Merge into 8ear-add-docker-capabilitites

8ear 2019-09-02 12:30:18 +02:00
commit d55331fc1c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 00AAF736693E6C4E
12 changed files with 1321 additions and 207 deletions

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@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ install:
- sudo apt-get install libzbar0 libzbar-dev libpoppler-cpp-dev
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv install --dev
- pip install -r docs/REQUIREMENTS.txt
- pipenv run coverage run -m --parallel-mode --source=misp_modules misp_modules.__init__ -l &
@ -35,14 +33,3 @@ script:
- pipenv run coverage combine .coverage*
- pipenv run codecov
- make ci_generate_docs
provider: pages
local-dir: site
skip-cleanup: true
github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in the settings page of your repository, as a secure variable
keep-history: true
branch: master

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@ -3,24 +3,552 @@
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](
[![FOSSA Status](](
## About
MISP modules are autonomous modules that can be used for expansion and other services in [MISP](
The modules are written in Python 3 following a simple API interface. The objective is to ease the extensions of MISP functionalities
without modifying core components. The API is available via a simple REST API which is independent from MISP installation or configuration.
MISP modules support is included in MISP starting from version `2.4.28`.
MISP modules support is included in MISP starting from version 2.4.28.
For more information: [Extending MISP with Python modules]( slides from MISP training.
For more information: [Extending MISP with Python modules]( slides from MISP training.
## Existing MISP modules
### Expansion modules
* [](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to expand an IP address with mass-scanning observations.
* [BGP Ranking](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to expand an AS number with the ASN description, its history, and position in BGP Ranking.
* [BTC scam check](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - An expansion hover module to instantly check if a BTC address has been abused.
* [BTC transactions](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - An expansion hover module to get a blockchain balance and the transactions from a BTC address in MISP.
* [CIRCL Passive DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to expand hostname and IP addresses with passive DNS information.
* [CIRCL Passive SSL](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to expand IP addresses with the X.509 certificate seen.
* [countrycode](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to tell you what country a URL belongs to.
* [CrowdStrike Falcon](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to expand using CrowdStrike Falcon Intel Indicator API.
* [CVE](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to give more information about a vulnerability (CVE).
* [CVE advanced](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - An expansion module to query the CIRCL CVE search API for more information about a vulnerability (CVE).
* [Cuckoo submit](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - A hover module to submit malware sample, url, attachment, domain to Cuckoo Sandbox.
* [DBL Spamhaus](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to check Spamhaus DBL for a domain name.
* [DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a simple module to resolve MISP attributes like hostname and domain to expand IP addresses attributes.
* [docx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get text out of Word document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [DomainTools](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to get information from [DomainTools]( whois.
* [EUPI](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to get information about an URL from the [Phishing Initiative project](
* [Farsight DNSDB Passive DNS](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to expand hostname and IP addresses with passive DNS information.
* [GeoIP](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion module to get GeoIP information from geolite/maxmind.
* [Greynoise](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover to get information from greynoise.
* [hashdd](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to check file hashes against []( including NSLR dataset.
* [hibp](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to lookup against Have I Been Pwned?
* [intel471](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to get info from [Intel471](
* [IPASN](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover and expansion to get the BGP ASN of an IP address.
* [iprep](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to get IP reputation from
* [Joe Sandbox submit](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Submit files and URLs to Joe Sandbox.
* [Joe Sandbox query](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Query Joe Sandbox with the link of an analysis and get the parsed data.
* [](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI from [MAC address Vendor Lookup]( See [integration tutorial here](
* [macvendors](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a hover module to retrieve mac vendor information.
* [ocr-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get OCRized data from images into MISP.
* [ods-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get text out of OpenOffice spreadsheet document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [odt-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get text out of OpenOffice document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [onyphe](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a modules to process queries on Onyphe.
* [onyphe_full](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a modules to process full queries on Onyphe.
* [OTX](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module for [OTX](
* [passivetotal](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a [passivetotal]( module that queries a number of different PassiveTotal datasets.
* [pdf-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to extract text from PDF into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [pptx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get text out of PowerPoint document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [qrcode](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module decode QR code, barcode and similar codes from an image and enrich with the decoded values.
* [rbl](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to get RBL (Real-Time Blackhost List) values from an attribute.
* [reversedns](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Simple Reverse DNS expansion service to resolve reverse DNS from MISP attributes.
* [securitytrails](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module for [securitytrails](
* [shodan](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a minimal [shodan]( expansion module.
* [Sigma queries](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Experimental expansion module querying a sigma rule to convert it into all the available SIEM signatures.
* [Sigma syntax validator](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Sigma syntax validator.
* [sourcecache](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to cache a specific link from a MISP instance.
* [STIX2 pattern syntax validator](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to check a STIX2 pattern syntax.
* [ThreatCrowd](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module for [ThreatCrowd](
* [threatminer](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to expand from [ThreatMiner](
* [urlhaus](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - Query urlhaus to get additional data about a domain, hash, hostname, ip or url.
* [urlscan](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to query [](
* [virustotal](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to query the [VirusTotal]( API with a high request rate limit required. (More details about the API: [here](
* [virustotal_public](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to query the [VirusTotal]( API with a public key and a low request rate limit. (More details about the API: [here](
* [VMray](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to submit a sample to VMray.
* [VulnDB](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to query [VulnDB](
* [Vulners](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an expansion module to expand information about CVEs using Vulners API.
* [whois](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to query a local instance of [uwhois](
* [wikidata](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a [wikidata]( expansion module.
* [xforce](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an IBM X-Force Exchange expansion module.
* [xlsx-enrich](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - an enrichment module to get text out of an Excel document into MISP (using free-text parser).
* [YARA query](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - a module to create YARA rules from single hash attributes.
* [YARA syntax validator](misp_modules/modules/expansion/ - YARA syntax validator.
### Export modules
* [CEF](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export Common Event Format (CEF).
* [Cisco FireSight Manager ACL rule](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export as rule for the Cisco FireSight manager ACL.
* [GoAML export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export in [GoAML format](
* [Lite Export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export a lite event.
* [PDF export](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export an event in PDF.
* [Nexthink query format](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export in Nexthink query format.
* [osquery](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export in [osquery]( query format.
* [ThreatConnect](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export in ThreatConnect CSV format.
* [ThreatStream](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/ module to export in ThreatStream format.
### Import modules
* [CSV import](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Customizable CSV import module.
* [Cuckoo JSON](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Cuckoo JSON import.
* [Email Import](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Email import module for MISP to import basic metadata.
* [GoAML import](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Module to import [GoAML]( XML format.
* [Joe Sandbox import](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Parse data from a Joe Sandbox json report.
* [OCR](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module for MISP to import attributes from images, scan or faxes.
* [OpenIOC](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ OpenIOC import based on PyMISP library.
* [ThreatAnalyzer](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ - An import module to process ThreatAnalyzer sandbox exports.
* [VMRay](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/ - An import module to process VMRay export.
## How to install and start MISP modules in a Python virtualenv? (recommended)
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip libpq5 libjpeg-dev tesseract-ocr libpoppler-cpp-dev imagemagick virtualenv libopencv-dev zbar-tools libzbar0 libzbar-dev libfuzzy-dev -y
sudo -u www-data virtualenv -p python3 /var/www/MISP/venv
cd /usr/local/src/
sudo git clone
cd misp-modules
sudo -u www-data /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/pip install -I -r REQUIREMENTS
sudo -u www-data /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/pip install .
# Start misp-modules as a service
sudo cp etc/systemd/system/misp-modules.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now misp-modules
/var/www/MISP/venv/bin/misp-modules -l -s & #to start the modules
## How to install and start MISP modules on RHEL-based distributions ?
As of this writing, the official RHEL repositories only contain Ruby 2.0.0 and Ruby 2.1 or higher is required. As such, this guide installs Ruby 2.2 from the [SCL]( repository.
sudo yum install rh-ruby22
sudo yum install openjpeg-devel
sudo yum install rubygem-rouge rubygem-asciidoctor zbar-devel opencv-devel gcc-c++ pkgconfig poppler-cpp-devel python-devel redhat-rpm-config
cd /var/www/MISP
git clone
cd misp-modules
sudo -u apache /usr/bin/scl enable rh-python36 "virtualenv -p python3 /var/www/MISP/venv"
sudo -u apache /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/pip install -U -I -r REQUIREMENTS
sudo -u apache /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/pip install -U .
Create the service file /etc/systemd/system/misp-modules.service :
echo "[Unit]
Description=MISP's modules
ExecStart=/usr/bin/scl enable rh-python36 rh-ruby22 '/var/www/MISP/venv/bin/misp-modules l s'
[Install]" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/misp-modules.service
The `After=misp-workers.service` must be changed or removed if you have not created a misp-workers service.
Then, enable the misp-modules service and start it:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now misp-modules
## How to add your own MISP modules?
Create your module in [misp_modules/modules/expansion/](misp_modules/modules/expansion/), [misp_modules/modules/export_mod/](misp_modules/modules/export_mod/), or [misp_modules/modules/import_mod/](misp_modules/modules/import_mod/). The module should have at minimum three functions:
* **introspection** function that returns a dict of the supported attributes (input and output) by your expansion module.
* **handler** function which accepts a JSON document to expand the values and return a dictionary of the expanded values.
* **version** function that returns a dict with the version and the associated meta-data including potential configurations required of the module.
Don't forget to return an error key and value if an error is raised to propagate it to the MISP user-interface.
Your module's script name should also be added in the `__all__` list of `<module type folder>/` in order for it to be loaded.
# Checking for required value
if not request.get('ip-src'):
# Return an error message
return {'error': "A source IP is required"}
### introspection
The function that returns a dict of the supported attributes (input and output) by your expansion module.
mispattributes = {'input': ['link', 'url'],
'output': ['attachment', 'malware-sample']}
def introspection():
return mispattributes
### version
The function that returns a dict with the version and the associated meta-data including potential configurations required of the module.
### Additional Configuration Values
If your module requires additional configuration (to be exposed via the MISP user-interface), you can define those in the moduleconfig value returned by the version function.
# config fields that your code expects from the site admin
moduleconfig = ["apikey", "event_limit"]
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo
When you do this a config array is added to the meta-data output containing all the potential configuration values:
"meta": {
"description": "PassiveTotal expansion service to expand values with multiple Passive DNS sources",
"config": [
"module-type": [
If you want to use the configuration values set in the web interface they are stored in the key `config` in the JSON object passed to the handler.
def handler(q=False):
# Check if we were given a configuration
config = q.get("config", {})
# Find out if there is a username field
username = config.get("username", None)
### handler
The function which accepts a JSON document to expand the values and return a dictionary of the expanded values.
def handler(q=False):
"Fully functional rot-13 encoder"
if q is False:
return False
request = json.loads(q)
src = request.get('ip-src')
if src is None:
# Return an error message
return {'error': "A source IP is required"}
return {'results':
codecs.encode(src, "rot-13")}
#### export module
For an export module, the `request["data"]` object corresponds to a list of events (dictionaries) to handle.
Iterating over events attributes is performed using their `Attribute` key.
for event in request["data"]:
for attribute in event["Attribute"]:
# do stuff w/ attribute['type'], attribute['value'], ...
### Returning Binary Data
If you want to return a file or other data you need to add a data attribute.
{"results": {"values": "filename.txt",
"types": "attachment",
"data" : base64.b64encode(<ByteIO>) # base64 encode your data first
"comment": "This is an attachment"}}
If the binary file is malware you can use 'malware-sample' as the type. If you do this the malware sample will be automatically zipped and password protected ('infected') after being uploaded.
{"results": {"values": "filename.txt",
"types": "malware-sample",
"data" : base64.b64encode(<ByteIO>) # base64 encode your data first
"comment": "This is an attachment"}}
[To learn more about how data attributes are processed you can read the processing code here.](
### Module type
A MISP module can be of four types:
- **expansion** - service related to an attribute that can be used to extend and update an existing event.
- **hover** - service related to an attribute to provide additional information to the users without updating the event.
- **import** - service related to importing and parsing an external object that can be used to extend an existing event.
- **export** - service related to exporting an object, event, or data.
module-type is an array where the list of supported types can be added.
## Testing your modules?
MISP uses the **modules** function to discover the available MISP modules and their supported MISP attributes:
% curl -s | jq .
"name": "passivetotal",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "PassiveTotal expansion service to expand values with multiple Passive DNS sources",
"config": [
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
"name": "sourcecache",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "Module to cache web pages of analysis reports, OSINT sources. The module returns a link of the cached page.",
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
"name": "dns",
"type": "expansion",
"mispattributes": {
"input": [
"output": [
"meta": {
"description": "Simple DNS expansion service to resolve IP address from MISP attributes",
"author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
"version": "0.1"
The MISP module service returns the available modules in a JSON array containing each module name along with their supported input attributes.
Based on this information, a query can be built in a JSON format and saved as body.json:
"hostname": "",
"module": "dns"
Then you can POST this JSON format query towards the MISP object server:
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @body.json -X POST
The module should output the following JSON:
"results": [
"types": [
"values": [
It is also possible to restrict the category options of the resolved attributes by passing a list of categories along (optional):
"results": [
"types": [
"values": [
"categories": [
"Network activity",
"Payload delivery"
For both the type and the category lists, the first item in the list will be the default setting on the interface.
### Enable your module in the web interface
For a module to be activated in the MISP web interface it must be enabled in the "Plugin Settings.
Go to "Administration > Server Settings" in the top menu
- Go to "Plugin Settings" in the top "tab menu bar"
- Click on the name of the type of module you have created to expand the list of plugins to show your module.
- Find the name of your plugin's "enabled" value in the Setting Column.
"Plugin.[MODULE NAME]_enabled"
- Double click on its "Value" column
Priority Setting Value Description Error Message
Recommended Plugin.Import_ocr_enabled false Enable or disable the ocr module. Value not set.
- Use the drop-down to set the enabled value to 'true'
Priority Setting Value Description Error Message
Recommended Plugin.Import_ocr_enabled true Enable or disable the ocr module. Value not set.
### Set any other required settings for your module
In this same menu set any other plugin settings that are required for testing.
## Install misp-module on an offline instance.
First, you need to grab all necessary packages for example like this :
Use pip wheel to create an archive
mkdir misp-modules-offline
pip3 wheel -r REQUIREMENTS shodan --wheel-dir=./misp-modules-offline
tar -cjvf misp-module-bundeled.tar.bz2 ./misp-modules-offline/*
On offline machine :
mkdir misp-modules-bundle
tar xvf misp-module-bundeled.tar.bz2 -C misp-modules-bundle
cd misp-modules-bundle
ls -1|while read line; do sudo pip3 install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --upgrade --no-index --no-deps ${line};done
Next you can follow standard install procedure.
## How to contribute your own module?
Fork the project, add your module, test it and make a pull-request. Modules can be also private as you can add a module in your own MISP installation.
## Tips for developers creating modules
Download a pre-built virtual image from the [MISP training materials](
- Create a Host-Only adapter in VirtualBox
- Set your Misp OVA to that Host-Only adapter
- Start the virtual machine
- Get the IP address of the virtual machine
- SSH into the machine (Login info on training page)
- Go into the misp-modules directory
cd /usr/local/src/misp-modules
Set the git repo to your fork and checkout your development branch. If you SSH'ed in as the misp user you will have to use sudo.
sudo git remote set-url origin
sudo git pull
sudo git checkout MyModBranch
Remove the contents of the build directory and re-install misp-modules.
sudo rm -fr build/*
sudo -u www-data /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade .
SSH in with a different terminal and run `misp-modules` with debugging enabled.
# In case misp-modules is not a service do:
# sudo killall misp-modules
sudo systemctl disable --now misp-modules
sudo -u www-data /var/www/MISP/venv/bin/misp-modules -d
In your original terminal you can now run your tests manually and see any errors that arrive
cd tests/
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @MY_TEST_FILE.json -X POST
cd ../
## Documentation
The new documentation can found [here](
In order to provide documentation about some modules that require specific input / output / configuration, the [doc](doc) directory contains detailed information about the general purpose, requirements, features, input and ouput of each of these modules:
## License
[![FOSSA Status](](
- ***description** - quick description of the general purpose of the module, as the one given by the moduleinfo
- **requirements** - special libraries needed to make the module work
- **features** - description of the way to use the module, with the required MISP features to make the module give the intended result
- **references** - link(s) giving additional information about the format concerned in the module
- **input** - description of the format of data used in input
- **output** - description of the format given as the result of the module execution

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+

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@ -322,8 +322,9 @@ In order to provide documentation about some modules that require specific input
- **input** - description of the format of data used in input
- **output** - description of the format given as the result of the module execution
In addition to the modul documentation please add your module to [docs/](
In addition to the module documentation please add your module to [docs/](
There are also [complementary slides]( for the creation of MISP modules.
## Tips for developers creating modules

View File

@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class JoeParser():
def finalize_results(self):
if self.references:
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
self.results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object', 'Tag') if (key in event and event[key])}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from pymisp import MISPEvent, MISPObject
import json
import requests
@ -12,17 +13,25 @@ cveapi_url = ''
class VulnerabilityParser():
def __init__(self, vulnerability):
def __init__(self, attribute, vulnerability):
self.attribute = attribute
self.vulnerability = vulnerability
self.misp_event = MISPEvent()
self.references = defaultdict(list)
self.capec_features = ('id', 'name', 'summary', 'prerequisites', 'solutions')
self.vulnerability_mapping = {
'id': ('text', 'id'), 'summary': ('text', 'summary'),
'vulnerable_configuration_cpe_2_2': ('text', 'vulnerable_configuration'),
'Modified': ('datetime', 'modified'), 'Published': ('datetime', 'published'),
'references': ('link', 'references'), 'cvss': ('float', 'cvss-score')}
self.weakness_mapping = {'name': 'name', 'description_summary': 'description',
'status': 'status', 'weaknessabs': 'weakness-abs'}
def get_result(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
if self.references:
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}
