import jbxapi import base64 import io import json import logging import sys import zipfile import re from urllib.parse import urljoin log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) sh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmt = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) sh.setFormatter(fmt) log.addHandler(sh) moduleinfo = { "version": "1.0", "author": "Joe Security LLC", "description": "Submit files and URLs to Joe Sandbox", "module-type": ["expansion", "hover"] } moduleconfig = [ "apiurl", "apikey", "accept-tac", "report-cache", "systems", ] mispattributes = { "input": ["attachment", "malware-sample", "url", "domain"], "output": ["link"], } def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) apiurl = request["config"].get("apiurl") or "" apikey = request["config"].get("apikey") # systems systems = request["config"].get("systems") or "" systems = [s.strip() for s in re.split(r"[\s,;]", systems) if s.strip()] try: accept_tac = _parse_bool(request["config"].get("accept-tac"), "accept-tac") report_cache = _parse_bool(request["config"].get("report-cache"), "report-cache") except _ParseError as e: return {"error": str(e)} params = { "report-cache": report_cache, "systems": systems, } if not apikey: return {"error": "No API key provided"} joe = jbxapi.JoeSandbox(apiurl=apiurl, apikey=apikey, user_agent="MISP joesandbox_submit", accept_tac=accept_tac) try: is_url_submission = "url" in request or "domain" in request if is_url_submission: url = request.get("url") or request.get("domain")"Submitting URL: %s", url) result = joe.submit_url(url, params=params) else: if "malware-sample" in request: filename = request.get("malware-sample").split("|", 1)[0] data = _decode_malware(request["data"], True) elif "attachment" in request: filename = request["attachment"] data = _decode_malware(request["data"], False) data_fp = io.BytesIO(data)"Submitting sample: %s", filename) result = joe.submit_sample((filename, data_fp), params=params) assert "submission_id" in result except jbxapi.JoeException as e: return {"error": str(e)} link_to_analysis = urljoin(apiurl, "../submissions/{}".format(result["submission_id"])) return { "results": [{ "types": "link", "categories": "External analysis", "values": link_to_analysis, }] } def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo["config"] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo def _decode_malware(data, is_encrypted): data = base64.b64decode(data) if is_encrypted: with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data)) as zipf: data =[0], pwd=b"infected") return data class _ParseError(Exception): pass def _parse_bool(value, name="bool"): if value is None or value == "": return None if value == "true": return True if value == "false": return False raise _ParseError("Cannot parse {}. Must be 'true' or 'false'".format(name))