# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json, os, base64 import pymisp misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Christian Studer', 'description': 'Import Attributes from a csv file.', 'module-type': ['import']} moduleconfig = [] inputSource = ['file'] userConfig = {'header': { 'type': 'String', 'message': 'Define the header of the csv file, with types (included in MISP attribute types or attribute fields) separated by commas.\nFor fields that do not match these types, please use space or simply nothing between commas.\nFor instance: ip-src,domain, ,timestamp'}, 'has_header':{ 'type': 'Boolean', 'message': 'Tick this box ONLY if there is a header line, NOT COMMENTED, in the file (which will be skipped atm).' }} duplicatedFields = {'mispType': {'mispComment': 'comment'}, 'attrField': {'attrComment': 'comment'}} attributesFields = ['type', 'value', 'category', 'to_ids', 'comment', 'distribution'] delimiters = [',', ';', '|', '/', '\t', ' '] class CsvParser(): def __init__(self, header, has_header): self.header = header self.fields_number = len(header) self.has_header = has_header self.attributes = [] def parse_data(self, data): return_data = [] if self.fields_number == 1: for line in data: l = line.split('#')[0].strip() if l: return_data.append(l) self.delimiter = None else: self.delimiter_count = dict([(d, 0) for d in delimiters]) for line in data: l = line.split('#')[0].strip() if l: self.parse_delimiter(l) return_data.append(l) # find which delimiter is used self.delimiter = self.find_delimiter() self.data = return_data[1:] if self.has_header else return_data def parse_delimiter(self, line): for d in delimiters: if line.count(d) >= (self.fields_number - 1): self.delimiter_count[d] += 1 def find_delimiter(self): _, delimiter = max((n, v) for v, n in self.delimiter_count.items()) return delimiter def buildAttributes(self): # if there is only 1 field of data if self.delimiter is None: mispType = self.header[0] for data in self.data: d = data.strip() if d: self.attributes.append({'types': mispType, 'values': d}) else: # split fields that should be recognized as misp attribute types from the others list2pop, misp, head = self.findMispTypes() # for each line of data for data in self.data: datamisp = [] datasplit = data.split(self.delimiter) # in case there is an empty line or an error if len(datasplit) != self.fields_number: continue # pop from the line data that matches with a misp type, using the list of indexes for l in list2pop: datamisp.append(datasplit.pop(l).strip()) # for each misp type, we create an attribute for m, dm in zip(misp, datamisp): attribute = {'types': m, 'values': dm} for h, ds in zip(head, datasplit): if h: attribute[h] = ds.strip() self.attributes.append(attribute) def findMispTypes(self): descFilename = os.path.join(pymisp.__path__[0], 'data/describeTypes.json') with open(descFilename, 'r') as f: MispTypes = json.loads(f.read())['result'].get('types') list2pop = [] misp = [] head = [] for h in reversed(self.header): n = self.header.index(h) # fields that are misp attribute types if h in MispTypes: list2pop.append(n) misp.append(h) # handle confusions between misp attribute types and attribute fields elif h in duplicatedFields['mispType']: # fields that should be considered as misp attribute types list2pop.append(n) misp.append(duplicatedFields['mispType'].get(h)) elif h in duplicatedFields['attrField']: # fields that should be considered as attribute fields head.append(duplicatedFields['attrField'].get(h)) # or, it could be an attribute field elif h in attributesFields: head.append(h) # otherwise, it is not defined else: head.append('') # return list of indexes of the misp types, list of the misp types, remaining fields that will be attribute fields return list2pop, misp, list(reversed(head)) def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) if request.get('data'): data = base64.b64decode(request['data']).decode('utf-8') else: misperrors['error'] = "Unsupported attributes type" return misperrors if not request.get('config') and not request['config'].get('header'): misperrors['error'] = "Configuration error" return misperrors header = request['config'].get('header').split(',') header = [c.strip() for c in header] has_header = request['config'].get('has_header') has_header = True if has_header == '1' else False csv_parser = CsvParser(header, has_header) csv_parser.parse_data(data.split('\n')) # build the attributes csv_parser.buildAttributes() r = {'results': csv_parser.attributes} return r def introspection(): modulesetup = {} try: userConfig modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig except NameError: pass try: inputSource modulesetup['inputSource'] = inputSource except NameError: pass return modulesetup def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo