mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules
320 lines
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320 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Import VMRay results.
This version supports import from different analyze jobs, starting from one sample
(the supplied sample_id).
Requires "vmray_rest_api"
# Import one job (analyze_id)
# Import STIX package (XML version)
import json
import re
from ._vmray.vmray_rest_api import VMRayRESTAPI
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
inputSource = []
moduleinfo = {'version': '0.1', 'author': 'Koen Van Impe',
'description': 'Import VMRay (VTI) results',
'module-type': ['import']}
userConfig = {'include_textdescr': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Include textual description'
'include_analysisid': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Include VMRay analysis_id text'
'only_network_info': {'type': 'Boolean',
'message': 'Only include network (src-ip, hostname, domain, ...) information'
'sample_id': {'type': 'Integer',
'errorMessage': 'Expected a sample ID',
'message': 'The VMRay sample_id'
moduleconfig = ['apikey', 'url']
include_textdescr = False
include_analysisid = False
only_network_info = False
def handler(q=False):
global include_textdescr
global include_analysisid
global only_network_info
if q is False:
return False
request = json.loads(q)
include_textdescr = request["config"].get("include_textdescr")
include_analysisid = request["config"].get("include_analysisid")
only_network_info = request["config"].get("only_network_info")
if include_textdescr == "1":
include_textdescr = True
include_textdescr = False
if include_analysisid == "1":
include_analysisid = True
include_analysisid = False
if only_network_info == "1":
only_network_info = True
only_network_info = False
sample_id = int(request["config"].get("sample_id"))
if (request["config"].get("apikey") is None) or (request["config"].get("url") is None):
misperrors["error"] = "Missing API key or server URL (hint: try cloud.vmray.com)"
return misperrors
if sample_id > 0:
api = VMRayRESTAPI(request["config"].get("url"), request["config"].get("apikey"), False)
vmray_results = {'results': []}
# Get all information on the sample, returns a set of finished analyze jobs
data = vmrayGetInfoAnalysis(api, sample_id)
if data["data"]:
vti_patterns_found = False
for analysis in data["data"]:
analysis_id = analysis["analysis_id"]
if analysis_id > 0:
# Get the details for an analyze job
analysis_data = vmrayDownloadAnalysis(api, analysis_id)
if analysis_data:
p = vmrayVtiPatterns(analysis_data["vti_patterns"])
if p and len(p["results"]) > 0:
vti_patterns_found = True
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + p["results"]}
if include_analysisid:
a_id = {'results': []}
url1 = "https://cloud.vmray.com/user/analysis/view?from_sample_id=%u" % sample_id
url2 = "&id=%u" % analysis_id
url3 = "&sub=%2Freport%2Foverview.html"
a_id["results"].append({ "values": url1 + url2 + url3, "types": "link" })
vmray_results = {'results': vmray_results["results"] + a_id["results"] }
# Clean up (remove doubles)
if vti_patterns_found:
vmray_results = vmrayCleanup(vmray_results)
return vmray_results
misperrors['error'] = "No vti_results returned or jobs not finished"
return misperrors
misperrors['error'] = "Unable to fetch sample id %u" % (sample_id)
return misperrors
misperrors['error'] = "Unable to access VMRay API"
return misperrors
misperrors['error'] = "Not a valid sample id"
return misperrors
def introspection():
modulesetup = {}
modulesetup['userConfig'] = userConfig
except NameError:
modulesetup['inputSource'] = inputSource
except NameError:
return modulesetup
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo
def vmrayGetInfoAnalysis(api, sample_id):
''' Get information from a sample, returns a set of analyzed reports'''
if sample_id:
data = api.call("GET", "/rest/analysis/sample/%u" % (sample_id), raw_data=True)
return json.loads(data.read().decode())
return False
def vmrayDownloadAnalysis(api, analysis_id):
''' Get the details from an analysis'''
if analysis_id:
data = api.call("GET", "/rest/analysis/%u/archive/additional/vti_result.json" % (analysis_id), raw_data=True)
return json.loads(data.read().decode())
return False
def vmrayVtiPatterns(vti_patterns):
''' Match the VTI patterns to MISP data'''
if vti_patterns:
r = {'results': []}
y = {'results': []}
for pattern in vti_patterns:
content = False
if pattern["category"] == "_network" and pattern["operation"] == "_download_data":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "url", 1)
