import json import requests from . import check_input_attribute, checking_error, standard_error_message from pymisp import MISPEvent, MISPObject mispattributes = {'input': ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'], 'format': 'misp_standard'} moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Christian Studer', 'description': 'Query Malware Bazaar to get additional information about the input hash.', 'module-type': ['expansion', 'hover']} moduleconfig = [] def parse_response(response): mapping = {'file_name': {'type': 'filename', 'object_relation': 'filename'}, 'file_size': {'type': 'size-in-bytes', 'object_relation': 'size-in-bytes'}, 'file_type_mime': {'type': 'mime-type', 'object_relation': 'mimetype'}, 'md5_hash': {'type': 'md5', 'object_relation': 'md5'}, 'sha1_hash': {'type': 'sha1', 'object_relation': 'sha1'}, 'sha256_hash': {'type': 'sha256', 'object_relation': 'sha256'}, 'ssdeep': {'type': 'ssdeep', 'object_relation': 'ssdeep'}} misp_event = MISPEvent() for data in response: misp_object = MISPObject('file') for feature, attribute in mapping.items(): if feature in data: misp_attribute = {'value': data[feature]} misp_attribute.update(attribute) misp_object.add_attribute(**misp_attribute) misp_event.add_object(**misp_object) return {'results': {'Object': [json.loads(misp_object.to_json()) for misp_object in misp_event.objects]}} def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) if not request.get('attribute') or not check_input_attribute(request['attribute'], requirements=('type', 'value')): return {'error': f'{standard_error_message}, {checking_error} that is the hash to submit to Malware Bazaar.'} attribute = request['attribute'] if attribute['type'] not in mispattributes['input']: return {'error': 'Unsupported attribute type.'} url = '' response =, data={'query': 'get_info', 'hash': attribute['value']}).json() query_status = response['query_status'] if query_status == 'ok': return parse_response(response['data']) return {'error': 'Hash not found on MALWAREbazzar' if query_status == 'hash_not_found' else f'Problem encountered during the query: {query_status}'} def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo