import json import base64 import re try: import yara except (OSError, ImportError): print("yara is missing, use 'pip3 install -I -r REQUIREMENTS' from the root of this repository to install it.") misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} userConfig = { } moduleconfig = [] # fixed for now, options in the future: # event, attribute, event-collection, attribute-collection inputSource = ['event'] outputFileExtension = 'yara' responseType = 'text/plain' moduleinfo = { 'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Christophe Vandeplas', 'description': 'This module is used to export MISP events to YARA.', 'module-type': ['export'], 'name': 'YARA Rule Export', 'logo': 'yara.png', 'requirements': ['yara-python python library'], 'features': 'The module will dynamically generate YARA rules for attributes that are marked as to IDS. Basic metadata about the event is added to the rule.\nAttributes that are already YARA rules are also exported, with a rewritten rule name.', 'references': [''], 'input': 'Attributes and Objects.', 'output': 'A YARA file that can be used with the YARA scanning tool.', } class YaraRule(): def __init__(self, name): = name self.strings = {} self.conditions = [] self.meta = {} def add_string(self, type_: str, s: str): type_clean = ''.join(c if c.isalnum() or c == '_' else '_' for c in type_) if type_clean not in self.strings: self.strings[type_clean] = [] self.strings[type_clean].append(s) def add_condition(self, condition: str): self.conditions.append(condition) def add_meta(self, key: str, value: str): if key not in self.meta: self.meta[key] = [] self.meta[key].append(value) def __str__(self): if len(self.strings) == 0 and len(self.conditions) == 0: return "\n" # no strings, so no rule result = [] result.append(f"rule {} {{") result.append(" meta:") for key, values in self.meta.items(): i = 0 if len(values) == 1: result.append(f" {key} = \"{values[0]}\"") continue for value in values: result.append(f" {key}_{i} = \"{value}\"") i += 1 result.append(" strings:") for key, values in self.strings.items(): i = 0 for value in values: result.append(f" ${key}_{i} = \"{value}\"") i += 1 result.append(" condition:") if len(self.conditions) == 0: result.append(" any of them") for condition in self.conditions: result.append(f" {condition}") result.append("}") result.append("") return '\n'.join(result) def handle_string(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return yr.add_string(attribute['type'], attribute['value']) return def handle_combined(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return type_1, type_2 = attribute['type'].split('|') value_1, value_2 = attribute['value'].split('|') try: handlers[type_1](yara_rules, yr, type_1, value_1) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass try: handlers[type_2](yara_rules, yr, type_2, value_2) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass def handle_yara(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): # do not check for to_ids, as we want to always export the Yara rule # split out as a separate rule, and rewrite the rule name value = re.sub('^[ \t]*rule ', 'rule MISP_e{}_'.format(attribute['event_id']), attribute['value'], flags=re.MULTILINE) # cleanup dirty stuff from people substitutions = (('”', '"'), ('“', '"'), ('″', '"'), ('`', "'"), ('\r', ''), ('Rule ', 'rule ') # some people write this with the wrong case # ('$ ', '$'), # this breaks rules # ('\t\t', '\n'), # this breaks rules ) for substitution in substitutions: if substitution[0] in value: value = value.replace(substitution[0], substitution[1]) # we may ignore any global rules as they might disable everything # on the other hand we're only processing one event... # if 'global rule' in value: # return # private rules need some more rewriting if 'private rule' in value: priv_rules = re.findall(r'private rule (\w+)', value, flags=re.MULTILINE) for priv_rule in priv_rules: value = re.sub(priv_rule, 'MISP_e{}_{}'.format(attribute['event_id'], priv_rule), value, flags=re.MULTILINE) # compile the yara rule to confirm it's validity try: yara.compile(source=value) except Exception: # skip rules that do not compile return # all checks done, add the rule yara_rules.append(value) return def handle_malware_sample(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return handle_combined(yara_rules, yr, 'filename|md5', attribute['value']) def handle_meta(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): yr.add_meta(attribute['type'], attribute['value']) return handlers = { 'yara': handle_yara, 'hostname': handle_string, 'hostname|port': handle_combined, 'domain': handle_string, 'domain|ip': handle_combined, 'ip': handle_string, 'ip-src': handle_string, 'ip-dst': handle_string, 'ip-dst|port': handle_combined, # we could also handle_string, which would be more specific. Less false positives, but less true positives too... 'ip-src|port': handle_combined, 'url': handle_string, 'email': handle_string, 'email-src': handle_string, 'email-dst': handle_string, 'email-subject': handle_string, 'email-attachment': handle_string, 'email-header': handle_string, 'email-reply-to': handle_string, 'email-x-mailer': handle_string, 'email-mime-boundary': handle_string, 'email-thread-index': handle_string, 'email-message-id': handle_string, 'filename': handle_string, 'filename|md5': handle_combined, 'filename|sha1': handle_combined, 'filename|sha256': handle_combined, 'filename|authentihash': handle_combined, 'filename|vhash': handle_combined, 'filename|ssdeep': handle_combined, 'filename|imphash': handle_combined, 'filename|impfuzzy': handle_combined, 'filename|pehash': handle_combined, 'filename|sha224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha384': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512/224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512/256': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-256': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-384': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-512': handle_combined, 'filename|tlsh': handle_combined, 'malware-sample': handle_malware_sample, 'pattern-in-file': handle_string, 'pattern-in-traffic': handle_string, 'pattern-in-memory': handle_string, 'link': handle_meta } # auto-generate the list of types to use types_to_use = handlers.keys() def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) yara_rules = [] for event in request["data"]: event_info_clean = ''.join(c if c.isalnum() or c == '_' else '_' for c in event['Event']['info']) yr = YaraRule(f"MISP_e{event['Event']['id']}_{event_info_clean}") yr.add_meta('description', event['Event']['info']) yr.add_meta('author', f"MISP - {event['Orgc']['name']}") yr.add_meta('misp_event_date', event['Event']['date']) yr.add_meta('misp_event_id', event['Event']['id']) yr.add_meta('misp_event_uuid', event['Event']['uuid']) for attribute in event.get("Attribute", []): try: handlers[attribute['type']](yara_rules, yr, attribute) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass for obj in event.get("Object", []): for attribute in obj["Attribute"]: try: handlers[attribute['type']](yara_rules, yr, attribute) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass yara_rules.append(str(yr)) r = {"response": [], "data": str(base64.b64encode(bytes('\n'.join(yara_rules), 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')} return r def introspection(): modulesetup = {} try: responseType modulesetup['responseType'] = responseType except NameError: pass try: userConfig modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig except NameError: pass try: outputFileExtension modulesetup['outputFileExtension'] = outputFileExtension except NameError: pass try: inputSource modulesetup['inputSource'] = inputSource except NameError: pass return modulesetup def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo