import json import base64 import re try: import yara except (OSError, ImportError): print("yara is missing, use 'pip3 install -I -r REQUIREMENTS' from the root of this repository to install it.") misperrors = {'error': 'Error'} userConfig = { } moduleconfig = [] # fixed for now, options in the future: # event, attribute, event-collection, attribute-collection inputSource = ['event'] outputFileExtension = 'yara' responseType = 'text/plain' moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Christophe Vandeplas', 'description': 'Yara export module', 'module-type': ['export']} class YaraRule(): def __init__(self, name): = name self.strings = {} self.conditions = [] self.meta = {} def add_string(self, type_: str, s: str): type_clean = ''.join(c if c.isalnum() or c == '_' else '_' for c in type_) if type_clean not in self.strings: self.strings[type_clean] = [] self.strings[type_clean].append(s) def add_condition(self, condition: str): self.conditions.append(condition) def add_meta(self, key: str, value: str): if key not in self.meta: self.meta[key] = [] self.meta[key].append(value) def __str__(self): if len(self.strings) == 0 and len(self.conditions) == 0: return "\n" # no strings, so no rule result = [] result.append(f"rule {} {{") result.append(" meta:") for key, values in self.meta.items(): i = 0 if len(values) == 1: result.append(f" {key} = \"{values[0]}\"") continue for value in values: result.append(f" {key}_{i} = \"{value}\"") i += 1 result.append(" strings:") for key, values in self.strings.items(): i = 0 for value in values: result.append(f" ${key}_{i} = \"{value}\"") i += 1 result.append(" condition:") if len(self.conditions) == 0: result.append(" any of them") for condition in self.conditions: result.append(f" {condition}") result.append("}") result.append("") return '\n'.join(result) def handle_string(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return yr.add_string(attribute['type'], attribute['value']) return def handle_combined(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute: dict): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return type_1, type_2 = attribute['type'].split('|') value_1, value_2 = attribute['value'].split('|') try: handlers[type_1](yara_rules, yr, type_1, value_1) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass try: handlers[type_2](yara_rules, yr, type_2, value_2) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass def handle_yara(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute): # do not check for to_ids, as we want to always export the Yara rule # split out as a separate rule, and rewrite the rule name value = re.sub('^[ \t]*rule ', 'rule MISP_e{}_'.format(attribute['event_id']), attribute['value'], flags=re.MULTILINE) # cleanup dirty stuff from people substitutions = (('”', '"'), ('“', '"'), ('″', '"'), ('`', "'"), ('\r', ''), ('Rule ', 'rule ') # some people write this with the wrong case # ('$ ', '$'), # this breaks rules # ('\t\t', '\n'), # this breaks rules ) for substitution in substitutions: if substitution[0] in value: value = value.replace(substitution[0], substitution[1]) # we may ignore any global rules as they might disable everything # on the other hand we're only processing one event... # if 'global rule' in value: # return # private rules need some more rewriting if 'private rule' in value: priv_rules = re.findall(r'private rule (\w+)', value, flags=re.MULTILINE) for priv_rule in priv_rules: value = re.sub(priv_rule, 'MISP_e{}_{}'.format(attribute['event_id'], priv_rule), value, flags=re.MULTILINE) # compile the yara rule to confirm it's validity try: yara.compile(source=value) except yara.SyntaxError: return except yara.Error: return # all checks done, add the rule yara_rules.append(value) return def handle_malware_sample(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute): if not attribute['to_ids']: # skip non IDS attributes return handle_combined(yara_rules, yr, 'filename|md5', attribute['value']) def handle_meta(yara_rules: list, yr: YaraRule, attribute): yr.add_meta(attribute['type'], attribute['value']) return handlers = { 'yara': handle_yara, 'hostname': handle_string, 'hostname|port': handle_combined, 'domain': handle_string, 'domain|ip': handle_combined, 'ip': handle_string, 'ip-src': handle_string, 'ip-dst': handle_string, 'ip-dst|port': handle_combined, # we could also handle_string, which would be more specific. Less false positives, but less true positives too... 'ip-src|port': handle_combined, 'url': handle_string, 'email': handle_string, 'email-src': handle_string, 'email-dst': handle_string, 'email-subject': handle_string, 'email-attachment': handle_string, 'email-header': handle_string, 'email-reply-to': handle_string, 'email-x-mailer': handle_string, 'email-mime-boundary': handle_string, 'email-thread-index': handle_string, 'email-message-id': handle_string, 'filename': handle_string, 'filename|md5': handle_combined, 'filename|sha1': handle_combined, 'filename|sha256': handle_combined, 'filename|authentihash': handle_combined, 'filename|vhash': handle_combined, 'filename|ssdeep': handle_combined, 'filename|imphash': handle_combined, 'filename|impfuzzy': handle_combined, 'filename|pehash': handle_combined, 'filename|sha224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha384': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512/224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha512/256': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-224': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-256': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-384': handle_combined, 'filename|sha3-512': handle_combined, 'filename|tlsh': handle_combined, 'malware-sample': handle_malware_sample, 'pattern-in-file': handle_string, 'pattern-in-traffic': handle_string, 'pattern-in-memory': handle_string, 'link': handle_meta } # auto-generate the list of types to use types_to_use = handlers.keys() def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False request = json.loads(q) yara_rules = [] for event in request["data"]: event_info_clean = ''.join(c if c.isalnum() or c == '_' else '_' for c in event['Event']['info']) yr = YaraRule(f"MISP_e{event['Event']['id']}_{event_info_clean}") yr.add_meta('description', event['Event']['info']) yr.add_meta('author', f"MISP - {event['Orgc']['name']}") yr.add_meta('misp_event_date', event['Event']['date']) yr.add_meta('misp_event_id', event['Event']['id']) yr.add_meta('misp_event_uuid', event['Event']['uuid']) for attribute in event.get("Attribute", []): try: handlers[attribute['type']](yara_rules, yr, attribute) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass for obj in event.get("Object", []): for attribute in obj["Attribute"]: try: handlers[attribute['type']](yara_rules, yr, attribute) except KeyError: # ignore unsupported types pass yara_rules.append(str(yr)) r = {"response": [], "data": str(base64.b64encode(bytes('\n'.join(yara_rules), 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')} return r def introspection(): modulesetup = {} try: responseType modulesetup['responseType'] = responseType except NameError: pass try: userConfig modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig except NameError: pass try: outputFileExtension modulesetup['outputFileExtension'] = outputFileExtension except NameError: pass try: inputSource modulesetup['inputSource'] = inputSource except NameError: pass return modulesetup def version(): moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig return moduleinfo