import json import requests from pymisp import MISPEvent, MISPObject misperrors = {"error": "Error"} mispattributes = {"input": ["ip-dst", "ip-src", "vulnerability"], "output": ["text"]} moduleinfo = { "version": "1.1", "author": "Brad Chiappetta ", "description": "Module to access API.", "module-type": ["hover"], } moduleconfig = ["api_key", "api_type"] codes_mapping = { "0x00": "The IP has never been observed scanning the Internet", "0x01": "The IP has been observed by the GreyNoise sensor network", "0x02": "The IP has been observed scanning the GreyNoise sensor network, " "but has not completed a full connection, meaning this can be spoofed", "0x03": "The IP is adjacent to another host that has been directly observed by the GreyNoise sensor network", "0x04": "Reserved", "0x05": "This IP is commonly spoofed in Internet-scan activity", "0x06": "This IP has been observed as noise, but this host belongs to a cloud provider where IPs can be " "cycled frequently", "0x07": "This IP is invalid", "0x08": "This IP was classified as noise, but has not been observed engaging in Internet-wide scans or " "attacks in over 90 days", "0x09": "IP was found in RIOT", "0x10": "IP has been observed by the GreyNoise sensor network and is in RIOT", } vulnerability_mapping = { "id": ("vulnerability", "CVE #"), "details": ("text", "Details"), "count": ("text", "Total Scanner Count"), } enterprise_context_basic_mapping = {"ip": ("text", "IP Address"), "code_message": ("text", "Code Message")} enterprise_context_advanced_mapping = { "noise": ("text", "Is Internet Background Noise"), "link": ("link", "Visualizer Link"), "classification": ("text", "Classification"), "actor": ("text", "Actor"), "tags": ("text", "Tags"), "cve": ("text", "CVEs"), "first_seen": ("text", "First Seen Scanning"), "last_seen": ("text", "Last Seen Scanning"), "vpn": ("text", "Known VPN Service"), "vpn_service": ("text", "VPN Service Name"), "bot": ("text", "Known BOT"), } enterprise_context_advanced_metadata_mapping = { "asn": ("text", "ASN"), "rdns": ("text", "rDNS"), "category": ("text", "Category"), "tor": ("text", "Known Tor Exit Node"), "region": ("text", "Region"), "city": ("text", "City"), "country": ("text", "Country"), "country_code": ("text", "Country Code"), "organization": ("text", "Organization"), } enterprise_riot_mapping = { "riot": ("text", "Is Common Business Service"), "link": ("link", "Visualizer Link"), "category": ("text", "RIOT Category"), "name": ("text", "Provider Name"), "trust_level": ("text", "RIOT Trust Level"), "last_updated": ("text", "Last Updated"), } community_found_mapping = { "ip": ("text", "IP Address"), "noise": ("text", "Is Internet Background Noise"), "riot": ("text", "Is Common Business Service"), "classification": ("text", "Classification"), "last_seen": ("text", "Last Seen"), "name": ("text", "Name"), "link": ("link", "Visualizer Link"), } community_not_found_mapping = { "ip": ("text", "IP Address"), "noise": ("text", "Is Internet Background Noise"), "riot": ("text", "Is Common Business Service"), "message": ("text", "Message"), } misp_event = MISPEvent() def handler(q=False): # noqa: C901 if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) if not request.get("config") or not request["config"].get("api_key"): return {"error": "Missing Greynoise API key."} headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "key": request["config"]["api_key"], "User-Agent": "greynoise-misp-module-{}".format(moduleinfo["version"]), } if not (request.get("vulnerability") or request.get("ip-dst") or request.get("ip-src")): misperrors["error"] = "Vulnerability id missing" return misperrors ip = "" vulnerability = "" if request.get("ip-dst"): ip = request.get("ip-dst") elif request.get("ip-src"): ip = request.get("ip-src") else: vulnerability = request.get("vulnerability") if ip: if request["config"]["api_type"] and request["config"]["api_type"] == "enterprise": greynoise_api_url = "" else: greynoise_api_url = "" response = requests.get(f"{greynoise_api_url}{ip}", headers=headers) # Real request for IP Query if response.status_code == 200: if request["config"]["api_type"] == "enterprise": response = response.json() enterprise_context_object = MISPObject("greynoise-ip-context") for feature in ("ip", "code_message"): if feature == "code_message": value = codes_mapping[response.get("code")] else: value = response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = enterprise_context_basic_mapping[feature] enterprise_context_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) if response["noise"]: greynoise_api_url = "" context_response = requests.get(f"{greynoise_api_url}{ip}", headers=headers) context_response = context_response.json() context_response["link"] = "" + ip if "tags" in context_response: context_response["tags"] = ",".join(context_response["tags"]) if "cve" in context_response: context_response["cve"] = ",".join(context_response["cve"]) for feature in enterprise_context_advanced_mapping.keys(): value = context_response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = enterprise_context_advanced_mapping[feature] enterprise_context_object.add_attribute( relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value} ) for feature in enterprise_context_advanced_metadata_mapping.keys(): value = context_response["metadata"].get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = enterprise_context_advanced_metadata_mapping[feature] enterprise_context_object.add_attribute( relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value} ) if response["riot"]: greynoise_api_url = "" riot_response = requests.get(f"{greynoise_api_url}{ip}", headers=headers) riot_response = riot_response.json() riot_response["link"] = "" + ip for feature in enterprise_riot_mapping.keys(): value = riot_response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = enterprise_riot_mapping[feature] enterprise_context_object.add_attribute( relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value} ) misp_event.add_object(enterprise_context_object) event = json.loads(misp_event.to_json()) results = {key: event[key] for key in ("Attribute", "Object") if (key in event and event[key])} return {"results": results} else: response = response.json() community_context_object = MISPObject("greynoise-community-ip-context") for feature in community_found_mapping.keys(): value = response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = community_found_mapping[feature] community_context_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) misp_event.add_object(community_context_object) event = json.loads(misp_event.to_json()) results = {key: event[key] for key in ("Attribute", "Object") if (key in event and event[key])} return {"results": results} if response.status_code == 404 and request["config"]["api_type"] != "enterprise": response = response.json() community_context_object = MISPObject("greynoise-community-ip-context") for feature in community_not_found_mapping.keys(): value = response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = community_not_found_mapping[feature] community_context_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) misp_event.add_object(community_context_object) event = json.loads(misp_event.to_json()) results = {key: event[key] for key in ("Attribute", "Object") if (key in event and event[key])} return {"results": results} if vulnerability: if request["config"]["api_type"] and request["config"]["api_type"] == "enterprise": greynoise_api_url = "" querystring = {"query": f"last_seen:1w cve:{vulnerability}"} else: misperrors["error"] = "Vulnerability Not Supported with Community API Key" return misperrors response = requests.get(f"{greynoise_api_url}", headers=headers, params=querystring) # Real request if response.status_code == 200: response = response.json() vulnerability_object = MISPObject("greynoise-vuln-info") response["details"] = ( "The IP count below reflects the number of IPs seen " "by GreyNoise in the last 7 days scanning for this CVE." ) response["id"] = vulnerability for feature in ("id", "details", "count"): value = response.get(feature) if value: attribute_type, relation = vulnerability_mapping[feature] vulnerability_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) classifications = response["stats"].get("classifications") for item in classifications: if item["classification"] == "benign": value = item["count"] attribute_type, relation = ("text", "Benign Scanner Count") vulnerability_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) if item["classification"] == "unknown": value = item["count"] attribute_type, relation = ("text", "Unknown Scanner Count") vulnerability_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) if item["classification"] == "malicious": value = item["count"] attribute_type, relation = ("text", "Malicious Scanner Count") vulnerability_object.add_attribute(relation, **{"type": attribute_type, "value": value}) misp_event.add_object(vulnerability_object) event = json.loads(misp_event.to_json()) results = {key: event[key] for key in ("Attribute", "Object") if (key in event and event[key])} return {"results": results} # There is an error errors = { 400: "Bad request.", 404: "IP not observed scanning the internet or contained in RIOT data set.", 401: "Unauthorized. Please check your API key.", 429: "Too many requests. You've hit the rate-limit.", } try: misperrors["error"] = errors[response.status_code] except KeyError: misperrors["error"] = f"GreyNoise API not accessible (HTTP {response.status_code})" return misperrors def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo["config"] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo