a remote "operator" to control a system as if they have physical access to that system.
- [clusters/tds.json](clusters/tds.json) - TDS is a list of Traffic Direction System used by adversaries.
- [clusters/threat-actor.json](clusters/threat-actor.json) - Adversary groups - Known or estimated adversary groups targeting organizations and employees. Adversary groups are regularly confused with their initial operation or campaign. MISP
- [clusters/tool.json](clusters/tool.json) - tool is an enumeration of tools used by adversaries. The list includes malware but also common software regularly used by the adversaries.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-assets.json](clusters/mitre-ics-assets.json) - ICS Assets - A list of asset categories that are commonly found in industrial control systems.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-groups.json](clusters/mitre-ics-groups.json) - ICS Groups - Groups are sets of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-levels.json](clusters/mitre-ics-levels.json) - ICS Levels - Based on the Purdue Model to aid ATT&CK for ICS users to understand which techniques are applicable to their environment.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-software.json](clusters/mitre-ics-software.json) - ICS Software - Software is a generic term for custom or commercial code, operating system utilities, open-source software, or other tools used to conduct behavior modeled in ATT&CK for ICS.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-tactics.json](clusters/mitre-ics-tactics.json) - ICS Tectics - A list of all tactics in ATT&CK for ICS.
- [clusters/mitre-ics-techniques.json](clusters/mitre-ics-techniques.json) - ICS Techniques - A list of Techniques in ATT&CK for ICS.
- [clusters/cert-eu-govsector.json](clusters/cert-eu-govsector.json) - Cert EU GovSector
- [clusters/social-dark-patterns.json](clusters/social-dark-patterns.json) - Social Engineering - Dark Patterns
# Available Vocabularies
A [readable PDF overview of the MISP galaxy is available](https://www.misp.software/galaxy.pdf) or [HTML](https://www.misp.software/galaxy.html) and generated from the JSON.
# Available Galaxy - clusters
## Common
- [vocabularies/common/certainty-level.json](vocabularies/common/certainty-level.json) - Certainty level of an associated element or cluster.
- [vocabularies/common/threat-actor-type.json](vocabularies/common/threat-actor-type.json) - threat actor type vocab as defined by Cert EU.
- [vocabularies/common/ttp-category.json](vocabularies/common/ttp-category.json) - ttp category vocab as defined by Cert EU.
- [vocabularies/common/ttp-type.json](vocabularies/common/ttp-type.json) - ttp type vocab as defined by Cert EU.
## Android
[Android](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_android) - Android malware galaxy based on multiple open sources.
Category: *tool* - source: *Open Sources* - total: *430* elements
[China Defence Universities Tracker](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_china_defence_universities_tracker) - The China Defence Universities Tracker is a database of Chinese institutions engaged in military or security-related science and technology research. It was created by ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre.
Category: *academic-institution* - source: *ASPI International Cyber Policy Centre* - total: *159* elements
## CONCORDIA Mobile Modelling Framework - Attack Pattern
[CONCORDIA Mobile Modelling Framework - Attack Pattern](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_concordia_mobile_modelling_framework_-_attack_pattern) - A list of Techniques in CONCORDIA Mobile Modelling Framework.
Category: *cmtmf-attack-pattern* - source: *https://5g4iot.vlab.cs.hioa.no/* - total: *93* elements
[Election guidelines](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_election_guidelines) - Universal Development and Security Guidelines as Applicable to Election Technology.
Category: *guidelines* - source: *Open Sources* - total: *23* elements
[Exploit-Kit](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_exploit-kit) - Exploit-Kit is an enumeration of some exploitation kits used by adversaries. The list includes document, browser and router exploit kits.It's not meant to be totally exhaustive but aim at covering the most seen in the past 5 years
Category: *tool* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *52* elements
[Groups](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_groups) - Groups are sets of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. Groups are also sometimes referred to as campaigns or intrusion sets. Some groups have multiple names associated with the same set of activities due to various organizations tracking the same set of activities by different names. Groups are mapped to publicly reported technique use and referenced in the ATT&CK for ICS knowledge base. Groups are also mapped to reported software used during intrusions.
Category: *actor* - source: *https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/Groups* - total: *10* elements
[Levels](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_levels) - Based on the Purdue Model to aid ATT&CK for ICS users to understand which techniques are applicable to their environment.
Category: *level* - source: *https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/All_Levels* - total: *3* elements
[Software](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_software) - Software is a generic term for custom or commercial code, operating system utilities, open-source software, or other tools used to conduct behavior modeled in ATT&CK for ICS.
Category: *tool* - source: *https://collaborate.mitre.org/attackics/index.php/Software* - total: *17* elements
[o365-exchange-techniques](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_o365-exchange-techniques) - o365-exchange-techniques - Office365/Exchange related techniques by @johnLaTwC and @inversecos
[Preventive Measure](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_preventive_measure) - Preventive measures based on the ransomware document overview as published in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/pubhtml# . The preventive measures are quite generic and can fit any standard Windows infrastructure and their security measures.
Category: *measure* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *20* elements
[Ransomware](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_ransomware) - Ransomware galaxy based on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/pubhtml and http://pastebin.com/raw/GHgpWjar
Category: *tool* - source: *Various* - total: *1602* elements
[RAT](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_rat) - remote administration tool or remote access tool (RAT), also called sometimes remote access trojan, is a piece of software or programming that allows a remote "operator" to control a system as if they have physical access to that system.
