# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from assemblyline_client import Client, ClientError from collections import defaultdict from pymisp import MISPAttribute, MISPEvent, MISPObject from urllib.parse import urljoin misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = {'input': ['link'], 'format': 'misp_standard'} moduleinfo = {'version': '1', 'author': 'Christian Studer', 'description': 'Query AssemblyLine with a report URL to get the parsed data.', 'module-type': ['expansion']} moduleconfig = ["apiurl", "user_id", "apikey", "password"] class AssemblyLineParser(): def __init__(self): self.misp_event = MISPEvent() self.results = {} self.attribute = {'to_ids': True} self._results_mapping = {'NET_DOMAIN_NAME': 'domain', 'NET_FULL_URI': 'url', 'NET_IP': 'ip-dst'} self._file_mapping = {'entropy': {'type': 'float', 'object_relation': 'entropy'}, 'md5': {'type': 'md5', 'object_relation': 'md5'}, 'mime': {'type': 'mime-type', 'object_relation': 'mimetype'}, 'sha1': {'type': 'sha1', 'object_relation': 'sha1'}, 'sha256': {'type': 'sha256', 'object_relation': 'sha256'}, 'size': {'type': 'size-in-bytes', 'object_relation': 'size-in-bytes'}, 'ssdeep': {'type': 'ssdeep', 'object_relation': 'ssdeep'}} def get_submission(self, attribute, client): sid = attribute['value'].split('=')[-1] try: if not client.submission.is_completed(sid): self.results['error'] = 'Submission not completed, please try again later.' return except Exception as e: self.results['error'] = f'Something went wrong while trying to check if the submission in AssemblyLine is completed: {e.__str__()}' return try: submission = client.submission.full(sid) except Exception as e: self.results['error'] = f"Something went wrong while getting the submission from AssemblyLine: {e.__str__()}" return self._parse_report(submission) def finalize_results(self): if 'error' in self.results: return self.results event = json.loads(self.misp_event.to_json()) results = {key: event[key] for key in ('Attribute', 'Object', 'Tag') if (key in event and event[key])} return {'results': results} def _create_attribute(self, result, attribute_type): attribute = MISPAttribute() attribute.from_dict(type=attribute_type, value=result['value'], **self.attribute) if result['classification'] != 'UNCLASSIFIED': attribute.add_tag(result['classification'].lower()) self.misp_event.add_attribute(**attribute) return {'referenced_uuid': attribute.uuid, 'relationship_type': '-'.join(result['context'].lower().split(' '))} def _create_file_object(self, file_info): file_object = MISPObject('file') filename_attribute = {'type': 'filename'} filename_attribute.update(self.attribute) if file_info['classification'] != "UNCLASSIFIED": tag = {'Tag': [{'name': file_info['classification'].lower()}]} filename_attribute.update(tag) for feature, attribute in self._file_mapping.items(): attribute.update(tag) file_object.add_attribute(value=file_info[feature], **attribute) return filename_attribute, file_object for feature, attribute in self._file_mapping.items(): file_object.add_attribute(value=file_info[feature], **attribute) return filename_attribute, file_object @staticmethod def _get_results(submission_results): results = defaultdict(list) for k, values in submission_results.items(): h = k.split('.')[0] for t in values['result']['tags']: if t['context'] is not None: results[h].append(t) return results def _get_scores(self, file_tree): scores = {} for h, f in file_tree.items(): score = f['score'] if score > 0: scores[h] = {'name': f['name'], 'score': score} if f['children']: scores.update(self._get_scores(f['children'])) return scores def _parse_report(self, submission): if submission['classification'] != 'UNCLASSIFIED': self.misp_event.add_tag(submission['classification'].lower()) filtered_results = self._get_results(submission['results']) scores = self._get_scores(submission['file_tree']) for h, results in filtered_results.items(): if h in scores: attribute, file_object = self._create_file_object(submission['file_infos'][h]) print(file_object) for filename in scores[h]['name']: file_object.add_attribute('filename', value=filename, **attribute) for reference in self._parse_results(results): file_object.add_reference(**reference) self.misp_event.add_object(**file_object) def _parse_results(self, results): references = [] for result in results: try: attribute_type = self._results_mapping[result['type']] except KeyError: continue references.append(self._create_attribute(result, attribute_type)) return references def parse_config(apiurl, user_id, config): error = {"error": "Please provide your AssemblyLine API key or Password."} if config.get('apikey'): try: return Client(apiurl, apikey=(user_id, config['apikey'])) except ClientError as e: error['error'] = f'Error while initiating a connection with AssemblyLine: {e.__str__()}' if config.get('password'): try: return Client(apiurl, auth=(user_id, config['password'])) except ClientError as e: error['error'] = f'Error while initiating a connection with AssemblyLine: {e.__str__()}' return error def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) if not request.get('config'): return {"error": "Missing configuration."} if not request['config'].get('apiurl'): return {"error": "No AssemblyLine server address provided."} apiurl = request['config']['apiurl'] if not request['config'].get('user_id'): return {"error": "Please provide your AssemblyLine User ID."} user_id = request['config']['user_id'] client = parse_config(apiurl, user_id, request['config']) if isinstance(client, dict): return client assemblyline_parser = AssemblyLineParser() assemblyline_parser.get_submission(request['attribute'], client) return assemblyline_parser.finalize_results() def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo