import json import logging import requests from . import check_input_attribute, checking_error, standard_error_message from urllib.parse import quote from pymisp import MISPAttribute, MISPEvent, MISPTag, MISPObject moduleinfo = {'version': '1.0', 'author': 'Recorded Future', 'description': 'Module to retrieve data from Recorded Future', 'module-type': ['expansion', 'hover']} moduleconfig = ['token'] misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = {'input': ['ip', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'domain', 'hostname', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'uri', 'url', 'vulnerability', 'weakness'], 'output': ['ip', 'ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'domain', 'hostname', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'uri', 'url', 'vulnerability', 'weakness', 'email-src', 'text'], 'format': 'misp_standard'} LOGGER = logging.getLogger('recorded_future') LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) def rf_lookup(api_token: str, category: str, ioc: str) -> requests.Response: """Do a lookup call using Recorded Future's ConnectAPI.""" auth_header = {"X-RFToken": api_token} parsed_ioc = quote(ioc, safe='') url = f'{category}/{parsed_ioc}?fields=risk%2CrelatedEntities' response = requests.get(url, headers=auth_header) response.raise_for_status() return response class GalaxyFinder: """A class for finding MISP galaxy matches to Recorded Future data.""" def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.sources = { 'RelatedThreatActor': ['' 'main/clusters/threat-actor.json'], 'RelatedMalware': ['', '', '', '', '', ''] } self.galaxy_clusters = {} def pull_galaxy_cluster(self, related_type: str): """Fetches galaxy clusters for the related_type from the remote json files specified as self.sources.""" # Only fetch clusters if not fetched previously if not self.galaxy_clusters.get(related_type): for source in self.sources.get(related_type): response = self.session.get(source) if response.ok: name = source.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] self.galaxy_clusters[related_type] = {name: response.json()} else:'pull_galaxy_cluster failed for source: {source},' f' got response: {response}, {response.reason}.') def find_galaxy_match(self, indicator: str, related_type: str) -> str: """Searches the clusters of the related_type for a match with the indicator. :returns the first matching galaxy string or an empty string if no galaxy match is found. """ self.pull_galaxy_cluster(related_type) try: for cluster_name, cluster in self.galaxy_clusters[related_type].items(): for value in cluster['values']: try: if indicator in value['meta']['synonyms'] or indicator in value['value']: value = value['value'] return f'misp-galaxy:{cluster_name}="{value}"' except KeyError: pass except KeyError: pass return '' class RFColors: """Class for setting signature RF-colors.""" def __init__(self): self.rf_white = '#CCCCCC' self.rf_yellow = '#FFCE00' self.rf_red = '#CF0A2C' def riskscore_color(self, risk_score: int) -> str: """Returns appropriate hex-colors according to risk score.""" risk_score = int(risk_score) if risk_score < 25: return self.rf_white elif risk_score < 65: return self.rf_yellow else: return self.rf_red def riskrule_color(self, risk_rule_criticality: int) -> str: """Returns appropriate hex-colors according to risk rule criticality.""" risk_rule_criticality = int(risk_rule_criticality) if risk_rule_criticality == 1: return self.rf_white elif risk_rule_criticality == 2: return self.rf_yellow else: # risk_rule_criticality == 3 or 4 return self.rf_red class RFEnricher: """Class for enriching an attribute with data from Recorded Future. The enrichment data is returned as a custom MISP object. """ def __init__(self, api_token: str, attribute_props: dict): self.api_token = api_token self.event = MISPEvent() self.enrichment_object = MISPObject('Recorded Future Enrichment') self.enrichment_object.from_dict(**{'meta-category': 'misc', 'description': 'An object containing the enriched attribute and related ' 'entities from Recorded Future.', 'distribution': 0}) # Create a copy of enriched attribute to add tags to temp_attr = MISPAttribute() temp_attr.from_dict(**attribute_props) self.enriched_attribute = MISPAttribute() self.enriched_attribute.from_dict(**{'value': temp_attr.value, 'type': temp_attr.type, 'distribution': 0}) self.related_attributes = [] self.color_picker = RFColors() self.galaxy_finder = GalaxyFinder() # Mapping from MISP-type to RF-type self.type_to_rf_category = {'ip': 'ip', 'ip-src': 'ip', 'ip-dst': 'ip', 'domain': 'domain', 'hostname': 'domain', 'md5': 'hash', 'sha1': 'hash', 'sha256': 'hash', 'uri': 'url', 'url': 'url', 'vulnerability': 'vulnerability', 'weakness': 'vulnerability'} # Related entities from RF portrayed as related attributes in MISP self.related_attribute_types = ['RelatedIpAddress', 'RelatedInternetDomainName', 'RelatedHash', 'RelatedEmailAddress', 'RelatedCyberVulnerability'] # Related entities from RF portrayed as tags in MISP self.galaxy_tag_types = ['RelatedMalware', 'RelatedThreatActor'] def enrich(self): """Run the enrichment.""" category = self.type_to_rf_category.get(self.enriched_attribute.type) try: response = rf_lookup(self.api_token, category, self.enriched_attribute.value) json_response = json.loads(response.content) except requests.HTTPError as error: misperrors['error'] = f'Error when requesting data from Recorded Future. ' \ f'{error.response} : {error.response.reason}' raise error try: # Add risk score and risk rules as tags to the enriched attribute risk_score = json_response['data']['risk']['score'] hex_color = self.color_picker.riskscore_color(risk_score) tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-score="{risk_score}"' self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color) for evidence in json_response['data']['risk']['evidenceDetails']: risk_rule = evidence['rule'] criticality = evidence['criticality'] hex_color = self.color_picker.riskrule_color(criticality) tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-rule="{risk_rule}"' self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color) # Retrieve related entities for related_entity in json_response['data']['relatedEntities']: related_type = related_entity['type'] if related_type in self.related_attribute_types: # Related entities returned as additional attributes for related in related_entity['entities']: if int(related["count"]) > 4: indicator = related['entity']['name'] self.add_related_attribute(indicator, related_type) elif related_type in self.galaxy_tag_types: # Related entities added as galaxy-tags to the enriched attribute galaxy_tags = [] for related in related_entity['entities']: if int(related["count"]) > 4: indicator = related['entity']['name'] galaxy = self.galaxy_finder.find_galaxy_match(indicator, related_type) # Handle deduplication of galaxy tags if galaxy and galaxy not in galaxy_tags: galaxy_tags.append(galaxy) for galaxy in galaxy_tags: self.add_tag(galaxy) except KeyError as error: misperrors['error'] = 'Unexpected format in Recorded Future api response.' raise error def add_related_attribute(self, indicator: str, related_type: str) -> None: """Helper method for adding an indicator to the related attribute list.""" out_type = self.get_output_type(related_type, indicator) attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(**{'value': indicator, 'type': out_type, 'distribution': 0}) self.related_attributes.append((related_type, attribute)) def add_tag(self, tag_name: str, hex_color: str = None) -> None: """Helper method for adding a tag to the enriched attribute.""" tag = MISPTag() tag_properties = {'name': tag_name} if hex_color: tag_properties['colour'] = hex_color tag.from_dict(**tag_properties) self.enriched_attribute.add_tag(tag) def get_output_type(self, related_type: str, indicator: str) -> str: """Helper method for translating a Recorded Future related type to a MISP output type.""" output_type = 'text' if related_type == 'RelatedIpAddress': output_type = 'ip-dst' elif related_type == 'RelatedInternetDomainName': output_type = 'domain' elif related_type == 'RelatedHash': hash_len = len(indicator) if hash_len == 64: output_type = 'sha256' elif hash_len == 40: output_type = 'sha1' elif hash_len == 32: output_type = 'md5' elif related_type == 'RelatedEmailAddress': output_type = 'email-src' elif related_type == 'RelatedCyberVulnerability': signature = indicator.split('-')[0] if signature == 'CVE': output_type = 'vulnerability' elif signature == 'CWE': output_type = 'weakness' return output_type def get_results(self) -> dict: """Build and return the enrichment results.""" self.enrichment_object.add_attribute('Enriched attribute', **self.enriched_attribute) for related_type, attribute in self.related_attributes: self.enrichment_object.add_attribute(related_type, **attribute) self.event.add_object(**self.enrichment_object) event = json.loads(self.event.to_json()) result = {key: event[key] for key in ['Object'] if key in event} return {'results': result} def handler(q=False): """Handle enrichment.""" if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) if request.get('config') and request['config'].get('token'): token = request['config'].get('token') else: misperrors['error'] = 'Missing Recorded Future token.' return misperrors if not request.get('attribute') or not check_input_attribute(request['attribute'], requirements=('type', 'value')): return {'error': f'{standard_error_message}, {checking_error}.'} if request['attribute']['type'] not in mispattributes['input']: return {'error': 'Unsupported attribute type.'} input_attribute = request.get('attribute') rf_enricher = RFEnricher(token, input_attribute) try: rf_enricher.enrich() except (requests.HTTPError, KeyError): return misperrors return rf_enricher.get_results() def introspection(): """Returns a dict of the supported attributes.""" return mispattributes def version(): """Returns a dict with the version and the associated meta-data including potential configurations required of the module.""" moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo