import json import logging import sys from passivetotal.common.utilities import is_ip log = logging.getLogger('passivetotal') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(ch) misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = { 'input': ['hostname', 'domain', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'x509-fingerprint-sha1', 'email-src', 'email-dst', 'target-email', 'whois-registrant-email', 'whois-registrant-phone', 'text', 'whois-registrant-name', 'whois-registrar', 'whois-creation-date'], 'output': ['hostname', 'domain', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'x509-fingerprint-sha1', 'email-src', 'email-dst', 'target-email', 'whois-registrant-email', 'whois-registrant-phone', 'text', 'whois-registrant-name', 'whois-registrar', 'whois-creation-date', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'link'] } moduleinfo = { 'version': '1.0', 'author': 'Brandon Dixon', 'description': 'The PassiveTotal MISP expansion module brings the datasets derived from Internet scanning directly into your MISP instance. This module supports passive DNS, historic SSL, WHOIS, and host attributes. In order to use the module, you must have a valid PassiveTotal account username and API key. Registration is free and can be done by visiting', 'module-type': ['expansion', 'hover'] } moduleconfig = ['username', 'api_key'] query_playbook = [ {'inputs': ['ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'hostname', 'domain'], 'services': ['whois', 'ssl', 'dns', 'enrichment'], 'name': 'generic'}, {'inputs': ['whois-registrant-email', 'whois-registrant-phone', 'whois-registrant-name', 'email-src', 'email-dst', 'target-email'], 'services': ['whois'], 'name': 'reverse-whois'}, {'inputs': ['x509-fingerprint-sha1'], 'services': ['ssl'], 'name': 'ssl-history'}, ] def query_finder(request): """Find the query value in the client request.""" for item in mispattributes['input']: if not request.get(item, None): continue playbook = None for x in query_playbook: if item not in x['inputs']: continue playbook = x break return {'type': item, 'value': request.get(item), 'playbook': playbook} def build_profile(request): """Check the incoming request for a valid configuration.""" output = {'success': False} config = request.get('config', None) if not config: misperrors['error'] = "Configuration is missing from the request." return output for item in moduleconfig: if config.get(item, None): continue misperrors['error'] = "PassiveTotal authentication is missing." return output profile = {'success': True, 'config': config} profile.update(query_finder(request)) return profile def _generate_request_instance(conf, request_type): """Automatically generate a request instance to use. In the end, this saves us from having to load each request class in a explicit way. Loading via a string is helpful to reduce the code per call. :param request_type: Type of client to load :return: Loaded PassiveTotal client """ pt_username = conf.get('username') pt_api_key = conf.get('api_key') class_lookup = {'dns': 'DnsRequest', 'whois': 'WhoisRequest', 'ssl': 'SslRequest', 'enrichment': 'EnrichmentRequest', 'attributes': 'AttributeRequest'} class_name = class_lookup[request_type] mod = __import__('passivetotal.libs.%s' % request_type, fromlist=[class_name]) loaded = getattr(mod, class_name) headers = {'PT-INTEGRATION': 'MISP'} authenticated = loaded(pt_username, pt_api_key, headers=headers) return authenticated def _has_error(results): """Check to see if there's an error in place and log it.""" if 'error' in results: msg = "%s - %s" % (results['error']['message'], results['error']['developer_message']) misperrors['error'] = msg return True return False def process_ssl_details(instance, query): """Process details for a specific certificate.""" log.debug("SSL Details: starting") values = list() details = instance.get_ssl_certificate_details(query=query) err = _has_error(details) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if details.get('message') and details['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") values = {value for value in details.values() if value} txt = [{'types': ['ssl-cert-attributes'], 'values': list(values)}] log.debug("SSL Details: ending") return txt def process_ssl_history(instance, query): """Process the history for an SSL certificate.""" log.debug("SSL History: starting") type_map = { 'ip': ['ip-src', 'ip-dst'], 'domain': ['domain', 'hostname'], 'sha1': ['x509-fingerprint-sha1'] } hits = {'ip': list(), 'sha1': list(), 'domain': list()} history = instance.get_ssl_certificate_history(query=query) err = _has_error(history) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if history.get('message') and history['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") for item in history.get('results', []): hits['ip'] += item.get('ipAddresses', []) hits['sha1'].append(item['sha1']) hits['domain'] += item.get('domains', []) tmp = list() for key, value in hits.items(): txt = {'types': type_map[key], 'values': list(set(value))} tmp.append(txt) log.debug("SSL Details: ending") return tmp def process_whois_details(instance, query): """Process the detail from the WHOIS record.""" log.debug("WHOIS Details: starting") tmp = list() details = instance.get_whois_details(query=query, compact_record=True) err = _has_error(details) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if details.get('message') and details['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") if details.get('contactEmail', None): tmp.append({'types': ['whois-registrant-email'], 'values': [details.get('contactEmail')]}) phones = details['compact']['telephone']['raw'] tmp.append({'types': ['whois-registrant-phone'], 'values': phones}) names = details['compact']['name']['raw'] tmp.append({'types': ['whois-registrant-name'], 'values': names}) if details.get('registrar', None): tmp.append({'types': ['whois-registrar'], 'values': [details.get('registrar')]}) if details.get('registered', None): tmp.append({'types': ['whois-creation-date'], 'values': [details.get('registered')]}) log.debug("WHOIS Details: ending") return tmp def process_whois_search(instance, query, qtype): """Process a WHOIS search for a specific field value.""" log.debug("WHOIS Search: starting") if qtype in ['whois-registrant-email', 'email-src', 'email-dst', 'target-email']: field_type = 'email' if qtype in ['whois-registrant-phone']: field_type = 'phone' if qtype in ['whois-registrant-name']: field_type = 'name' domains = list() search = instance.search_whois_by_field(field=field_type, query=query) err = _has_error(search) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if search.get('message') and search['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") for item in search.get('results', []): domain = item.get('domain', None) if not domain: continue domains.append(domain) tmp = [{'types': ['hostname', 'domain'], 'values': list(set(domains))}] log.debug("WHOIS Search: ending") return tmp def process_passive_dns(instance, query): """Process passive DNS data.""" log.debug("Passive DNS: starting") tmp = list() pdns = instance.get_unique_resolutions(query=query) err = _has_error(pdns) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if pdns.get('message') and pdns['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") if is_ip(query): tmp = [{'types': ['domain', 'hostname'], 'values': pdns.get('results', [])}] else: tmp = [{'types': ['ip-src', 'ip-dst'], 'values': pdns.get('results', [])}] log.debug("Passive DNS: ending") return tmp def process_osint(instance, query): """Process OSINT links.""" log.debug("OSINT: starting") urls = list() osint = instance.get_osint(query=query) err = _has_error(osint) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if osint.get('message') and osint['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") for item in osint.get('results', []): urls.append(item['sourceUrl']) tmp = [{'types': ['link'], 'values': urls}] log.debug("OSINT: ending") return tmp def process_malware(instance, query): """Process malware samples.""" log.debug("Malware: starting") content = {'hashes': list(), 'urls': list()} malware = instance.get_malware(query=query) err = _has_error(malware) if err: raise Exception("We hit an error, time to bail!") if malware.get('message') and malware['message'].startswith('quota_exceeded'): raise Exception("API quota exceeded.") for item in malware.get('results', []): content['hashes'].append(item['sample']) content['urls'].append(item['sourceUrl']) tmp = [{'types': ['link'], 'values': content['urls']}] hashes = {'md5': list(), 'sha1': list(), 'sha256': list()} for h in content['hashes']: if len(h) == 32: hashes['md5'].append(h) elif len(h) == 41: hashes['sha1'].append(h) elif len(h) == 64: hashes['sha256'].append(h) tmp += [{'types': ['md5'], 'values': hashes['md5']}] tmp += [{'types': ['sha1'], 'values': hashes['sha1']}] tmp += [{'types': ['sha256'], 'values': hashes['sha256']}] log.debug("Malware: ending") return tmp def handler(q=False): if not q: return q request = json.loads(q) profile = build_profile(request) if not profile['success']: log.error(misperrors['error']) return misperrors output = {'results': list()} instances = dict() for service in profile['playbook']['services']: instances[service] = _generate_request_instance( profile['config'], service) play_type = profile['playbook']['name'] query = profile['value'] qtype = profile['type'] try: if play_type == 'generic': results = process_passive_dns(instances['dns'], query) output['results'] += results results = process_whois_details(instances['whois'], query) output['results'] += results results = process_ssl_history(instances['ssl'], query) output['results'] += results results = process_osint(instances['enrichment'], query) output['results'] += results results = process_malware(instances['enrichment'], query) output['results'] += results elif play_type == 'reverse-whois': results = process_whois_search(instances['whois'], query, qtype) output['results'] += results elif play_type == 'ssl-history': results = process_ssl_details(instances['ssl'], query) output['results'] += results results = process_ssl_history(instances['ssl'], query) output['results'] += results else: log.error("Unsupported query pattern issued.") except Exception as e: misperrors['error'] = e.__str__() return misperrors return output def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo