#!/usr/local/bin/python # Copyright © 2024 The Google Threat Intelligence authors. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Google Threat Intelligence MISP expansion module.""" from urllib import parse import vt import pymisp MISP_ATTRIBUTES = { 'input': [ 'hostname', 'domain', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'url', ], 'format': 'misp_standard', } MODULE_INFO = { 'version': '1', 'author': 'Google Threat Intelligence team', 'description': ('An expansion module to have the observable\'s threat' ' score assessed by Google Threat Intelligence.'), 'module-type': ['expansion'], 'config': [ 'apikey', 'event_limit', 'proxy_host', 'proxy_port', 'proxy_username', 'proxy_password' ] } DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT = 10 class GoogleThreatIntelligenceParser: """Main parser class to create the MISP event.""" def __init__(self, client: vt.Client, limit: int) -> None: self.client = client self.limit = limit or DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT self.misp_event = pymisp.MISPEvent() self.attribute = pymisp.MISPAttribute() self.parsed_objects = {} self.input_types_mapping = { 'ip-src': self.parse_ip, 'ip-dst': self.parse_ip, 'domain': self.parse_domain, 'hostname': self.parse_domain, 'md5': self.parse_hash, 'sha1': self.parse_hash, 'sha256': self.parse_hash, 'url': self.parse_url } self.proxies = None def query_api(self, attribute: dict) -> None: """Get data from the API and parse it.""" self.attribute.from_dict(**attribute) self.input_types_mapping[self.attribute.type](self.attribute.value) def get_results(self) -> dict: """Serialize the MISP event.""" event = self.misp_event.to_dict() results = { key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object') \ if (key in event and event[key]) } return {'results': results} def create_gti_report_object(self, report): """Create GTI report object.""" report = report.to_dict() permalink = ('https://www.virustotal.com/gui/' f"{report['type']}/{report['id']}") report_object = pymisp.MISPObject('Google-Threat-Intel-report') report_object.add_attribute('permalink', type='link', value=permalink) report_object.add_attribute( 'Threat Score', type='text', value=get_key( report, 'attributes.gti_assessment.threat_score.value')) report_object.add_attribute( 'Verdict', type='text', value=get_key( report, 'attributes.gti_assessment.verdict.value').replace( 'VERDICT_', '')) report_object.add_attribute( 'Severity', type='text', value=get_key( report, 'attributes.gti_assessment.severity.value').replace( 'SEVERITY_', '')) report_object.add_attribute( 'Threat Label', type='text', value=get_key( report, ('attributes.popular_threat_classification' '.suggested_threat_label'))) self.misp_event.add_object(**report_object) return report_object.uuid def parse_domain(self, domain: str) -> str: """Create domain MISP object.""" domain_report = self.client.get_object(f'/domains/{domain}') # DOMAIN domain_object = pymisp.MISPObject('domain-ip') domain_object.add_attribute( 'domain', type='domain', value=domain_report.id) report_uuid = self.create_gti_report_object(domain_report) domain_object.add_reference(report_uuid, 'analyzed-with') self.misp_event.add_object(**domain_object) return domain_object.uuid def parse_hash(self, file_hash: str) -> str: """Create hash MISP object.""" file_report = self.client.get_object(f'/files/{file_hash}') file_object = pymisp.MISPObject('file') for hash_type in ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'): file_object.add_attribute( hash_type, **{'type': hash_type, 'value': file_report.get(hash_type)}) report_uuid = self.create_gti_report_object(file_report) file_object.add_reference(report_uuid, 'analyzed-with') self.misp_event.add_object(**file_object) return file_object.uuid def parse_ip(self, ip: str) -> str: """Create ip MISP object.""" ip_report = self.client.get_object(f'/ip_addresses/{ip}') # IP ip_object = pymisp.MISPObject('domain-ip') ip_object.add_attribute('ip', type='ip-dst', value=ip_report.id) report_uuid = self.create_gti_report_object(ip_report) ip_object.add_reference(report_uuid, 'analyzed-with') self.misp_event.add_object(**ip_object) return ip_object.uuid def parse_url(self, url: str) -> str: """Create URL MISP object.""" url_id = vt.url_id(url) url_report = self.client.get_object(f'/urls/{url_id}') url_object = pymisp.MISPObject('url') url_object.add_attribute('url', type='url', value=url_report.url) report_uuid = self.create_gti_report_object(url_report) url_object.add_reference(report_uuid, 'analyzed-with') self.misp_event.add_object(**url_object) return url_object.uuid def get_key(dictionary, key, default_value=''): """Get value from nested dictionaries.""" dictionary = dictionary or {} keys = key.split('.') field_name = keys.pop() for k in keys: if k not in dictionary: return default_value dictionary = dictionary[k] return dictionary.get(field_name, default_value) def get_proxy_settings(config: dict) -> dict: """Returns proxy settings in the requests format or None if not set up.""" proxies = None host = config.get('proxy_host') port = config.get('proxy_port') username = config.get('proxy_username') password = config.get('proxy_password') if host: if not port: raise KeyError( ('The google_threat_intelligence_proxy_host config is set, ' 'please also set the virustotal_proxy_port.')) parsed = parse.urlparse(host) if 'http' in parsed.scheme: scheme = 'http' else: scheme = parsed.scheme netloc = parsed.netloc host = f'{netloc}:{port}' if username: if not password: raise KeyError(('The google_threat_intelligence_' ' proxy_host config is set, please also' ' set the virustotal_proxy_password.')) auth = f'{username}:{password}' host = auth + '@' + host proxies = { 'http': f'{scheme}://{host}', 'https': f'{scheme}://{host}' } return proxies def dict_handler(request: dict): """MISP entry point fo the module.""" if not request.get('config') or not request['config'].get('apikey'): return { 'error': ('A Google Threat Intelligence api ' 'key is required for this module.') } if not request.get('attribute'): return { 'error': ('This module requires an "attribute" field as input,' ' which should contain at least a type, a value and an' ' uuid.') } if request['attribute']['type'] not in MISP_ATTRIBUTES['input']: return {'error': 'Unsupported attribute type.'} event_limit = request['config'].get('event_limit') attribute = request['attribute'] try: proxy_settings = get_proxy_settings(request.get('config')) client = vt.Client( request['config']['apikey'], headers={ 'x-tool': 'MISPModuleGTIExpansion', }, proxy=proxy_settings['http'] if proxy_settings else None) parser = GoogleThreatIntelligenceParser( client, int(event_limit) if event_limit else None) parser.query_api(attribute) except vt.APIError as ex: return {'error': ex.message} except KeyError as ex: return {'error': str(ex)} return parser.get_results() def introspection(): """Returns the module input attributes required.""" return MISP_ATTRIBUTES def version(): """Returns the module metadata.""" return MODULE_INFO if __name__ == '__main__': # Testing/debug calls. import os api_key = os.getenv('GTI_API_KEY') # File request_data = { 'config': {'apikey': api_key}, 'attribute': { 'type': 'sha256', 'value': ('ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f10' '71661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa') } } response = dict_handler(request_data) report_obj = response['results']['Object'][0] print(report_obj.to_dict()) # URL request_data = { 'config': {'apikey': api_key}, 'attribute': { 'type': 'url', 'value': '' } } response = dict_handler(request_data) report_obj = response['results']['Object'][0] print(report_obj.to_dict()) # Ip request_data = { 'config': {'apikey': api_key}, 'attribute': { 'type': 'ip-src', 'value': '' } } response = dict_handler(request_data) report_obj = response['results']['Object'][0] print(report_obj.to_dict()) # Domain request_data = { 'config': {'apikey': api_key}, 'attribute': { 'type': 'domain', 'value': 'qexyhuv.com' } } response = dict_handler(request_data) report_obj = response['results']['Object'][0] print(report_obj.to_dict())