""" Common Output Format for passive DNS library. Copyright 2021: Farsight Security (https://www.farsightsecurity.com/) Author: Aaron Kaplan Released under the Apache 2.0 license. See: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt """ import ipaddress import sys import ndjson def is_valid_ip(ip: str) -> bool: """Check if an IP address given as string would be convertible to an ipaddress object (and thus if it is a valid IP). Returns -------- True on success, False on validation failure. """ try: ipaddress.ip_address(ip) except Exception as ex: print("is_valid_ip(%s) returned False. Reason: %s" % (ip, str(ex)), file=sys.stderr) return False return True def is_cof_valid_strict(d: dict) -> bool: """Check the COF - do the full JSON schema validation. Returns -------- True on success, False on validation failure. """ return True # FIXME def is_cof_valid_simple(d: dict) -> bool: """Check MANDATORY fields according to COF - simple check, do not do the full JSON schema validation. Returns -------- True on success, False on validation failure. """ if "rrname" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rrname'", file=sys.stderr) return False if not isinstance(d['rrname'], str): print("Type error: 'rrname' is not a JSON string", file=sys.stderr) return False if "rrtype" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rrtype'", file=sys.stderr) return False if not isinstance(d['rrtype'], str): print("Type error: 'rrtype' is not a JSON string", file=sys.stderr) return False if "rdata" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rdata'", file=sys.stderr) return False if "rdata" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rdata'", file=sys.stderr) return False if not isinstance(d['rdata'], str) and not isinstance(d['rdata'], list): print("'rdata' is not a list and not a string.", file=sys.stderr) return False if not ("time_first" in d and "time_last" in d) or ("zone_time_first" in d and "zone_time_last" in d): print("We are missing EITHER ('first_seen' and 'last_seen') OR ('zone_time_first' and zone_time_last') fields", file=sys.stderr) return False # currently we don't check the OPTIONAL fields. Sorry... to be done later. return True def validate_cof(d: dict, strict=True) -> bool: """Validate an input passive DNS COF (given as dict). strict might be set to False in order to loosen the checking. With strict==True, a full JSON Schema validation will happen. Returns -------- True on success, False on validation failure. """ if not strict: return is_cof_valid_simple(d) else: return is_cof_valid_strict(d) def validate_dnsdbflex(d: dict, strict=True) -> bool: """ Validate if dict d is valid dnsdbflex. It should looks like this: { "rrtype": , "rrname": } """ if "rrname" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rrname'", file=sys.stderr) return False if not isinstance(d['rrname'], str): print("Type error: 'rrname' is not a JSON string", file=sys.stderr) return False if "rrtype" not in d: print("Missing MANDATORY field 'rrtype'", file=sys.stderr) return False if not isinstance(d['rrtype'], str): print("Type error: 'rrtype' is not a JSON string", file=sys.stderr) return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": # simple, poor man's unit tests. print(80 * "=", file=sys.stderr) print("Unit Tests:", file=sys.stderr) assert not is_valid_ip("a.2.3.4") assert is_valid_ip("") assert is_valid_ip("2a0c:88:77:6::1") # COF validation mock_input = """{"count":1909,"rdata":["cpa.circl.lu"],"rrname":"www.circl.lu","rrtype":"CNAME","time_first":"1315586409","time_last":"1449566799"} {"count":2560,"rdata":["cpab.circl.lu"],"rrname":"www.circl.lu","rrtype":"CNAME","time_first":"1449584660","time_last":"1617676151"}""" i = 0 for entry in ndjson.loads(mock_input): retval = validate_cof(entry, strict=False) assert retval print("line %d is valid: %s" % (i, retval)) i += 1 test2 = '{"count": 2, "time_first": 1619556027, "time_last": 1619556034, "rrname": "westernunion.com.ph.unblock-all.com.beta.opera-mini.net.", "rrtype": "A", "bailiwick": "beta.opera-mini.net.", "rdata": [""]}' for entry in ndjson.loads(test2): assert validate_cof(entry) print(80 * "=", file=sys.stderr) print("Unit Tests DONE", file=sys.stderr)