import sys import json import requests import time misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} mispattributes = {'input': ['btc'], 'output': ['text']} moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Sascha Rommelfangen', 'description': 'BTC expansion service to \ get quick information from MISP attributes', 'module-type': ['hover']} moduleconfig = [] blockchain_firstseen='' blockchain_balance='' blockchain_totalreceived='' blockchain_all='' converter = ',EUR&ts=' converter_rls = '' result_text = "" g_rate_limit = 300 start_time = 0 conversion_rates = {} def get_consumption(output=False): try: req = requests.get(converter_rls) jreq = req.json() minute = str(jreq['Data']['calls_left']['minute']) hour = str(jreq['Data']['calls_left']['hour']) except: minute = str(-1) hour = str(-1) # Debug out for the console print("Calls left this minute / hour: " + minute + " / " + hour) return minute, hour def convert(btc, timestamp): global g_rate_limit global start_time global now global conversion_rates date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(timestamp)) # Lookup conversion rates in the cache: if date in conversion_rates: (usd, eur) = conversion_rates[date] else: # If not cached, we have to get the converion rates # We have to be careful with rate limiting on the server side if g_rate_limit == 300: minute, hour = get_consumption() g_rate_limit -= 1 now = time.time() delta = now - start_time #print(g_rate_limit) if g_rate_limit <= 10: minute, hour = get_consumption(output=True) if int(minute) <= 10: #print(minute) #get_consumption(output=True) time.sleep(3) else: mprint(minute) start_time = time.time() g_rate_limit = int(minute) try: req = requests.get(converter+str(timestamp)) jreq = req.json() usd = jreq['BTC']['USD'] eur = jreq['BTC']['EUR'] # Since we have the rates, store them in the cache conversion_rates[date] = (usd, eur) except Exception as ex: mprint(ex) get_consumption(output=True) # Actually convert and return the values u = usd * btc e = eur * btc return u,e def mprint(input): # Prepare the final print global result_text result_text = result_text + "\n" + str(input) def handler(q=False): global result_text global conversion_rates start_time = time.time() now = time.time() if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) click = False # This means the magnifying glass has been clicked if request.get('persistent') == 1: click = True # Otherwise the attribute was only hovered over if request.get('btc'): btc = request['btc'] else: return False mprint("\nAddress:\t" + btc) try: req = requests.get(blockchain_all+btc+"?limit=50&filter=5") jreq = req.json() except Exception as e: #print(e) print(req.text) result_text = "" sys.exit(1) n_tx = jreq['n_tx'] balance = float(jreq['final_balance'] / 100000000) rcvd = float(jreq['total_received'] / 100000000) sent = float(jreq['total_sent'] / 100000000) output = 'Balance:\t{0:.10f} BTC (+{1:.10f} BTC / -{2:.10f} BTC)' mprint(output.format(balance, rcvd, sent)) if click is False: mprint("Transactions:\t" + str(n_tx) + "\t (previewing up to 5 most recent)") else: mprint("Transactions:\t" + str(n_tx)) if n_tx > 0: mprint("======================================================================================") i = 0 while i < n_tx: if click is False: req = requests.get(blockchain_all+btc+"?limit=5&offset="+str(i)+"&filter=5") if n_tx > 5: n_tx = 5 else: req = requests.get(blockchain_all+btc+"?limit=50&offset="+str(i)+"&filter=5") jreq = req.json() if jreq['txs']: for transactions in jreq['txs']: sum = 0 sum_counter = 0 for tx in transactions['inputs']: script_old = tx['script'] if tx['prev_out']['value'] != 0 and tx['prev_out']['addr'] == btc: datetime = time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", time.localtime(int(transactions['time']))) value = float(tx['prev_out']['value'] / 100000000 ) u,e = convert(value, transactions['time']) mprint("#" + str(n_tx - i) + "\t" + str(datetime) + "\t-{0:10.8f} BTC {1:10.2f} USD\t{2:10.2f} EUR".format(value, u, e).rstrip('0')) if script_old != tx['script']: i += 1 else: sum_counter += 1 sum += value if sum_counter > 1: u,e = convert(sum, transactions['time']) mprint("\t\t\t\t\t----------------------------------------------") mprint("#" + str(n_tx - i) + "\t\t\t\t Sum:\t-{0:10.8f} BTC {1:10.2f} USD\t{2:10.2f} EUR\n".format(sum, u, e).rstrip('0')) for tx in transactions['out']: if tx['value'] != 0 and tx['addr'] == btc: datetime = time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", time.localtime(int(transactions['time']))) value = float(tx['value'] / 100000000 ) u,e = convert(value, transactions['time']) mprint("#" + str(n_tx - i) + "\t" + str(datetime) + "\t {0:10.8f} BTC {1:10.2f} USD\t{2:10.2f} EUR".format(value, u, e).rstrip('0')) #i += 1 i += 1 r = { 'results': [ { 'types': ['text'], 'values':[ str(result_text) ] } ] } # Debug output on the console print(result_text) # Unset the result for the next request result_text = "" return r def introspection(): return mispattributes def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo