-i https://pypi.org/simple aiohttp==3.8.3 aiosignal==1.2.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3 anyio==3.6.1 ; python_full_version >= '3.6.2' apiosintds==1.8.3 appdirs==1.4.4 argparse==1.4.0 assemblyline-client==4.5.0 async-timeout==4.0.2 ; python_version >= '3.6' asynctest==0.13.0 ; python_version < '3.8' attrs==22.1.0 ; python_version >= '3.5' backoff==2.1.2 ; python_version >= '3.7' and python_version < '4.0' backports.zoneinfo==0.2.1 ; python_version < '3.9' backscatter==0.2.4 beautifulsoup4==4.11.1 bidict==0.22.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' blockchain==1.4.4 censys==2.1.8 certifi==2022.9.24 ; python_version >= '3.6' cffi==1.15.1 chardet==5.0.0 charset-normalizer==2.1.1 ; python_full_version >= '3.6.0' clamd==1.0.2 click==8.1.3 ; python_version >= '3.7' click-plugins==1.1.1 colorama==0.4.5 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' colorclass==2.2.2 ; python_version >= '2.6' commonmark==0.9.1 compressed-rtf==1.0.6 configparser==5.3.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' crowdstrike-falconpy==1.2.2 cryptography==38.0.1 ; python_version >= '3.6' dateparser==1.1.1 ; python_version >= '3.5' decorator==5.1.1 ; python_version >= '3.5' deprecated==1.2.13 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' dnsdb2==1.1.4 dnspython==2.2.1 domaintools-api==1.0.1 easygui==0.98.3 ebcdic==1.1.1 enum-compat==0.0.3 et-xmlfile==1.1.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' extract-msg==0.36.3 ezodf==0.3.2 filelock==3.8.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' frozenlist==1.3.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' future==0.18.2 ; python_version >= '2.6' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' geoip2==4.6.0 h11==0.12.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' httpcore==0.15.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' httplib2==0.20.4 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' httpx==0.23.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' idna==3.4 ; python_version >= '3.5' imapclient==2.3.1 importlib-metadata==4.12.0 ; python_version < '3.8' importlib-resources==5.9.0 ; python_version < '3.9' isodate==0.6.1 itsdangerous==2.1.2 ; python_version >= '3.7' jaraco.classes==3.2.3 ; python_version >= '3.7' jbxapi==3.18.0 jeepney==0.8.0 ; sys_platform == 'linux' jinja2==3.1.2 json-log-formatter==0.5.1 jsonschema==4.16.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' keyring==23.9.3 ; python_version >= '3.7' lark-parser==0.12.0 lief==0.12.1 lxml==4.9.1 maclookup==1.0.3 markdownify==0.5.3 markupsafe==2.1.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' mattermostdriver==7.3.2 maxminddb==2.2.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' . more-itertools==8.14.0 ; python_version >= '3.5' msoffcrypto-tool==5.0.0 ; python_version >= '3' and platform_python_implementation != 'PyPy' or (platform_system != 'Windows' and platform_system != 'Darwin') multidict==6.0.2 ; python_version >= '3.7' mwdblib==4.3.1 ndjson==0.3.1 np==1.0.2 numpy==1.21.6 ; python_version < '3.10' and platform_machine == 'aarch64' oauth2==1.9.0.post1 git+https://github.com/cartertemm/ODTReader.git/@49d6938693f6faa3ff09998f86dba551ae3a996b#egg=odtreader olefile==0.46 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' oletools==0.60.1 opencv-python== openpyxl==3.0.10 packaging==21.3 ; python_version >= '3.6' pandas==1.3.5 pandas-ods-reader==0.1.2 passivetotal==2.5.9 pcodedmp==1.2.6 pdftotext==2.2.2 pillow==9.2.0 pkgutil-resolve-name==1.3.10 ; python_version < '3.9' progressbar2==4.0.0 ; python_full_version >= '3.7.0' psutil==5.9.2 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' publicsuffixlist==0.8.0 ; python_version >= '2.6' git+https://github.com/D4-project/BGP-Ranking.git/@68de39f6c5196f796055c1ac34504054d688aa59#egg=pybgpranking&subdirectory=client pycparser==2.21 pycryptodome==3.15.0 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' pycryptodomex==3.15.0 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' pydeep2==0.5.1 git+https://github.com/sebdraven/pydnstrails@48c1f740025c51289f43a24863d1845ff12fd21a#egg=pydnstrails pyeupi==1.1 pyfaup==1.2 pygeoip==0.3.2 pycountry==22.3.5 pygments==2.13.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' git+https://github.com/MISP/PyIntel471.git@917272fafa8e12102329faca52173e90c5256968#egg=pyintel471 git+https://github.com/D4-project/IPASN-History.git/@a2853c39265cecdd0c0d16850bd34621c0551b87#egg=pyipasnhistory&subdirectory=client pymisp[email,fileobjects,openioc,pdfexport,url]==2.4.162 git+https://github.com/sebdraven/pyonyphe@d1d6741f8ea4475f3bb77ff20c876f08839cabd1#egg=pyonyphe pyparsing==2.4.7 ; python_version >= '2.6' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' pypdns==1.5.2 pypssl==2.2 pyrsistent==0.18.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' pytesseract==0.3.10 python-baseconv==1.2.2 python-dateutil==2.8.2 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' python-docx==0.8.11 python-engineio==4.3.4 ; python_version >= '3.6' python-magic==0.4.27 python-pptx==0.6.21 python-socketio[client]==5.7.1 ; python_version >= '3.6' python-utils==3.3.3 ; python_version >= '3.7' pytz==2019.3 pytz-deprecation-shim==0.1.0.post0 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5' pyyaml==6.0 ; python_version >= '3.6' pyzbar==0.1.9 pyzipper==0.3.6 ; python_version >= '3.5' rdflib==6.2.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' redis==4.3.4 ; python_version >= '3.6' regex==2022.3.2 ; python_version >= '3.6' reportlab==3.6.11 requests==2.28.1 requests-cache==0.6.4 ; python_version >= '3.6' requests-file==1.5.1 rfc3986[idna2008]==1.5.0 rich==12.5.1 ; python_full_version >= '3.6.3' and python_full_version < '4.0.0' rtfde==0.0.2 secretstorage==3.3.3 ; sys_platform == 'linux' setuptools==65.4.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' shodan==1.28.0 sigmatools==0.19.1 simplejson==3.17.6 ; python_version >= '2.5' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' six==1.16.0 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' sniffio==1.3.0 ; python_version >= '3.7' socialscan==1.4.2 socketio-client== soupsieve==2.3.2.post1 ; python_version >= '3.6' sparqlwrapper==2.0.0 stix2==3.0.1 stix2-patterns==2.0.0 tabulate==0.8.10 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' tau-clients==0.2.9 taxii2-client==2.3.0 tldextract==3.3.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' tornado==6.2 ; python_version >= '3.7' tqdm==4.64.1 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3' git+https://github.com/SteveClement/trustar-python.git@6954eae38e0c77eaeef26084b6c5fd033925c1c7#egg=trustar typing-extensions==4.3.0 ; python_version < '3.8' tzdata==2022.4 ; python_version >= '3.6' tzlocal==4.2 ; python_version >= '3.6' unicodecsv==0.14.1 url-normalize==1.4.3 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5' urlarchiver==0.2 urllib3==1.26.12 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5' and python_version < '4' validators==0.14.0 vt-graph-api==2.2.0 vt-py==0.17.1 vulners==2.0.4 wand==0.6.10 websocket-client==1.4.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' websockets==10.3 ; python_version >= '3.7' wrapt==1.14.1 ; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' xlrd==2.0.1 xlsxwriter==3.0.3 ; python_version >= '3.4' yara-python==3.8.1 yarl==1.8.1 ; python_version >= '3.7' zipp==3.8.1 ; python_version >= '3.7'