* [AssemblyLine query](misp_modules/modules/expansion/assemblyline_query.py) - an expansion module to query AssemblyLine and parse the full submission report.
* [Backscatter.io](misp_modules/modules/expansion/backscatter_io.py) - a hover and expansion module to expand an IP address with mass-scanning observations.
* [BGP Ranking](misp_modules/modules/expansion/bgpranking.py) - a hover and expansion module to expand an AS number with the ASN description, its history, and position in BGP Ranking.
* [RansomcoinDB check](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ransomcoindb.py) - An expansion hover module to query the [ransomcoinDB](https://ransomcoindb.concinnity-risks.com): it contains mapping between BTC addresses and malware hashes. Enrich MISP by querying for BTC -> hash or hash -> BTC addresses.
* [BTC scam check](misp_modules/modules/expansion/btc_scam_check.py) - An expansion hover module to instantly check if a BTC address has been abused.
* [BTC transactions](misp_modules/modules/expansion/btc_steroids.py) - An expansion hover module to get a blockchain balance and the transactions from a BTC address in MISP.
* [CIRCL Passive DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/circl_passivedns.py) - a hover and expansion module to expand hostname and IP addresses with passive DNS information.
* [CIRCL Passive SSL](misp_modules/modules/expansion/circl_passivessl.py) - a hover and expansion module to expand IP addresses with the X.509 certificate(s) seen.
* [countrycode](misp_modules/modules/expansion/countrycode.py) - a hover module to tell you what country a URL belongs to.
* [CrowdStrike Falcon](misp_modules/modules/expansion/crowdstrike_falcon.py) - an expansion module to expand using CrowdStrike Falcon Intel Indicator API.
* [CVE](misp_modules/modules/expansion/cve.py) - a hover module to give more information about a vulnerability (CVE).
* [CVE advanced](misp_modules/modules/expansion/cve_advanced.py) - An expansion module to query the CIRCL CVE search API for more information about a vulnerability (CVE).
* [Cuckoo submit](misp_modules/modules/expansion/cuckoo_submit.py) - A hover module to submit malware sample, url, attachment, domain to Cuckoo Sandbox.
* [DBL Spamhaus](misp_modules/modules/expansion/dbl_spamhaus.py) - a hover module to check Spamhaus DBL for a domain name.
* [DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/dns.py) - a simple module to resolve MISP attributes like hostname and domain to expand IP addresses attributes.
* [docx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/docx_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get text out of Word document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [DomainTools](misp_modules/modules/expansion/domaintools.py) - a hover and expansion module to get information from [DomainTools](http://www.domaintools.com/) whois.
* [EQL](misp_modules/modules/expansion/eql.py) - an expansion module to generate event query language (EQL) from an attribute. [Event Query Language](https://eql.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
* [EUPI](misp_modules/modules/expansion/eupi.py) - a hover and expansion module to get information about an URL from the [Phishing Initiative project](https://phishing-initiative.eu/?lang=en).
* [Farsight DNSDB Passive DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/farsight_passivedns.py) - a hover and expansion module to expand hostname and IP addresses with passive DNS information.
* [GeoIP](misp_modules/modules/expansion/geoip_country.py) - a hover and expansion module to get GeoIP information from geolite/maxmind.
* [Greynoise](misp_modules/modules/expansion/greynoise.py) - a hover to get information from greynoise.
* [hashdd](misp_modules/modules/expansion/hashdd.py) - a hover module to check file hashes against [hashdd.com](http://www.hashdd.com) including NSLR dataset.
* [hibp](misp_modules/modules/expansion/hibp.py) - a hover module to lookup against Have I Been Pwned?
* [intel471](misp_modules/modules/expansion/intel471.py) - an expansion module to get info from [Intel471](https://intel471.com).
* [IPASN](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ipasn.py) - a hover and expansion to get the BGP ASN of an IP address.
* [iprep](misp_modules/modules/expansion/iprep.py) - an expansion module to get IP reputation from packetmail.net.
* [Joe Sandbox submit](misp_modules/modules/expansion/joesandbox_submit.py) - Submit files and URLs to Joe Sandbox.
* [Joe Sandbox query](misp_modules/modules/expansion/joesandbox_query.py) - Query Joe Sandbox with the link of an analysis and get the parsed data.
* [macaddress.io](misp_modules/modules/expansion/macaddress_io.py) - a hover module to retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI from [MAC address Vendor Lookup](https://macaddress.io). See [integration tutorial here](https://macaddress.io/integrations/MISP-module).
* [macvendors](misp_modules/modules/expansion/macvendors.py) - a hover module to retrieve mac vendor information.
* [ocr-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ocr_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get OCRized data from images into MISP.
* [ods-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ods_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get text out of OpenOffice spreadsheet document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [odt-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/odt_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get text out of OpenOffice document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [onyphe](misp_modules/modules/expansion/onyphe.py) - a modules to process queries on Onyphe.
* [onyphe_full](misp_modules/modules/expansion/onyphe_full.py) - a modules to process full queries on Onyphe.
* [OTX](misp_modules/modules/expansion/otx.py) - an expansion module for [OTX](https://otx.alienvault.com/).
* [passivetotal](misp_modules/modules/expansion/passivetotal.py) - a [passivetotal](https://www.passivetotal.org/) module that queries a number of different PassiveTotal datasets.
* [pdf-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/pdf_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to extract text from PDF into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [pptx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/pptx_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get text out of PowerPoint document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [qrcode](misp_modules/modules/expansion/qrcode.py) - a module decode QR code, barcode and similar codes from an image and enrich with the decoded values.
* [rbl](misp_modules/modules/expansion/rbl.py) - a module to get RBL (Real-Time Blackhost List) values from an attribute.
* [reversedns](misp_modules/modules/expansion/reversedns.py) - Simple Reverse DNS expansion service to resolve reverse DNS from MISP attributes.
* [securitytrails](misp_modules/modules/expansion/securitytrails.py) - an expansion module for [securitytrails](https://securitytrails.com/).
* [shodan](misp_modules/modules/expansion/shodan.py) - a minimal [shodan](https://www.shodan.io/) expansion module.
* [Sigma queries](misp_modules/modules/expansion/sigma_queries.py) - Experimental expansion module querying a sigma rule to convert it into all the available SIEM signatures.
* [sourcecache](misp_modules/modules/expansion/sourcecache.py) - a module to cache a specific link from a MISP instance.
* [STIX2 pattern syntax validator](misp_modules/modules/expansion/stix2_pattern_syntax_validator.py) - a module to check a STIX2 pattern syntax.
* [ThreatCrowd](misp_modules/modules/expansion/threatcrowd.py) - an expansion module for [ThreatCrowd](https://www.threatcrowd.org/).
* [threatminer](misp_modules/modules/expansion/threatminer.py) - an expansion module to expand from [ThreatMiner](https://www.threatminer.org/).
* [urlhaus](misp_modules/modules/expansion/urlhaus.py) - Query urlhaus to get additional data about a domain, hash, hostname, ip or url.
* [urlscan](misp_modules/modules/expansion/urlscan.py) - an expansion module to query [urlscan.io](https://urlscan.io).
* [virustotal](misp_modules/modules/expansion/virustotal.py) - an expansion module to query the [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home) API with a high request rate limit required. (More details about the API: [here](https://developers.virustotal.com/reference))
* [virustotal_public](misp_modules/modules/expansion/virustotal_public.py) - an expansion module to query the [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home) API with a public key and a low request rate limit. (More details about the API: [here](https://developers.virustotal.com/reference))
* [VMray](misp_modules/modules/expansion/vmray_submit.py) - a module to submit a sample to VMray.
* [VulnDB](misp_modules/modules/expansion/vulndb.py) - a module to query [VulnDB](https://www.riskbasedsecurity.com/).
* [Vulners](misp_modules/modules/expansion/vulners.py) - an expansion module to expand information about CVEs using Vulners API.
* [whois](misp_modules/modules/expansion/whois.py) - a module to query a local instance of [uwhois](https://github.com/rafiot/uwhoisd).
* [wikidata](misp_modules/modules/expansion/wiki.py) - a [wikidata](https://www.wikidata.org) expansion module.
* [xforce](misp_modules/modules/expansion/xforceexchange.py) - an IBM X-Force Exchange expansion module.
* [xlsx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/xlsx_enrich.py) - an enrichment module to get text out of an Excel document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [CEF](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/cef_export.py) module to export Common Event Format (CEF).
* [Cisco FireSight Manager ACL rule](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/cisco_firesight_manager_ACL_rule_export.py) module to export as rule for the Cisco FireSight manager ACL.
* [GoAML export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/goamlexport.py) module to export in [GoAML format](http://goaml.unodc.org/goaml/en/index.html).
* [Lite Export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/liteexport.py) module to export a lite event.
* [PDF export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/pdfexport.py) module to export an event in PDF.
* [OCR](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ocr.py) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module for MISP to import attributes from images, scan or faxes.
* [OpenIOC](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/openiocimport.py) OpenIOC import based on PyMISP library.
* [ThreatAnalyzer](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/threatanalyzer_import.py) - An import module to process ThreatAnalyzer archive.zip/analysis.json sandbox exports.
* [VMRay](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/vmray_import.py) - An import module to process VMRay export.
## How to install and start MISP modules in a Python virtualenv? (recommended)
/var/www/MISP/venv/bin/misp-modules -l -s &#to start the modules
## How to install and start MISP modules on RHEL-based distributions ?
As of this writing, the official RHEL repositories only contain Ruby 2.0.0 and Ruby 2.1 or higher is required. As such, this guide installs Ruby 2.2 from the [SCL](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_software_collections/3/html/3.2_release_notes/chap-installation#sect-Installation-Subscribe) repository.
WantedBy=multi-user.target" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/misp-modules.service
The `After=misp-workers.service` must be changed or removed if you have not created a misp-workers service.
Then, enable the misp-modules service and start it:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now misp-modules
## How to add your own MISP modules?
Create your module in [misp_modules/modules/expansion/](misp_modules/modules/expansion/), [misp_modules/modules/export_mod/](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/), or [misp_modules/modules/import_mod/](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/). The module should have at minimum three functions:
* **introspection** function that returns a dict of the supported attributes (input and output) by your expansion module.
* **handler** function which accepts a JSON document to expand the values and return a dictionary of the expanded values.
* **version** function that returns a dict with the version and the associated meta-data including potential configurations required of the module.
Don't forget to return an error key and value if an error is raised to propagate it to the MISP user-interface.
Your module's script name should also be added in the `__all__` list of `<module type folder>/__init__.py` in order for it to be loaded.
# Checking for required value
if not request.get('ip-src'):
# Return an error message
return {'error': "A source IP is required"}
### introspection
The function that returns a dict of the supported attributes (input and output) by your expansion module.
mispattributes = {'input': ['link', 'url'],
'output': ['attachment', 'malware-sample']}
def introspection():
return mispattributes
### version
The function that returns a dict with the version and the associated meta-data including potential configurations required of the module.
### Additional Configuration Values
If your module requires additional configuration (to be exposed via the MISP user-interface), you can define those in the moduleconfig value returned by the version function.