return {'results': results}
@ -41,7 +50,50 @@ class VulnerabilityParser():
attribute_type, relation = self.vulnerability_mapping[feature]
for value in self.vulnerability[feature]:
vulnerability_object.add_attribute(relation, **{'type': attribute_type, 'value': value})
vulnerability_object.add_reference(self.attribute['uuid'], 'related-to')
if 'cwe' in self.vulnerability and self.vulnerability['cwe'] != 'Unknown':
if 'capec' in self.vulnerability:
def __build_references(self):
for object_uuid, references in self.references.items():
for misp_object in self.misp_event.objects:
if misp_object.uuid == object_uuid:
for reference in references:
def __parse_capec(self, vulnerability_uuid):
attribute_type = 'text'
for capec in self.vulnerability['capec']:
capec_object = MISPObject('attack-pattern')
for feature in self.capec_features:
capec_object.add_attribute(feature, **dict(type=attribute_type, value=capec[feature]))
for related_weakness in capec['related_weakness']:
attribute = dict(type='weakness', value="CWE-{}".format(related_weakness))
capec_object.add_attribute('related-weakness', **attribute)
def __parse_weakness(self, vulnerability_uuid):
attribute_type = 'text'
cwe_string, cwe_id = self.vulnerability['cwe'].split('-')
cwes = requests.get(cveapi_url.replace('/cve/', '/cwe'))
if cwes.status_code == 200:
for cwe in cwes.json():
if cwe['id'] == cwe_id:
weakness_object = MISPObject('weakness')
weakness_object.add_attribute('id', **dict(type=attribute_type, value='-'.join([cwe_string, cwe_id])))
for feature, relation in self.weakness_mapping.items():
if cwe.get(feature):
weakness_object.add_attribute(relation, **dict(type=attribute_type, value=cwe[feature]))
def handler(q=False):
@ -61,7 +113,7 @@ def handler(q=False):
misperrors['error'] = ' API not accessible'
return misperrors['error']
parser = VulnerabilityParser(vulnerability)
parser = VulnerabilityParser(attribute, vulnerability)
return parser.get_result()

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class URLhaus():
return vt_object
def get_result(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}
return {'results': results}

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class VirusTotalParser(object):
return self.input_types_mapping[self.attribute.type](self.attribute.value, recurse=True)
def get_result(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}
return {'results': results}

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class VirusTotalParser():
self.apikey = apikey
def get_result(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}
return {'results': results}

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class CsvParser():
return list2pop, misp, list(reversed(head))
def finalize_results(self):
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())['Event']
event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json())
self.results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') if (key in event and event[key])}

View File

@ -1,198 +1,744 @@
import json
import base64
import io
import logging
import posixpath
import stat
import tarfile
import zipfile
from pymisp import MISPEvent, MISPObject, MISPAttribute
from import make_binary_objects
from collections import OrderedDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
userConfig = {}
inputSource = ['file']
moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Victor van der Stoep',
'description': 'Cuckoo JSON import',
'module-type': ['import']}
moduleinfo = {
'version': '1.1',
'author': 'Pierre-Jean Grenier',
'description': "Import a Cuckoo archive (zipfile or bzip2 tarball), "
"either downloaded manually or exported from the "
"API (/tasks/report/{task_id}/all).",
'module-type': ['import'],
moduleconfig = []
mispattributes = {
'inputSource': ['file'],
'output': ['MISP objects', 'malware-sample'],
'format': 'misp_standard',
# Attributes for which we can set the "Artifacts dropped"
# category if we want to
# Same for the category "Payload delivery"
class PrettyDict(OrderedDict):
This class is just intended for a pretty print
of its keys and values.
def __str__(self):
tmp = []
for k, v in self.items():
v = str(v)
if len(v) > self.MAX_SIZE:
k += ',cut'
v = v[:self.MAX_SIZE]
v.replace('\n', ' ')
tmp.append((k, v))
return "; ".join(f"({k}) {v}" for k, v in tmp)
def search_objects(event, name, attributes=[]):
Search for objects in event, which name is `name` and
contain at least the attributes given.
Return a generator.
@ param attributes: a list of (object_relation, value)
match = filter(
lambda obj: all( == name
and (obj_relation, str(attr_value)) in map(
lambda attr: (attr.object_relation, str(attr.value)),
for obj_relation, attr_value in attributes
), event.objects
return match
def find_process_by_pid(event, pid):
Find a 'process' MISPObject by its PID. If multiple objects are found,
only return the first one.
@ param pid: integer or str
generator = search_objects(
(('pid', pid),)
return next(generator, None)
class CuckooParser():
# This dict is used to generate the userConfig and link the different
# options to the corresponding method of the parser. This way, we avoid
# redundancy and make future changes easier (instead of for instance
# defining all the options in userConfig directly, and then making a
# switch when running the parser).
# Careful about the order here, as we create references between
# MISPObjects/MISPAttributes at the same time we generate them.
# Hence when we create object B, which we want to reference to
# object A, we should already have created object A.
# TODO create references only after all parsing is done
options = {
"Sandbox info": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_sandbox_info(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add info related to the sandbox",
'checked': 'true',
"Upload sample": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_sample(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Upload the sample",
'checked': 'true',
"Processes": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_process_tree(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add info related to the processes",
'checked': 'true',
"DNS": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_dns(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add DNS queries/answers",
'checked': 'true',
"TCP": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_network("tcp"),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add TCP connections",
'checked': 'true',
"UDP": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_network("udp"),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add UDP connections",
'checked': 'true',
"HTTP": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_http(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add HTTP requests",
'checked': 'true',
"Signatures": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_signatures(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Add Cuckoo's triggered signatures",
'checked': 'true',
"Screenshots": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_screenshots(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Upload the screenshots",
'checked': 'true',
"Dropped files": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_dropped_files(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Upload the dropped files",
'checked': 'true',
"Dropped buffers": {
"method": lambda self: self.add_dropped_buffers(),
"userConfig": {
'type': 'Boolean',
'message': "Upload the dropped buffers",
'checked': 'true',
def __init__(self, config):
self.event = MISPEvent()
self.files = None
self.malware_binary = None = None
self.config = {
# if an option is missing (we receive None as a value),
# fall back to the default specified in the options
key: int(
on if on is not None
else self.options[key]["userConfig"]["checked"] == 'true'
for key, on in config.items()
def get_file(self, relative_filepath):
"""Return an io.BufferedIOBase for the corresponding relative_filepath
in the Cuckoo archive. If not found, return an empty io.BufferedReader
to avoid fatal errors."""
blackhole = io.BufferedReader(open('/dev/null', 'rb'))
res = self.files.get(relative_filepath, blackhole)
if res == blackhole:
log.debug(f"Did not find file {relative_filepath}, "
f"returned an empty file instead")
return res
def read_archive(self, archive_encoded):
"""Read the archive exported from Cuckoo and initialize the class"""
# archive_encoded is base 64 encoded content
# we extract the info about each file but do not retrieve
# it automatically, as it may take too much space in memory
buf_io = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(archive_encoded))
if zipfile.is_zipfile(buf_io):
# the archive was probably downloaded from the WebUI # don't forget this not to read an empty buffer
z = zipfile.ZipFile(buf_io, 'r')
self.files = {
for info in z.filelist
# only extract the regular files and dirs, we don't
# want any symbolic link
if stat.S_ISREG(info.external_attr >> 16)
or stat.S_ISDIR(info.external_attr >> 16)
# the archive was probably downloaded from the API # don't forget this not to read an empty buffer
f =, mode='r:bz2')
self.files = { f.extractfile(info)
for info in f.getmembers()
# only extract the regular files and dirs, we don't
# want any symbolic link
if info.isreg() or info.isdir()
# We want to keep the order of the keys of sub-dicts in the report,
# eg. the signatures have marks with unknown keys such as
# {'marks': [
# {"suspicious_features": "Connection to IP address",
# "suspicious_request": "OPTIONS"}
# ]}
# To render those marks properly, we can only hope the developpers
# thought about the order in which they put the keys, and keep this
# order so that the signature makes sense to the reader.
# We use PrettyDict, a customization of OrderedDict to do so.
# It will be instanced iteratively when parsing the json (ie. subdicts
# will also be instanced as PrettyDict) = json.load(
def read_malware(self):
self.malware_binary = self.get_file("binary").read()
if not self.malware_binary:
log.warn("No malware binary found")
def add_sandbox_info(self):
info ="info", {})
if not info:
log.warning("The 'info' field was not found "
"in the report, skipping")
return False
o = MISPObject(name='sandbox-report')
o.add_attribute('score', info['score'])
o.add_attribute('sandbox-type', 'on-premise')
o.add_attribute('on-premise-sandbox', 'cuckoo')
f'started on:{info["machine"]["started_on"]} '
f'duration:{info["duration"]}s '
def add_sample(self):
"""Add the sample/target of the analysis"""
target ="target", {})
category = target.get("category", "")
if not category:
log.warning("Could not find info about the sample "
"in the report, skipping")
return False
if category == "file":
log.debug("Sample is a file, uploading it")
file_o, bin_type_o, bin_section_li = make_binary_objects(
file_o.comment = "Submitted sample"
# fix categories
for obj in filter(None, (file_o, bin_type_o, *bin_section_li,)):
for attr in obj.attributes:
if attr.type in PAYLOAD_DELIVERY:
attr.category = "Payload delivery"
elif category == "url":
log.debug("Sample is a URL")
o = MISPObject(name='url')
o.add_attribute('url', target['url'])
o.add_attribute('text', "Submitted URL")
def add_http(self):
"""Add the HTTP requests"""
network ="network", [])
http = network.get("http", [])
if not http:"No HTTP connection found in the report, skipping")
return False
for request in http:
o = MISPObject(name='http-request')
o.add_attribute('host', request['host'])
o.add_attribute('method', request['method'])
o.add_attribute('uri', request['uri'])
o.add_attribute('user-agent', request['user-agent'])
o.add_attribute('text', f"count:{request['count']} "
def add_network(self, proto=None):
Add UDP/TCP traffic
proto must be one of "tcp", "udp"
network ="network", [])
li_conn = network.get(proto, [])
if not li_conn:"No {proto} connection found in the report, skipping")
return False
from_to = []
# sort by time to get the "first packet seen" right
li_conn.sort(key=lambda x: x["time"])
for conn in li_conn:
src = conn['src']
dst = conn['dst']
sport = conn['sport']
dport = conn['dport']
if (src, sport, dst, dport) in from_to:
from_to.append((src, sport, dst, dport))
o = MISPObject(name='network-connection')
o.add_attribute('ip-src', src)
o.add_attribute('ip-dst', dst)
o.add_attribute('src-port', sport)
o.add_attribute('dst-port', dport)
o.add_attribute('layer3-protocol', "IP")
o.add_attribute('layer4-protocol', proto.upper())
o.add_attribute('first-packet-seen', conn['time'])
def add_dns(self):
"""Add DNS records"""
network ="network", [])
dns = network.get("dns", [])
if not dns:"No DNS connection found in the report, skipping")
return False
for record in dns:
o = MISPObject(name='dns-record')
o.add_attribute('text', f"request type:{record['type']}")
o.add_attribute('queried-domain', record['request'])
for answer in record.get("answers", []):
if answer["type"] in ("A", "AAAA"):
o.add_attribute('a-record', answer['data'])
# TODO implement MX/NS
def _get_marks_str(self, marks):
marks_strings = []
for m in marks:
m_type = m.pop("type") # temporarily remove the type
if m_type == "generic":
elif m_type == "ioc":
elif m_type == "call":
call = m["call"]
arguments = call.get("arguments", {})
flags = call.get("flags", {})
info = ""
for details in (arguments, flags):
info += f" {details}"
marks_strings.append(f"Call API '{call['api']}'%s" % info)
logging.debug(f"Unknown mark type '{m_type}', skipping")
m["type"] = m_type # restore key 'type'
# TODO implemented marks 'config' and 'volatility'
return marks_strings
def _add_ttp(self, attribute, ttp_short, ttp_num):
Internal wrapper to add the TTP tag from the MITRE galaxy.
@ params
- attribute: MISPAttribute
- ttp_short: short description of the TTP
(eg. "Credential Dumping")
- ttp_num: formatted as "T"+int
(eg. T1003)
f'"{ttp_short} - {ttp_num}"')
def add_signatures(self):
"""Add the Cuckoo signatures, with as many details as possible
regarding the marks"""
signatures ="signatures", [])
if not signatures:"No signature found in the report")
return False
o = MISPObject(name='sb-signature')
o.add_attribute('software', "Cuckoo")
for sign in signatures:
marks = sign["marks"]
marks_strings = self._get_marks_str(marks)
summary = sign['description']
if marks_strings:
summary += "\n---\n"
marks_strings = set(marks_strings)
description = summary + "\n".join(marks_strings)
a = MISPAttribute()
a.from_dict(type='text', value=description)
for ttp_num, desc in sign.get("ttp", {}).items():
ttp_short = desc["short"]
self._add_ttp(a, ttp_short, ttp_num)
# this signature was triggered by the processes with the following
# PIDs, we can create references
triggered_by_pids = filter(
(m.get("pid", None) for m in marks)
# remove redundancy
triggered_by_pids = set(triggered_by_pids)
for pid in triggered_by_pids:
process_o = find_process_by_pid(self.event, pid)
if process_o:
process_o.add_reference(a, "triggers")
o.add_attribute('signature', **a)
def _handle_process(self, proc, accu):
This is an internal recursive function to handle one process
from a process tree and then iterate on its children.
List the objects to be added, based on the tree, into the `accu` list.
The `accu` list uses a DFS-like order.
o = MISPObject(name='process')
o.add_attribute('pid', proc['pid'])
o.add_attribute('command-line', proc['command_line'])
o.add_attribute('name', proc['process_name'])
o.add_attribute('parent-pid', proc['ppid'])
for child in proc.get('children', []):
pos_child = len(accu)
o.add_attribute('child-pid', child['pid'])
self._handle_process(child, accu)
child_obj = accu[pos_child]
child_obj.add_reference(o, 'child-of')
return o
def add_process_tree(self):
"""Add process tree from the report, as separated process objects"""
behavior ="behavior", {})
tree = behavior.get("processtree", [])
if not tree:
log.warning("No process tree found in the report, skipping")
return False
for proc in tree:
objs = []
self._handle_process(proc, objs)
for o in objs:
def get_relpath(self, path):
Transform an absolute or relative path into a path relative to the
correct cuckoo analysis directory, without knowing the cuckoo
working directory.
Return an empty string if the path given does not refer to a
file from the analysis directory.
head, tail = posixpath.split(path)
if not tail:
return ""
prev = self.get_relpath(head)
longer = posixpath.join(prev, tail)
if longer in self.files:
return longer
elif tail in self.files:
return tail
return ""
def add_screenshots(self):
"""Add the screenshots taken by Cuckoo in a sandbox-report object"""
screenshots ='screenshots', [])
if not screenshots:"No screenshot found in the report, skipping")
return False
o = MISPObject(name='sandbox-report')
o.add_attribute('sandbox-type', 'on-premise')
o.add_attribute('on-premise-sandbox', "cuckoo")
for shot in screenshots:
# The path given by Cuckoo is an absolute path, but we need a path
# relative to the analysis folder.
path = self.get_relpath(shot['path'])
img = self.get_file(path)
# .decode('utf-8') in order to avoid the b'' format
img_data = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
filename = posixpath.basename(path)
"sandbox-file", value=filename,
data=img_data, type='attachment',
category="External analysis",
def _get_dropped_objs(self, path, filename=None, comment=None):
Internal wrapper to get dropped files/buffers as file objects
@ params
- path: relative to the cuckoo analysis directory
- filename: if not specified, deduced from the path
if not filename:
filename = posixpath.basename(path)
dropped_file = self.get_file(path)
dropped_binary = io.BytesIO(
# create ad hoc objects
file_o, bin_type_o, bin_section_li = make_binary_objects(
pseudofile=dropped_binary, filename=filename,
if comment:
file_o.comment = comment
# fix categories
for obj in filter(None, (file_o, bin_type_o, *bin_section_li,)):
for attr in obj.attributes:
if attr.type in ARTIFACTS_DROPPED:
attr.category = "Artifacts dropped"
return file_o, bin_type_o, bin_section_li
def _add_yara(self, obj, yara_dict):
"""Internal wrapper to add Yara matches to an MISPObject"""
for yara in yara_dict:
description = yara.get("meta", {}).get("description", "")
name = yara.get("name", "")
f"Yara match\n(name) {name}\n(description) {description}",
comment="Yara match"
def add_dropped_files(self):
"""Upload the dropped files as file objects"""
dropped ="dropped", [])
if not dropped:"No dropped file found, skipping")
return False
for d in dropped:
# Cuckoo logs three things that are of interest for us:
# - 'filename' which is not the original name of the file
# but is formatted as follow:
# 8 first bytes of SHA265 + _ + original name in lower case
# - 'filepath' which is the original filepath on the VM,
# where the file was dropped
# - 'path' which is the local path of the stored file,
# in the cuckoo archive
filename = d.get("name", "")
original_path = d.get("filepath", "")
sha256 = d.get("sha256", "")
if original_path and sha256:
log.debug(f"Will now try to restore original filename from "
f"path {original_path}")
s = filename.split("_")
if not s:
raise Exception("unexpected filename read "
"in the report")
sha256_first_8_bytes = s[0]
original_name = s[1]
# check our assumptions are valid, if so we can safely
# restore the filename, if not the format may have changed
# so we'll keep the filename of the report
if sha256.startswith(sha256_first_8_bytes) and \
original_path.lower().endswith(original_name) and \
filename not in original_path.lower():
# we can restore the original case of the filename
position = original_path.lower().rindex(original_name)
filename = original_path[position:]
log.debug(f"Successfully restored original filename: "
raise Exception("our assumptions were wrong, "
"filename format may have changed")
except Exception as e:
log.debug(f"Cannot restore filename: {e}")
if not filename:
log.warning(f'No filename found for dropped file! '
f'Will use "{filename}"')
file_o, bin_type_o, bin_section_o = self._get_dropped_objs(
comment="Dropped file"
self._add_yara(file_o, d.get("yara", []))
file_o.add_attribute("fullpath", original_path,
category="Artifacts dropped")
# why is this a list? for when various programs drop the same file?
for pid in d.get("pids", []):
# if we have an object for the process that dropped the file,
# we can link the two (we just take the first result from
# the search)
process_o = find_process_by_pid(self.event, pid)
if process_o:
file_o.add_reference(process_o, "dropped-by")
def add_dropped_buffers(self):
""""Upload the dropped buffers as file objects"""
buffer ="buffer", [])
if not buffer:"No dropped buffer found, skipping")
return False
for i, buf in enumerate(buffer):
file_o, bin_type_o, bin_section_o = self._get_dropped_objs(
filename=f"buffer {i}",
comment="Dropped buffer"
self._add_yara(file_o, buf.get("yara", []))
def parse(self):
"""Run the parsing"""
for name, active in self.config.items():
if active:
def get_misp_event(self):
log.debug("Running MISP expansions")
return self.event
def handler(q=False):
# Just in case we have no data
# In case there's no data