2021-08-25 18:38:09 +02:00
import json
import requests
from . import check_input_attribute , standard_error_message
from collections import defaultdict
from pymisp import MISPEvent , MISPObject
misperrors = { ' error ' : ' Error ' }
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mispattributes = { ' input ' : [ ' md5 ' , ' sha1 ' , ' sha256 ' ] , ' format ' : ' misp_standard ' }
2024-08-12 11:23:10 +02:00
moduleinfo = {
' version ' : ' 2 ' ,
' author ' : ' Alexandre Dulaunoy ' ,
' description ' : ' An expansion module to query the CIRCL hashlookup services to find it if a hash is part of a known set such as NSRL. ' ,
' module-type ' : [ ' expansion ' , ' hover ' ] ,
' name ' : ' CIRCL Hashlookup Lookup ' ,
' logo ' : ' circl.png ' ,
' requirements ' : [ ] ,
' features ' : ' The module takes file hashes as input such as a MD5 or SHA1. \n It queries the public CIRCL.lu hashlookup service and return all the hits if the hashes are known in an existing dataset. The module can be configured with a custom hashlookup url if required. \n The module can be used an hover module but also an expansion model to add related MISP objects. \n ' ,
' references ' : [ ' https://www.circl.lu/services/hashlookup/ ' ] ,
' input ' : ' File hashes (MD5, SHA1) ' ,
' output ' : ' Object with the filename associated hashes if the hash is part of a known set. ' ,
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moduleconfig = [ " custom_API " ]
hashlookup_url = ' https://hashlookup.circl.lu/ '
class HashlookupParser ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , attribute , hashlookupresult , api_url ) :
self . attribute = attribute
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self . hashlookupresult = hashlookupresult
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self . api_url = api_url
self . misp_event = MISPEvent ( )
self . misp_event . add_attribute ( * * attribute )
self . references = defaultdict ( list )
def get_result ( self ) :
if self . references :
self . __build_references ( )
event = json . loads ( self . misp_event . to_json ( ) )
results = { key : event [ key ] for key in ( ' Attribute ' , ' Object ' ) if ( key in event and event [ key ] ) }
return { ' results ' : results }
def parse_hashlookup_information ( self ) :
hashlookup_object = MISPObject ( ' hashlookup ' )
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if ' source ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' source ' , * * { ' type ' : ' text ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' source ' ] } )
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if ' KnownMalicious ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' KnownMalicious ' , * * { ' type ' : ' text ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' KnownMalicious ' ] } )
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if ' MD5 ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' MD5 ' , * * { ' type ' : ' md5 ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' MD5 ' ] } )
# SHA-1 is the default value in hashlookup it must always be present
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hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' SHA-1 ' , * * { ' type ' : ' sha1 ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' SHA-1 ' ] } )
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if ' SHA-256 ' in self . hashlookupresult :
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hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' SHA-256 ' , * * { ' type ' : ' sha256 ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' SHA-256 ' ] } )
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if ' SSDEEP ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' SSDEEP ' , * * { ' type ' : ' ssdeep ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' SSDEEP ' ] } )
if ' TLSH ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' TLSH ' , * * { ' type ' : ' tlsh ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' TLSH ' ] } )
2021-09-24 15:09:07 +02:00
if ' FileName ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' FileName ' , * * { ' type ' : ' filename ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' FileName ' ] } )
if ' FileSize ' in self . hashlookupresult :
hashlookup_object . add_attribute ( ' FileSize ' , * * { ' type ' : ' size-in-bytes ' , ' value ' : self . hashlookupresult [ ' FileSize ' ] } )
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hashlookup_object . add_reference ( self . attribute [ ' uuid ' ] , ' related-to ' )
self . misp_event . add_object ( hashlookup_object )
def __build_references ( self ) :
for object_uuid , references in self . references . items ( ) :
for misp_object in self . misp_event . objects :
if misp_object . uuid == object_uuid :
for reference in references :
misp_object . add_reference ( * * reference )
def check_url ( url ) :
return " {} / " . format ( url ) if not url . endswith ( ' / ' ) else url
def handler ( q = False ) :
if q is False :
return False
request = json . loads ( q )
if not request . get ( ' attribute ' ) or not check_input_attribute ( request [ ' attribute ' ] ) :
return { ' error ' : f ' { standard_error_message } , which should contain at least a type, a value and an uuid. ' }
attribute = request [ ' attribute ' ]
if attribute . get ( ' type ' ) == ' md5 ' :
elif attribute . get ( ' type ' ) == ' sha1 ' :
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elif attribute . get ( ' type ' ) == ' sha256 ' :
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else :
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misperrors [ ' error ' ] = ' md5 or sha1 or sha256 is missing. '
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return misperrors
api_url = check_url ( request [ ' config ' ] [ ' custom_API ' ] ) if request [ ' config ' ] . get ( ' custom_API ' ) else hashlookup_url
r = requests . get ( " {} /lookup/ {} / {} " . format ( api_url , attribute . get ( ' type ' ) , attribute [ ' value ' ] ) )
if r . status_code == 200 :
hashlookupresult = r . json ( )
if not hashlookupresult :
misperrors [ ' error ' ] = ' Empty result '
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return misperrors
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elif r . status_code == 404 :
misperrors [ ' error ' ] = ' Non existing hash '
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return misperrors
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else :
misperrors [ ' error ' ] = ' API not accessible '
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return misperrors
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parser = HashlookupParser ( attribute , hashlookupresult , api_url )
parser . parse_hashlookup_information ( )
result = parser . get_result ( )
return result
def introspection ( ) :
return mispattributes
def version ( ) :
moduleinfo [ ' config ' ] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo