    "description": "Module to query Crowdstrike Falcon.",
    "logo": "logos/crowdstrike.png",
    "requirements": ["A CrowdStrike API access (API id & key)"],
    "input": "A MISP attribute included in the following list:\n- domain\n- email-attachment\n- email-dst\n- email-reply-to\n- email-src\n- email-subject\n- filename\n- hostname\n- ip-src\n- ip-dst\n- md5\n- mutex\n- regkey\n- sha1\n- sha256\n- uri\n- url\n- user-agent\n- whois-registrant-email\n- x509-fingerprint-md5",
    "output": "MISP attributes mapped after the CrowdStrike API has been queried, included in the following list:\n- hostname\n- email-src\n- email-subject\n- filename\n- md5\n- sha1\n- sha256\n- ip-dst\n- ip-dst\n- mutex\n- regkey\n- url\n- user-agent\n- x509-fingerprint-md5",
    "references": ["https://www.crowdstrike.com/products/crowdstrike-falcon-faq/"],
    "features": "This module takes a MISP attribute as input to query a CrowdStrike Falcon API. The API returns then the result of the query with some types we map into compatible types we add as MISP attributes.\n\nPlease note that composite attributes composed by at least one of the input types mentionned below (domains, IPs, hostnames) are also supported."