# config fields that your code expects from the site admin
moduleconfig = ["apikey", "event_limit"]
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo
When you do this a config array is added to the meta-data output containing all the potential configuration values:
"meta": {
"description": "PassiveTotal expansion service to expand values with multiple Passive DNS sources",
"config": [
"module-type": [
If you want to use the configuration values set in the web interface they are stored in the key `config` in the JSON object passed to the handler.
def handler(q=False):
# Check if we were given a configuration
config = q.get("config", {})
# Find out if there is a username field
username = config.get("username", None)
### handler
The function which accepts a JSON document to expand the values and return a dictionary of the expanded values.
def handler(q=False):
"Fully functional rot-13 encoder"
if q is False:
return False
request = json.loads(q)
src = request.get('ip-src')
if src is None:
# Return an error message
return {'error': "A source IP is required"}
return {'results':
codecs.encode(src, "rot-13")}
#### export module
For an export module, the `request["data"]` object corresponds to a list of events (dictionaries) to handle.
Iterating over events attributes is performed using their `Attribute` key.
for event in request["data"]:
for attribute in event["Attribute"]:
# do stuff w/ attribute['type'], attribute['value'], ...
### Returning Binary Data
If you want to return a file or other data you need to add a data attribute.
"data" : base64.b64encode(<ByteIO>) # base64 encode your data first
"comment": "This is an attachment"}}
If the binary file is malware you can use 'malware-sample' as the type. If you do this the malware sample will be automatically zipped and password protected ('infected') after being uploaded.
{"results": {"values": "filename.txt",
"types": "malware-sample",
"data" : base64.b64encode(<ByteIO>) # base64 encode your data first
"comment": "This is an attachment"}}
[To learn more about how data attributes are processed you can read the processing code here.](https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP/blob/4f230c9299ad9d2d1c851148c629b61a94f3f117/pymisp/mispevent.py#L185-L200)
### Module type
A MISP module can be of four types:
- **expansion** - service related to an attribute that can be used to extend and update an existing event.
- **hover** - service related to an attribute to provide additional information to the users without updating the event.
- **import** - service related to importing and parsing an external object that can be used to extend an existing event.
- **export** - service related to exporting an object, event, or data.
module-type is an array where the list of supported types can be added.
## Testing your modules?
MISP uses the **modules** function to discover the available MISP modules and their supported MISP attributes:
% curl -s | jq .
"name": "passivetotal",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "PassiveTotal expansion service to expand values with multiple Passive DNS sources",
"config": [
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
"name": "sourcecache",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "Module to cache web pages of analysis reports, OSINT sources. The module returns a link of the cached page.",
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
"name": "dns",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "Simple DNS expansion service to resolve IP address from MISP attributes",
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
The MISP module service returns the available modules in a JSON array containing each module name along with their supported input attributes.
Based on this information, a query can be built in a JSON format and saved as body.json:
"hostname": "www.foo.be",
"module": "dns"
Then you can POST this JSON format query towards the MISP object server:
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @body.json -X POST
The module should output the following JSON:
"results": [
"types": [
"values": [
It is also possible to restrict the category options of the resolved attributes by passing a list of categories along (optional):
"results": [
"types": [
"values": [
"categories": [
"Network activity",
"Payload delivery"
For both the type and the category lists, the first item in the list will be the default setting on the interface.
### Enable your module in the web interface
For a module to be activated in the MISP web interface it must be enabled in the "Plugin Settings.
Go to "Administration > Server Settings" in the top menu
- Go to "Plugin Settings" in the top "tab menu bar"
- Click on the name of the type of module you have created to expand the list of plugins to show your module.
- Find the name of your plugin's "enabled" value in the Setting Column.
"Plugin.[MODULE NAME]_enabled"
- Double click on its "Value" column
Priority Setting Value Description Error Message
Recommended Plugin.Import_ocr_enabled false Enable or disable the ocr module. Value not set.
- Use the drop-down to set the enabled value to 'true'
Priority Setting Value Description Error Message
Recommended Plugin.Import_ocr_enabled true Enable or disable the ocr module. Value not set.
### Set any other required settings for your module
In this same menu set any other plugin settings that are required for testing.
## Install misp-module on an offline instance.
First, you need to grab all necessary packages for example like this :
In order to provide documentation about some modules that require specific input / output / configuration, the [doc](doc) directory contains detailed information about the general purpose, requirements, features, input and ouput of each of these modules: