import base64 import csv import io import json import os import unittest import requests from urllib.parse import urljoin class TestExports(unittest.TestCase): """Unittest module for export modules""" def setUp(self): self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.url = "" input_event_path = "%s/test_files/misp_event.json" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(input_event_path, "r") as ifile: self.event = json.load(ifile) def misp_modules_post(self, query): return, "query"), headers=self.headers, json=query) @staticmethod def get_values(response): data = response.json() if 'data' in data: return base64.b64decode(data['data']).decode("utf-8") def test_introspection(self): """checks if all export modules are offered through the misp-modules service""" try: response = requests.get(self.url + "modules") modules = [module["name"] for module in response.json()] # list modules in the export_mod folder export_mod_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', 'misp_modules', 'modules', "export_mod") module_files = [file[:-3] for file in os.listdir(export_mod_path) if file.endswith(".py") if file not in ['', '']] missing = [] for module in module_files: if module not in modules: missing.append(module) self.assertEqual(missing, [], f"Missing modules in __init__: {missing}") finally: response.connection.close() def test_threat_connect_export(self): """Test an event export""" test_source = "Test Export" query = { "module": 'threat_connect_export', "data": [self.event], "config": { "Default_Source": test_source } } try: response = self.misp_modules_post(query) data = base64.b64decode(response.json()["data"]).decode("utf-8") csvfile = io.StringIO(data) reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) values = [field["Value"] for field in reader] assert "" in values assert "" in values # resetting file pointer to read through again and extract sources # use a set comprehension to deduplicate sources sources = {field["Source"] for field in reader} assert test_source in sources finally: response.connection.close() def test_yara_export(self): query = { "module": "yara_export", "data": [self.event], } response = self.misp_modules_post(query) expected_result = 'rule MISP_e625_MetadataExample\n{\n meta:\n my_identifier_1 = "Some string data"\n my_identifier_2 = 24\n my_identifier_3 = true\n\n strings:\n $my_text_string = "text here"\n $my_hex_string = { E2 34 A1 C8 23 FB }\n\n condition:\n $my_text_string or $my_hex_string\n}\n\n' result = self.get_values(response) self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()