import os import json import argparse thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) clusters = [] pathClusters = os.path.join(thisDir, '../../clusters') pathGalaxies = os.path.join(thisDir, '../../galaxies') skip_list = ["cancer.json", "handicap.json", "ammunitions.json", "firearms.json"] for f in os.listdir(pathGalaxies): if '.json' in f: with open(os.path.join(pathGalaxies, f), 'r') as f_in: galaxy_data = json.load(f_in) if galaxy_data.get('namespace') != 'deprecated': if f not in skip_list: clusters.append(f) clusters.sort() for cluster in clusters: fullPathClusters = os.path.join(pathClusters, cluster) with open(fullPathClusters) as fp: c = json.load(fp) cluster_name = cluster.split(".")[0].upper() l = f'{cluster_name}' for v in c['values']: if 'uuid' not in v: continue l += f",{v['value']}" if 'meta' not in v: continue if 'synonyms' not in v['meta']: continue for synonym in v['meta']['synonyms']: l += f',{synonym}' print(l)