import json from . import check_input_attribute, standard_error_message from falconpy import Intel from pymisp import MISPAttribute, MISPEvent moduleinfo = { 'version': '0.2', 'author': 'Christophe Vandeplas', 'description': 'Module to query CrowdStrike Falcon.', 'module-type': ['expansion', 'hover'], 'name': 'CrowdStrike Falcon', 'logo': 'crowdstrike.png', 'requirements': ['A CrowdStrike API access (API id & key)'], 'features': 'This module takes a MISP attribute as input to query a CrowdStrike Falcon API. The API returns then the result of the query with some types we map into compatible types we add as MISP attributes.\n\nPlease note that composite attributes composed by at least one of the input types mentionned below (domains, IPs, hostnames) are also supported.', 'references': [''], 'input': 'A MISP attribute included in the following list:\n- domain\n- email-attachment\n- email-dst\n- email-reply-to\n- email-src\n- email-subject\n- filename\n- hostname\n- ip-src\n- ip-dst\n- md5\n- mutex\n- regkey\n- sha1\n- sha256\n- uri\n- url\n- user-agent\n- whois-registrant-email\n- x509-fingerprint-md5', 'output': 'MISP attributes mapped after the CrowdStrike API has been queried, included in the following list:\n- hostname\n- email-src\n- email-subject\n- filename\n- md5\n- sha1\n- sha256\n- ip-dst\n- ip-dst\n- mutex\n- regkey\n- url\n- user-agent\n- x509-fingerprint-md5', } moduleconfig = ['api_id', 'apikey'] misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} misp_type_in = ['domain', 'email-attachment', 'email-dst', 'email-reply-to', 'email-src', 'email-subject', 'filename', 'hostname', 'ip', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'md5', 'mutex', 'regkey', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'uri', 'url', 'user-agent', 'whois-registrant-email', 'x509-fingerprint-md5'] mapping_out = { # mapping between the MISP attributes type and the compatible CrowdStrike indicator types. 'domain': {'type': 'hostname', 'to_ids': True}, 'email_address': {'type': 'email-src', 'to_ids': True}, 'email_subject': {'type': 'email-subject', 'to_ids': True}, 'file_name': {'type': 'filename', 'to_ids': True}, 'hash_md5': {'type': 'md5', 'to_ids': True}, 'hash_sha1': {'type': 'sha1', 'to_ids': True}, 'hash_sha256': {'type': 'sha256', 'to_ids': True}, 'ip_address': {'type': 'ip-dst', 'to_ids': True}, 'ip_address_block': {'type': 'ip-dst', 'to_ids': True}, 'mutex_name': {'type': 'mutex', 'to_ids': True}, 'registry': {'type': 'regkey', 'to_ids': True}, 'url': {'type': 'url', 'to_ids': True}, 'user_agent': {'type': 'user-agent', 'to_ids': True}, 'x509_serial': {'type': 'x509-fingerprint-md5', 'to_ids': True}, 'actors': {'type': 'threat-actor', 'category': 'Attribution'}, 'malware_families': {'type': 'text', 'category': 'Attribution'} } misp_type_out = [item['type'] for item in mapping_out.values()] mispattributes = {'input': misp_type_in, 'format': 'misp_standard'} def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) #validate CrowdStrike params if (request.get('config')): if (request['config'].get('apikey') is None): misperrors['error'] = 'CrowdStrike apikey is missing' return misperrors if (request['config'].get('api_id') is None): misperrors['error'] = 'CrowdStrike api_id is missing' return misperrors #validate attribute if not request.get('attribute') or not check_input_attribute(request['attribute']): return {'error': f'{standard_error_message}, which should contain at least a type, a value and an uuid.'} attribute = request.get('attribute') if not any(input_type == attribute.get('type') for input_type in misp_type_in): return {'error': 'Unsupported attribute type.'} client = CSIntelAPI(request['config']['api_id'], request['config']['apikey']) attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(**request.get('attribute') ) r = {"results": []} valid_type = False try: for k in misp_type_in: if attribute.type == k: # map the MISP type to the CrowdStrike type r['results'].append(lookup_indicator(client, attribute)) valid_type = True except Exception as e: return {'error': f"{e}"} if not valid_type: misperrors['error'] = "Unsupported attributes type" return misperrors return {'results': r.get('results').pop()} def lookup_indicator(client, ref_attribute): result = client.search_indicator(ref_attribute.value) misp_event = MISPEvent() misp_event.add_attribute(**ref_attribute) for item in result.get('resources', []): for relation in item.get('relations'): if mapping_out.get(relation.get('type')): r = mapping_out[relation.get('type')].copy() r['value'] = relation.get('indicator') attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(**r) misp_event.add_attribute(**attribute) for actor in item.get('actors'): r = mapping_out.get('actors').copy() r['value'] = actor attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(**r) misp_event.add_attribute(**attribute) if item.get('malware_families'): r = mapping_out.get('malware_families').copy() r['value'] = f"malware_families: {' | '.join(item.get('malware_families'))}" attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(**r) misp_event.add_attribute(**attribute) event = json.loads(misp_event.to_json()) return {'Object': event.get('Object', []), 'Attribute': event.get('Attribute', [])} def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo class CSIntelAPI(): def __init__(self, custid=None, custkey=None): # customer id and key should be passed when obj is created self.falcon = Intel(client_id=custid, client_secret=custkey) def search_indicator(self, query): r = self.falcon.query_indicator_entities(q=query) # 400 - bad request if r.get('status_code') == 400: raise Exception('HTTP Error 400 - Bad request.') # 404 - oh shit if r.get('status_code') == 404: raise Exception('HTTP Error 404 - awww snap.') # catch all? if r.get('status_code') != 200: raise Exception('HTTP Error: ' + str(r.get('status_code'))) if len(r.get('body').get('errors')): raise Exception('API Error: ' + ' | '.join(r.get('body').get('errors'))) return r.get('body', {})