elif pattern["category"] == "_network" and pattern["operation"] == "_connect":
content = vmrayConnect(pattern)
elif pattern["category"] == "_network" and pattern["operation"] == "_install_server":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_process" and pattern["operation"] == "_alloc_wx_page":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_process" and pattern["operation"] == "_install_ipc_endpoint":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "mutex", 1)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_process" and pattern["operation"] == "_crashed_process":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_process" and pattern["operation"] == "_read_from_remote_process":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_process" and pattern["operation"] == "_create_process_with_hidden_window":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_anti_analysis" and pattern["operation"] == "_delay_execution":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_anti_analysis" and pattern["operation"] == "_dynamic_api_usage":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_static" and pattern["operation"] == "_drop_pe_file":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "filename", 1)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_static" and pattern["operation"] == "_execute_dropped_pe_file":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "filename", 1)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_injection" and pattern["operation"] == "_modify_memory":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_injection" and pattern["operation"] == "_modify_memory_system":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_injection" and pattern["operation"] == "_modify_memory_non_system":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_injection" and pattern["operation"] == "_modify_control_flow":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_injection" and pattern["operation"] == "_modify_control_flow_non_system":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_file_system" and pattern["operation"] == "_create_many_files":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_hide_tracks" and pattern["operation"] == "_hide_data_in_registry":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "regkey", 1)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_persistence" and pattern["operation"] == "_install_startup_script":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern, "regkey", 1)
elif only_network_info is False and pattern["category"] == "_os" and pattern["operation"] == "_enable_process_privileges":
content = vmrayGeneric(pattern)
if content:
# Remove empty results
r["results"] = [x for x in r["results"] if isinstance(x, dict) and len(x["values"]) != 0]
for el in r["results"]:
if el not in y["results"]:
return y
return False
def vmrayCleanup(x):
''' Remove doubles'''
y = {'results': []}
for el in x["results"]:
if el not in y["results"]:
return y
def vmraySanitizeInput(s):
''' Sanitize some input so it gets properly imported in MISP'''
if s:
s = s.replace('"', '')
s = re.sub('\\\\', r'\\', s)
return s
return False
def vmrayGeneric(el, attr="", attrpos=1):
''' Convert a 'generic' VTI pattern to MISP data'''
r = {"values": []}
f = {"values": []}
if el:
content = el["technique_desc"]
if content:
if attr:
# Some elements are put between \"\" ; replace them to single
content = content.replace("\"\"","\"")
content_split = content.split("\"")
# Attributes are between open " and close "; so use >
if len(content_split) > attrpos:
content_split[attrpos] = vmraySanitizeInput(content_split[attrpos])
r["types"] = [attr]
# Adding the value also as text to get the extra description,
# but this is pretty useless for "url"
if include_textdescr and attr != "url":
f["types"] = ["text"]
return {"text": f, "attributes": r}
return False
return False
def vmrayConnect(el):
''' Extension of vmrayGeneric , parse network connect data'''
ipre = re.compile("([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}")
r = {"values": []}
f = {"values": []}
if el:
content = el["technique_desc"]
if content:
target = content.split("\"")
# port = (target[1].split(":"))[1] ## FIXME: not used
host = (target[1].split(":"))[0]
if ipre.match(str(host)):
r["types"] = ["ip-dst"]
r["types"] = ["domain", "hostname"]
f["types"] = ["text"]
if include_textdescr:
f["types"] = ["text"]
return {"text": f, "attributes": r}
return False
return False