Category: *tool* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *262* elements
[Dark Patterns](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_dark_patterns) - Dark Patterns are user interface that tricks users into making decisions that benefit the interface's holder to the expense of the user.
Category: *dark-patterns* - source: *CIRCL* - total: *19* elements
[Surveillance Vendor](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_surveillance_vendor) - List of vendors selling surveillance technologies including malware, interception devices or computer exploitation services.
Category: *actor* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *13* elements
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/cert-eu-motive.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/cert-eu-motive.json) - Motive vocab as defined by Cert EU.
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/intended-effect-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/intended-effect.json) - The IntendedEffectVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the intended effect of a threat actor. STIX 1.2.1
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/motivation-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/motivation.json) - The MotivationVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the motivation of a threat actor. STIX 1.2.1
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/planning-and-operational-support-vocabulary.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/planning-and-operational-support.json) - The PlanningAndOperationalSupportVocab is the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the planning and operational support functions available to a threat actor.
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/sophistication.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/sophistication.json) - The ThreatActorSophisticationVocab enumeration is used to define the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the subjective level of sophistication of a threat actor.
- [vocabularies/threat-actor/type.json](vocabularies/threat-actor/type.json) - The ThreatActorTypeVocab enumeration is used to define the default STIX vocabulary for expressing the subjective type of a threat actor.
[Threat Actor](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_threat_actor) - Known or estimated adversary groups targeting organizations and employees. Adversary groups are regularly confused with their initial operation or campaign. threat-actor-classification meta can be used to clarify the understanding of the threat-actor if also considered as operation, campaign or activity group.
## MISP Integration
Category: *actor* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *366* elements
Starting from [MISP 2.4.56](http://www.misp-project.org/2016/12/07/MISP.2.4.56.released.html), galaxy is integrated within the MISP threat sharing platform and users can directly benefit from the available clusters to attach them to the MISP event.
[Tool](https://www.misp-project.org/galaxy.html#_tool) - threat-actor-tools is an enumeration of tools used by adversaries. The list includes malware but also common software regularly used by the adversaries.
Category: *tool* - source: *MISP Project* - total: *530* elements
A [readable PDF overview of the MISP galaxy is available](https://www.misp.software/galaxy.pdf) or [HTML](https://www.misp.software/galaxy.html) and generated from the JSON.

## How to contribute?
- [Read the contribution document](CONTRIBUTE.md)
@ -87,12 +487,12 @@ The MISP galaxy (JSON files) are dual-licensed under:
"description":"UPAS-Kit was advertised by auroras a/k/a vinny in middle of june 2012 via exploit.in. Upas is the predecessor of Kronos. Marcus Hutchins helped create and, in partnership with another, sell malicious computer code, a/k/a malware, known as UPAS-Kit.",
"description":"In late November, Prevailion’s Adversarial Counterintelligence Team (PACT) identified what appeared to be a malicious javascript-based Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that uses a robust Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) to identify its Command and Control (C2) infrastructure and that utilizes novel methods for fileless persistence, on-system activity, and dynamic run-time capabilities like self-updating and recompilation. This RAT, which PACT refers to by its internal codename “DarkWatchman”, has been observed being distributed by email and represents an evolution in fileless malware techniques, as it uses the registry for nearly all temporary and permanent storage and therefore never writes anything to disk, allowing it to operate beneath or around the detection threshold of most security tools. PACT has reverse engineered the DGA, dynamically analyzed the malware, investigated the Threat Actor’s (TA) web-based infrastructure, and consolidated the results of our analysis into the following report.",
"description":"Malwarebytes Lab identified a new variant of the BADNEWS RAT called Ragnatela. It is being distributed via spear phishing emails to targets of interest in Pakistan. Ragnatela, which means spider web in Italian, is also the project name and panel used by Patchwork APT. Ironically, the threat actor infected themselves with their own RAT.",
"description":"Since 2017, Mandiant has been tracking FIN13, an industrious and versatile financially motivated threat actor conducting long-term intrusions in Mexico with an activity timeframe stretching back as early as 2016. Although their operations continue through the present day, in many ways FIN13's intrusions are like a time capsule of traditional financial cybercrime from days past. Instead of today's prevalent smash-and-grab ransomware groups, FIN13 takes their time to gather information to perform fraudulent money transfers. Rather than relying heavily on attack frameworks such as Cobalt Strike, the majority of FIN13 intrusions involve heavy use of custom passive backdoors and tools to lurk in environments for the long haul.",
"description":"The SideCopy APT is a Pakistani threat actor that has been operating since at least 2019, mainly targeting South Asian countries and more specifically India and Afghanistan. Its name comes from its infection chain that tries to mimic that of the SideWinder APT. It has been reported that this actor has similarities with Transparent Tribe (APT36) and possibly is a subdivision of this actor. Cisco Talos and Seqrite have provided comprehensive reports on this actor’s activities.",
"description":"AQUATIC PANDA is a China-based targeted intrusion adversary with a dual mission of intelligence collection and industrial espionage. It has likely operated since at least May 2020. AQUATIC PANDA operations have primarily focused on entities in the telecommunications, technology and government sectors. AQUATIC PANDA relies heavily on Cobalt Strike, and its toolset includes the unique Cobalt Strike downloader tracked as FishMaster. AQUATIC PANDA has also been observed delivering njRAT payloads to targets.",
"description":"Motnug is a simple shellcode loader that is used to load and execute shellcode located either in its overlay or in a separate file stored on disk.",