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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import jbxapi
import json
from . import check_input_attribute, checking_error, standard_error_message
from joe_parser import JoeParser
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
inputSource = ['link']
2024-08-12 11:23:10 +02:00
moduleinfo = {
'version': '0.2',
'author': 'Christian Studer',
'description': 'Query Joe Sandbox API with a submission url to get the json report and extract its data that is parsed and converted into MISP attributes and objects.',
'module-type': ['expansion'],
'name': 'Joe Sandbox Import',
'logo': 'joesandbox.png',
'requirements': ['jbxapi: Joe Sandbox API python3 library'],
'features': "Module using the new format of modules able to return attributes and objects.\n\nThe module returns the same results as the import module [joe_import](https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules/tree/main/misp_modules/modules/import_mod/joe_import.py) taking directly the json report as input.\n\nEven if the introspection will allow all kinds of links to call this module, obviously only the ones presenting a sample or url submission in the Joe Sandbox API will return results.\n\nTo make it work you will need to fill the 'apikey' configuration with your Joe Sandbox API key and provide a valid link as input.",
'references': ['https://www.joesecurity.org', 'https://www.joesandbox.com/'],
'input': 'Link of a Joe Sandbox sample or url submission.',
'output': 'MISP attributes & objects parsed from the analysis report.',
moduleconfig = ['apiurl', 'apikey', 'import_executable', 'import_mitre_attack']
def handler(q=False):
if q is False:
return False
request = json.loads(q)
apiurl = request['config'].get('apiurl') or 'https://jbxcloud.joesecurity.org/api'
apikey = request['config'].get('apikey')
parser_config = {
"import_executable": request["config"].get('import_executable', "false") == "true",
"mitre_attack": request["config"].get('import_mitre_attack', "false") == "true",
if not apikey:
return {'error': 'No API key provided'}
if not request.get('attribute') or not check_input_attribute(request['attribute'], requirements=('type', 'value')):
return {'error': f'{standard_error_message}, {checking_error} that is the link to the Joe Sandbox report.'}
if request['attribute']['type'] != 'link':
return {'error': 'Unsupported attribute type.'}
url = request['attribute']['value']
if "/submissions/" not in url:
return {'error': "The URL does not point to a Joe Sandbox analysis."}
submission_id = url.split('/')[-1] # The URL has the format https://example.net/submissions/12345
joe = jbxapi.JoeSandbox(apiurl=apiurl, apikey=apikey, user_agent='MISP joesandbox_query')
joe_info = joe.submission_info(submission_id)
except jbxapi.ApiError as e:
return {'error': str(e)}
if joe_info["status"] != "finished":
return {'error': "The analysis has not finished yet."}
if joe_info['most_relevant_analysis'] is None:
return {'error': "No analysis belongs to this submission."}
analysis_webid = joe_info['most_relevant_analysis']['webid']
joe_parser = JoeParser(parser_config)
joe_data = json.loads(joe.analysis_download(analysis_webid, 'jsonfixed')[1])
return {'results': joe_parser.results}
def introspection():
modulesetup = {}
modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig
except NameError:
modulesetup['input'] = inputSource
except NameError:
modulesetup['format'] = 'misp_standard'
return modulesetup
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo