import json import requests import re misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = {'input': ["hostname", "domain", "ip-src", "ip-dst", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512"], 'output': ["domain", "ip-src", "ip-dst", "text", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "email"] } # possible module-types: 'expansion', 'hover' or both moduleinfo = {'version': '1', 'author': 'chrisdoman', 'description': 'Get information from AlienVault OTX', 'module-type': ['expansion']} # We're not actually using the API key yet moduleconfig = ["apikey"] # Avoid adding windows update to enrichment etc. def isBlacklisted(value): blacklist = ['', '', '', '192.168.56.' , ''] for b in blacklist: if value in b: return False return True def valid_ip(ip): m = re.match(r"^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$", ip) return bool(m) and all(map(lambda n: 0 <= int(n) <= 255, m.groups())) def findAll(data, keys): a = [] if isinstance(data, dict): for key in data.keys(): if key == keys: a.append(data[key]) else: if isinstance(data[key], (dict, list)): a += findAll(data[key], keys) if isinstance(data, list): for i in data: a += findAll(i, keys) return a def valid_email(email): return bool("[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?", email)) def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False q = json.loads(q) key = q["config"]["apikey"] r = {"results": []} if "ip-src" in q: r["results"] += getIP(q["ip-src"], key) if "ip-dst" in q: r["results"] += getIP(q["ip-dst"], key) if "domain" in q: r["results"] += getDomain(q["domain"], key) if 'hostname' in q: r["results"] += getDomain(q['hostname'], key) if 'md5' in q: r["results"] += getHash(q['md5'], key) if 'sha1' in q: r["results"] += getHash(q['sha1'], key) if 'sha256' in q: r["results"] += getHash(q['sha256'], key) if 'sha512' in q: r["results"] += getHash(q['sha512'], key) uniq = [] for res in r["results"]: if res not in uniq: uniq.append(res) r["results"] = uniq return r def getHash(hash, key): ret = [] req = json.loads(requests.get("" + hash).text) for ip in findAll(req, "dst"): if not isBlacklisted(ip) and valid_ip(ip): ret.append({"types": ["ip-dst", "ip-src"], "values": [ip]}) for domain in findAll(req, "hostname"): if "." in domain and not isBlacklisted(domain): ret.append({"types": ["hostname"], "values": [domain]}) return ret def getIP(ip, key): ret = [] req = json.loads( requests.get("" + ip + "?limit=1000").text ) for hash in findAll(req, "hash"): ret.append({"types": ["sha256"], "values": [hash]}) req = json.loads( requests.get("" + ip).text ) for hostname in findAll(req, "hostname"): if not isBlacklisted(hostname): ret.append({"types": ["hostname"], "values": [hostname]}) return ret def getDomain(domain, key): ret = [] req = json.loads( requests.get("" + domain + "?limit=1000").text ) for hash in findAll(req, "hash"): ret.append({"types": ["sha256"], "values": [hash]}) req = json.loads(requests.get("" + domain).text) for domain in findAll(req, "domain"): ret.append({"types": ["hostname"], "values": [domain]}) for email in findAll(req, "value"): if valid_email(email): ret.append({"types": ["email"], "values": [domain]}) for domain in findAll(req, "hostname"): if "." in domain and not isBlacklisted(domain): ret.append({"types": ["hostname"], "values": [domain]}) req = json.loads(requests.get("" + domain).text) for ip in findAll(req, "address"): if valid_ip(ip): ret.append({"types": ["ip-dst"], "values": [ip]}) return ret def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo