import json import logging import sys from dnstrails import APIError from dnstrails import DnsTrails log = logging.getLogger('dnstrails') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(ch) misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = { 'input': ['hostname', 'domain', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst'], 'output': ['hostname', 'domain', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'dns-soa-email', 'whois-registrant-email', 'whois-registrant-phone', 'whois-registrant-name', 'whois-registrar', 'whois-creation-date', 'domain'] } moduleinfo = {'version': '1', 'author': 'Sebastien Larinier @sebdraven', 'description': 'Query on', 'module-types': ['expansion', 'hover']} # config fields that your code expects from the site admin moduleconfig = ['apikey'] def handler(q=False): if q: request = json.loads(q) if not request.get('config') and not (request['config'].get('apikey')): misperrors['error'] = 'DNS authentication is missing' return misperrors api = DnsTrails(request['config'].get('apikey')) if not api: misperrors['error'] = 'Onyphe Error instance api' ip = "" dns_name = "" ip = '' if request.get('ip-src'): ip = request['ip-src'] return handle_ip(api, ip, misperrors) elif request.get('ip-dst'): ip = request['ip-dst'] return handle_ip(api, ip, misperrors) elif request.get('domain'): domain = request['domain'] return handle_domain(api, domain, misperrors) elif request.get('hostname'): hostname = request['hostname'] return handle_domain(api, hostname, misperrors) else: misperrors['error'] = "Unsupported attributes types" return misperrors else: return False def handle_domain(api, domain, misperrors): result_filtered = {"results": []} r, status_ok = expand_domain_info(api, misperrors, domain) if status_ok: result_filtered['results'].extend(r) else: misperrors['error'] = 'Error dns result' return misperrors r, status_ok = expand_subdomains(api, domain) if status_ok: result_filtered['results'].extend(r) else: misperrors['error'] = 'Error subdomains result' return misperrors r, status_ok = expand_whois(api, domain) if status_ok: result_filtered['results'].extend(r) else: misperrors['error'] = 'Error whois result' return misperrors return result_filtered def handle_ip(api, ip, misperrors): pass def expand_domain_info(api, misperror,domain): r = [] status_ok = False ns_servers = [] list_ipv4 = [] list_ipv6 = [] servers_mx = [] soa_hostnames = [] results = api.domain(domain) if results: status_ok = True if 'current_dns' in results: if 'values' in results['current_dns']['ns']: ns_servers = [ns_entry['nameserver'] for ns_entry in results['current_dns']['ns']['values'] if 'nameserver' in ns_entry] if 'values' in results['current_dns']['a']: list_ipv4 = [a_entry['ip'] for a_entry in results['current_dns']['a']['values'] if 'ip' in a_entry] if 'values' in results['current_dns']['aaaa']: list_ipv6 = [ipv6_entry['ipv6'] for ipv6_entry in results['current_ns']['aaaa']['values'] if 'ipv6' in ipv6_entry] if 'values' in results['current_dns']['mx']: servers_mx = [mx_entry['hostname'] for mx_entry in results['current_dns']['mx']['values'] if 'hostname' in mx_entry] if 'values' in results['current_dns']['soa']: soa_hostnames = [soa_entry['email'] for soa_entry in results['current_dns']['soa']['values'] if 'email' in soa_entry] if ns_servers: r.append({'types': ['domain'], 'values': ns_servers, 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': 'List of name servers of %s first seen %s ' % (domain, results['current_dns']['ns']['first_seen']) }) if list_ipv4: r.append({'types': ['domain|ip'], 'values': ['%s|%s' % (domain, ipv4) for ipv4 in list_ipv4], 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': ' List ipv4 of %s first seen %s' % (domain, results['current_dns']['a']['first_seen']) }) if list_ipv6: r.append({'types': ['domain|ip'], 'values': ['%s|%s' % (domain, ipv6) for ipv6 in list_ipv6], 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': ' List ipv6 of %s first seen %s' % (domain, results['current_dns']['aaaa']['first_seen']) }) if servers_mx: r.append({'types': ['domain'], 'values': servers_mx, 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': ' List mx of %s first seen %s' % (domain, results['current_dns']['mx']['first_seen']) }) if soa_hostnames: r.append({'types': ['domain'], 'values': soa_hostnames, 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': ' List soa of %s first seen %s' % (domain, results['current_dns']['soa']['first_seen']) }) return r, status_ok def expand_subdomains(api, domain): r = [] status_ok = False try: results = api.subdomains(domain) if results: status_ok = True if 'subdomains' in results: r.append({ 'types': ['domain'], 'values': ['%s.%s' % (sub,domain) for sub in results['subdomains']], 'categories': ['Network activity'], 'comment': 'subdomains of %s' % domain } ) except APIError as e: misperrors['error'] = e return r, status_ok def expand_whois(api, domain): r = [] status_ok = False try: results = api.whois(domain) if results: status_ok = True item_registrant = __select_registrant_item(results) types = ['whois-registrant-email', 'whois-registrant-phone', 'whois-registrant-name', 'whois-registrar', 'whois-creation-date'] values = [item_registrant['email'], item_registrant['telephone'], item_registrant['name'], results['registrarName'], results['createdDate']] r = [{ 'types': t, 'values': v, 'categories': ['Attribution'], 'comment': 'whois information of %s by securitytrails' % domain } for t, v in zip(types, values)] # TODO File "modules/expansion/", line 230, in expand_whois # 'values': [item_registrant['email'], # TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable except APIError as e: misperrors['error'] = e print(e) return r, status_ok def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo def __select_registrant_item(entry): if 'contacts' in entry: for c in entry['contacts']: if c['type'] == 'registrant': return c