chg: Updated the module to work with the updated VirusTotal API

- Parsing functions updated to support the updated
  format of the VirusTotal API responses
- The module can now return objects
- /!\ This module requires a high number of
  requests limit rate to work as expected /!\
chrisr3d 2019-07-22 16:22:29 +02:00
parent 1fa37ea712
commit 14cf39d8b6
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 6BBED1B63A6D639F
1 changed files with 174 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -1,167 +1,206 @@
from pymisp import MISPAttribute, MISPEvent, MISPObject
import json
import requests
from requests import HTTPError
import base64
from collections import defaultdict
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
mispattributes = {'input': ['hostname', 'domain', "ip-src", "ip-dst", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512"],
'output': ['domain', "ip-src", "ip-dst", "text", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "ssdeep",
"authentihash", "filename"]}
mispattributes = {'input': ['hostname', 'domain', "ip-src", "ip-dst", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "url"],
'format': 'misp_standard'}
# possible module-types: 'expansion', 'hover' or both
moduleinfo = {'version': '3', 'author': 'Hannah Ward',
moduleinfo = {'version': '4', 'author': 'Hannah Ward',
'description': 'Get information from virustotal',
'module-type': ['expansion']}
# config fields that your code expects from the site admin
moduleconfig = ["apikey", "event_limit"]
comment = '{}: Enriched via VirusTotal'
hash_types = ["md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512"]
moduleconfig = ["apikey"]
class VirusTotalRequest(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.apikey = config['apikey']
self.limit = int(config.get('event_limit', 5))
class VirusTotalParser(object):
def __init__(self, apikey):
self.apikey = apikey
self.base_url = "{}/report"
self.results = defaultdict(set)
self.to_return = []
self.input_types_mapping = {'ip-src': self.get_ip, 'ip-dst': self.get_ip,
'domain': self.get_domain, 'hostname': self.get_domain,
'md5': self.get_hash, 'sha1': self.get_hash,
'sha256': self.get_hash, 'sha512': self.get_hash}
self.output_types_mapping = {'submission_names': 'filename', 'ssdeep': 'ssdeep',
'authentihash': 'authentihash', 'ITW_urls': 'url'}
self.misp_event = MISPEvent()
self.parsed_objects = {}
self.input_types_mapping = {'ip-src': self.parse_ip, 'ip-dst': self.parse_ip,
'domain': self.parse_domain, 'hostname': self.parse_domain,
'md5': self.parse_hash, 'sha1': self.parse_hash,
'sha256': self.parse_hash, 'sha512': self.parse_hash,
'url': self.parse_url}
def parse_request(self, q):
req_values = set()
for attribute_type, attribute_value in q.items():
error = self.input_types_mapping[attribute_type](attribute_value)
except KeyError:
if error is not None:
return error
for key, values in self.results.items():
values = values.difference(req_values)
if values:
if isinstance(key, tuple):
types, comment = key
self.to_return.append({'types': list(types), 'values': list(values), 'comment': comment})
self.to_return.append({'types': key, 'values': list(values)})
return self.to_return
def query_api(self, attribute):
self.attribute = MISPAttribute()
return self.input_types_mapping[self.attribute.type](self.attribute.value, recurse=True)
def get_domain(self, domain, do_not_recurse=False):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('domain'), params={'domain': domain, 'apikey': self.apikey})
def get_result(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}
return {'results': results}
#### Main parsing functions ####
def parse_domain(self, domain, recurse=False):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('domain'), params={'apikey': self.apikey, 'domain': domain})
if req.status_code != 200:
return req.status_code
req = req.json()
hash_type = 'sha256'
whois = 'whois'
feature_types = {'communicating': 'communicates-with',
'downloaded': 'downloaded-from',
'referrer': 'referring'}
siblings = (self.parse_siblings(domain) for domain in req['domain_siblings'])
uuid = self.parse_resolutions(req['resolutions'], req['subdomains'], siblings)
for feature_type, relationship in feature_types.items():
for feature in ('undetected_{}_samples', 'detected_{}_samples'):
for sample in req.get(feature.format(feature_type), []):
status_code = self.parse_hash(sample[hash_type], False, uuid, relationship)
if status_code != 200:
return status_code
if req.get(whois):
whois_object = MISPObject(whois)
whois_object.add_attribute('text', type='text', value=req[whois])
return self.parse_related_urls(req, recurse, uuid)
def parse_hash(self, sample, recurse=False, uuid=None, relationship=None):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('file'), params={'apikey': self.apikey, 'resource': sample})
status_code = req.status_code
if req.status_code == 200:
req = req.json()
except HTTPError as e:
return str(e)
if req["response_code"] == 0:
# Nothing found
return []
if "resolutions" in req:
for res in req["resolutions"][:self.limit]:
ip_address = res["ip_address"]
self.results[(("ip-dst", "ip-src"), comment.format(domain))].add(ip_address)
# Pivot from here to find all domain info
if not do_not_recurse:
error = self.get_ip(ip_address, True)
if error is not None:
return error
vt_uuid = self.parse_vt_object(req)
file_attributes = []
for hash_type in ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'):
if req.get(hash_type):
file_attributes.append({'type': hash_type, 'object_relation': hash_type,
'value': req[hash_type]})
if file_attributes:
file_object = MISPObject('file')
for attribute in file_attributes:
file_object.add_reference(vt_uuid, 'analyzed-with')
if uuid and relationship:
file_object.add_reference(uuid, relationship)
return status_code
def get_hash(self, _hash):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('file'), params={'resource': _hash, 'apikey': self.apikey, 'allinfo': 1})
def parse_ip(self, ip, recurse=False):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('ip-address'), params={'apikey': self.apikey, 'ip': ip})
if req.status_code != 200:
return req.status_code
req = req.json()
if req.get('asn'):
asn_mapping = {'network': ('ip-src', 'subnet-announced'),
'country': ('text', 'country')}
asn_object = MISPObject('asn')
asn_object.add_attribute('asn', type='AS', value=req['asn'])
for key, value in asn_mapping.items():
if req.get(key):
attribute_type, relation = value
asn_object.add_attribute(relation, type=attribute_type, value=req[key])
uuid = self.parse_resolutions(req['resolutions']) if req.get('resolutions') else None
return self.parse_related_urls(req, recurse, uuid)
def parse_url(self, url, recurse=False, uuid=None):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('url'), params={'apikey': self.apikey, 'resource': url})
status_code = req.status_code
if req.status_code == 200:
req = req.json()
except HTTPError as e:
return str(e)
if req["response_code"] == 0:
# Nothing found
return []
vt_uuid = self.parse_vt_object(req)
if not recurse:
feature = 'url'
url_object = MISPObject(feature)
url_object.add_attribute(feature, type=feature, value=url)
url_object.add_reference(vt_uuid, 'analyzed-with')
if uuid:
url_object.add_reference(uuid, 'hosted-in')
return status_code
def get_ip(self, ip, do_not_recurse=False):
req = requests.get(self.base_url.format('ip-address'), params={'ip': ip, 'apikey': self.apikey})
req = req.json()
except HTTPError as e:
return str(e)
if req["response_code"] == 0:
# Nothing found
return []
if "resolutions" in req:
for res in req["resolutions"][:self.limit]:
hostname = res["hostname"]
self.results[(("domain",), comment.format(ip))].add(hostname)
# Pivot from here to find all domain info
if not do_not_recurse:
error = self.get_domain(hostname, True)
if error is not None:
return error
#### Additional parsing functions ####
def find_all(self, data):
hashes = []
if isinstance(data, dict):
for key, value in data.items():
if key in hash_types:
if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
elif isinstance(data, list):
for d in data:
return hashes
def parse_related_urls(self, query_result, recurse, uuid=None):
if recurse:
for feature in ('detected_urls', 'undetected_urls'):
if feature in query_result:
for url in query_result[feature]:
value = url['url'] if isinstance(url, dict) else url[0]
status_code = self.parse_url(value, False, uuid)
if status_code != 200:
return status_code
for feature in ('detected_urls', 'undetected_urls'):
if feature in query_result:
for url in query_result[feature]:
value = url['url'] if isinstance(url, dict) else url[0]
self.misp_event.add_attribute('url', value)
return 200
def get_more_info(self, req):
# Get all hashes first
hashes = self.find_all(req)
for h in hashes[:self.limit]:
# Search VT for some juicy info
data = requests.get(self.base_url.format('file'), params={'resource': h, 'apikey': self.apikey, 'allinfo': 1}).json()
except Exception:
# Go through euch key and check if it exists
for VT_type, MISP_type in self.output_types_mapping.items():
if VT_type in data:
self.results[((MISP_type,), comment.format(h))].add(data[VT_type])
except TypeError:
self.results[((MISP_type,), comment.format(h))].update(data[VT_type])
# Get the malware sample
sample = requests.get(self.base_url[:-6].format('file/download'), params={'hash': h, 'apikey': self.apikey})
malsample = sample.content
# It is possible for VT to not give us any submission names
if "submission_names" in data:
self.to_return.append({"types": ["malware-sample"], "categories": ["Payload delivery"],
"values": data["submimssion_names"], "data": str(base64.b64encore(malsample), 'utf-8')})
def parse_resolutions(self, resolutions, subdomains=None, uuids=None):
domain_ip_object = MISPObject('domain-ip')
if self.attribute.type == 'domain':
domain_ip_object.add_attribute('domain', type='domain', value=self.attribute.value)
attribute_type, relation, key = ('ip-dst', 'ip', 'ip_address')
domain_ip_object.add_attribute('ip', type='ip-dst', value=self.attribute.value)
attribute_type, relation, key = ('domain', 'domain', 'hostname')
for resolution in resolutions:
domain_ip_object.add_attribute(relation, type=attribute_type, value=resolution[key])
if subdomains:
for subdomain in subdomains:
attribute = MISPAttribute()
attribute.from_dict(**dict(type='domain', value=subdomain))
domain_ip_object.add_reference(attribute.uuid, 'subdomain')
if uuids:
for uuid in uuids:
domain_ip_object.add_reference(uuid, 'sibling-of')
return domain_ip_object.uuid
def parse_siblings(self, domain):
attribute = MISPAttribute()
attribute.from_dict(**dict(type='domain', value=domain))
return attribute.uuid
def parse_vt_object(self, query_result):
vt_object = MISPObject('virustotal-report')
vt_object.add_attribute('permalink', type='link', value=query_result['permalink'])
detection_ratio = '{}/{}'.format(query_result['positives'], query_result['total'])
vt_object.add_attribute('detection-ratio', type='text', value=detection_ratio)
return vt_object.uuid
def parse_error(status_code):
status_mapping = {204: 'VirusTotal request rate limit exceeded.',
400: 'Incorrect request, please check the arguments.',
403: 'You don\'t have enough privileges to make the request.'}
if status_code in status_mapping:
return status_mapping[status_code]
return "VirusTotal may not be accessible."
def handler(q=False):
if q is False:
return False
q = json.loads(q)
if not q.get('config') or not q['config'].get('apikey'):
request = json.loads(q)
if not request.get('config') or not request['config'].get('apikey'):
misperrors['error'] = "A VirusTotal api key is required for this module."
return misperrors
del q['module']
query = VirusTotalRequest(q.pop('config'))
r = query.parse_request(q)
if isinstance(r, str):
misperrors['error'] = r
parser = VirusTotalParser(request['config']['apikey'])
attribute = request['attribute']
status = parser.query_api(attribute)
if status != 200:
misperrors['error'] = parse_error(status)
return misperrors
return {'results': r}
return parser.get_result()
def introspection():