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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Import VMRay results.
This version supports import from different analyze jobs, starting from one sample
(the supplied sample_id).
Requires "vmray_rest_api"
The expansion module vmray_submit and import module vmray_import are a two step
process to import data from VMRay.
You can automate this by setting the PyMISP example script 'vmray_automation'
as a cron job
import json
from ._vmray.vmray_rest_api import VMRayRESTAPI
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
inputSource = []
moduleinfo = {'version': '0.2', 'author': 'Koen Van Impe',
'description': 'Import VMRay results',
'module-type': ['import']}
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
userConfig = {'include_analysisid': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Include link to VMRay analysis'
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
'include_analysisdetails': {'type': 'Boolean',
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
'message': 'Include (textual) analysis details'
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
'include_vtidetails': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Include VMRay Threat Identifier (VTI) rules'
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
'include_imphash_ssdeep': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Include imphash and ssdeep'
'include_extracted_files': {'type': 'Boolean',
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
'message': 'Include extracted files section'
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
'sample_id': {'type': 'Integer',
'errorMessage': 'Expected a sample ID',
'message': 'The VMRay sample_id'
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
moduleconfig = ['apikey', 'url', 'wait_period']
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
def handler(q=False):
global include_analysisid, include_imphash_ssdeep, include_extracted_files, include_analysisdetails, include_vtidetails, include_static_to_ids
if q is False:
return False
request = json.loads(q)
include_analysisid = bool(int(request["config"].get("include_analysisid")))
include_imphash_ssdeep = bool(int(request["config"].get("include_imphash_ssdeep")))
include_extracted_files = bool(int(request["config"].get("include_extracted_files")))
include_analysisdetails = bool(int(request["config"].get("include_extracted_files")))
include_vtidetails = bool(int(request["config"].get("include_vtidetails")))
include_static_to_ids = True
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
# print("include_analysisid: %s include_imphash_ssdeep: %s include_extracted_files: %s include_analysisdetails: %s include_vtidetails: %s" % ( include_analysisid, include_imphash_ssdeep, include_extracted_files, include_analysisdetails, include_vtidetails))
sample_id = int(request["config"].get("sample_id"))
if (request["config"].get("apikey") is None) or (request["config"].get("url") is None):
misperrors["error"] = "Missing API key or server URL (hint: try cloud.vmray.com)"
return misperrors
if sample_id > 0:
api = VMRayRESTAPI(request["config"].get("url"), request["config"].get("apikey"), False)
vmray_results = {'results': []}
# Get all information on the sample, returns a set of finished analyze jobs
data = vmrayGetInfoAnalysis(api, sample_id)
if data["data"]:
for analysis in data["data"]:
analysis_id = int(analysis["analysis_id"])
if analysis_id > 0:
# Get the details for an analyze job
analysis_data = vmrayDownloadAnalysis(api, analysis_id)
if analysis_data:
if include_analysisdetails and "analysis_details" in analysis_data:
analysis_details = vmrayAnalysisDetails(analysis_data["analysis_details"], analysis_id)
if analysis_details and len(analysis_details["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + analysis_details["results"]}
if "classifications" in analysis_data:
classifications = vmrayClassifications(analysis_data["classifications"], analysis_id)
if classifications and len(classifications["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + classifications["results"]}
if include_extracted_files and "extracted_files" in analysis_data:
extracted_files = vmrayExtractedfiles(analysis_data["extracted_files"])
if extracted_files and len(extracted_files["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + extracted_files["results"]}
if include_vtidetails and "vti" in analysis_data:
vti = vmrayVti(analysis_data["vti"])
if vti and len(vti["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + vti["results"]}
if "artifacts" in analysis_data:
artifacts = vmrayArtifacts(analysis_data["artifacts"])
if artifacts and len(artifacts["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + artifacts["results"]}
if include_analysisid:
a_id = {'results': []}
url1 = request["config"].get("url") + "/user/analysis/view?from_sample_id=%u" % sample_id
url2 = "&id=%u" % analysis_id
url3 = "&sub=%2Freport%2Foverview.html"
2018-12-11 15:29:09 +01:00
a_id["results"].append({"values": url1 + url2 + url3, "types": "link"})
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + a_id["results"]}
# Clean up (remove doubles)
if len(vmray_results["results"]) > 0:
vmray_results = vmrayCleanup(vmray_results)
return vmray_results
misperrors['error'] = "No vti_results returned or jobs not finished"
return misperrors
if "result" in data:
if data["result"] == "ok":
return vmray_results
# Fallback
misperrors['error'] = "Unable to fetch sample id %u" % (sample_id)
return misperrors
except Exception as e: # noqa
misperrors['error'] = "Unable to access VMRay API : %s" % (e)
return misperrors
misperrors['error'] = "Not a valid sample id"
return misperrors
def introspection():
modulesetup = {}
modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig
except NameError:
modulesetup['inputSource'] = inputSource
except NameError:
return modulesetup
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo
def vmrayGetInfoAnalysis(api, sample_id):
''' Get information from a sample, returns a set of analyzed reports'''
if sample_id:
data = api.call("GET", "/rest/analysis/sample/%u" % (sample_id), raw_data=True)
return json.loads(data.read().decode())
return False
def vmrayDownloadAnalysis(api, analysis_id):
''' Get the details from an analysis'''
if analysis_id:
data = api.call("GET", "/rest/analysis/%u/archive/logs/summary.json" % (analysis_id), raw_data=True)
return json.loads(data.read().decode())
except Exception as e: # noqa
misperrors['error'] = "Unable to download summary.json for analysis %s" % (analysis_id)
return misperrors
return False
2019-05-02 04:23:49 +02:00
def vmrayVti(vti):
'''VMRay Threat Identifier (VTI) rules that matched for this analysis'''
if vti:
r = {'results': []}
for rule in vti:
if rule == "vti_rule_matches":
vti_rule = vti["vti_rule_matches"]
for el in vti_rule:
if "operation_desc" in el:
comment = ""
types = ["text"]
values = el["operation_desc"]
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment})
return r
return False
def vmrayExtractedfiles(extracted_files):
''' Information about files which were extracted during the analysis, such as files that were created, modified, or embedded by the malware'''
if extracted_files:
r = {'results': []}
for file in extracted_files:
if "file_type" and "norm_filename" in file:
comment = "%s - %s" % (file["file_type"], file["norm_filename"])
comment = ""
if "norm_filename" in file:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
attr_filename_c = file["norm_filename"].rsplit("\\", 1)
if len(attr_filename_c) > 1:
attr_filename = attr_filename_c[len(attr_filename_c) - 1]
attr_filename = "vmray_sample"
attr_filename = "vmray_sample"
if "md5_hash" in file and file["md5_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|md5"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, file["md5_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if include_imphash_ssdeep and "imp_hash" in file and file["imp_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|imphash"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, file["imp_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if "sha1_hash" in file and file["sha1_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|sha1"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, file["sha1_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if "sha256_hash" in file and file["sha256_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|sha256"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, file["sha256_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if include_imphash_ssdeep and "ssdeep_hash" in file and file["ssdeep_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|ssdeep"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, file["ssdeep_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
return r
return False
def vmrayClassifications(classification, analysis_id):
''' List the classifications, tag them on a "text" attribute '''
if classification:
r = {'results': []}
types = ["text"]
comment = ""
values = "Classification : %s " % (", ".join(str(x) for x in classification))
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment})
return r
return False
def vmrayAnalysisDetails(details, analysis_id):
''' General information about the analysis information '''
if details:
r = {'results': []}
types = ["text"]
comment = ""
if "execution_successful" in details:
values = "Analysis %s : execution_successful : %s " % (analysis_id, str(details["execution_successful"]))
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment})
if "termination_reason" in details:
values = "Analysis %s : termination_reason : %s " % (analysis_id, str(details["termination_reason"]))
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment})
if "result_str" in details:
values = "Analysis %s : result : %s " % (analysis_id, details["result_str"])
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment})
return r
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
return False
def vmrayArtifacts(patterns):
''' IOCs that were seen during the analysis '''
if patterns:
r = {'results': []}
y = {'results': []}
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern == "domains":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
values = el["domain"]
types = ["domain", "hostname"]
if "sources" in el:
sources = el["sources"]
comment = "Found in: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in sources)
comment = ""
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment, 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if pattern == "files":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
filename_values = el["filename"]
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
attr_filename_c = filename_values.rsplit("\\", 1)
if len(attr_filename_c) > 1:
attr_filename = attr_filename_c[len(attr_filename_c) - 1]
attr_filename = ""
filename_types = ["filename"]
filename_operations = el["operations"]
comment = "File operations: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in filename_operations)
r['results'].append({'types': filename_types, 'values': filename_values, 'comment': comment})
# Run through all hashes
if "hashes" in el:
for hash in el["hashes"]:
if "md5_hash" in hash and hash["md5_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|md5"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, hash["md5_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if include_imphash_ssdeep and "imp_hash" in hash and hash["imp_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|imphash"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, hash["imp_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if "sha1_hash" in hash and hash["sha1_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|sha1"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, hash["sha1_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if "sha256_hash" in hash and hash["sha256_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|sha256"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, hash["sha256_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if include_imphash_ssdeep and "ssdeep_hash" in hash and hash["ssdeep_hash"] is not None:
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
r['results'].append({'types': ["filename|ssdeep"], 'values': '{}|{}'.format(attr_filename, hash["ssdeep_hash"]), 'comment': comment, 'categories': ['Payload delivery', 'Artifacts dropped'], 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if pattern == "ips":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
values = el["ip_address"]
types = ["ip-dst"]
if "sources" in el:
sources = el["sources"]
comment = "Found in: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in sources)
comment = ""
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment, 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if pattern == "mutexes":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
values = el["mutex_name"]
types = ["mutex"]
if "operations" in el:
sources = el["operations"]
comment = "Operations: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in sources)
comment = ""
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment, 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
if pattern == "registry":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
values = el["reg_key_name"]
types = ["regkey"]
include_static_to_ids_tmp = include_static_to_ids
if "operations" in el:
sources = el["operations"]
if sources == ["access"]:
include_static_to_ids_tmp = False
comment = "Operations: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in sources)
comment = ""
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment, 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids_tmp})
if pattern == "urls":
for el in patterns[pattern]:
values = el["url"]
types = ["url"]
if "operations" in el:
sources = el["operations"]
comment = "Operations: " + ", ".join(str(x) for x in sources)
comment = ""
r['results'].append({'types': types, 'values': values, 'comment': comment, 'to_ids': include_static_to_ids})
# Remove doubles
for el in r["results"]:
if el not in y["results"]:
return y
2019-05-02 04:06:32 +02:00
return False
def vmrayCleanup(x):
''' Remove doubles'''
y = {'results': []}
for el in x["results"]:
if el not in y["results"]:
return y