mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules
294 lines
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294 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import base64
import zipfile
import re
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from pymisp.tools import EMailObject, make_binary_objects
from pymisp.tools import URLObject
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Unable to import URLObject, pyfaup missing')
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
misperrors = {'error': 'Error'}
mispattributes = {'inputSource': ['file'], 'output': ['MISP objects'],
'format': 'misp_standard'}
moduleinfo = {'version': '0.2',
'author': 'Seamus Tuohy, Raphaël Vinot',
'description': 'Email import module for MISP',
'module-type': ['import']}
# unzip_attachments : Unzip all zip files that are not password protected
# guess_zip_attachment_passwords : This attempts to unzip all password protected zip files using all the strings found in the email body and subject
# extract_urls : This attempts to extract all URL's from text/html parts of the email
moduleconfig = ["unzip_attachments",
def handler(q=False):
if q is False:
return False
# Decode and parse email
request = json.loads(q)
# request data is always base 64 byte encoded
data = base64.b64decode(request["data"])
email_object = EMailObject(pseudofile=BytesIO(data), attach_original_mail=True, standalone=False)
# Check if we were given a configuration
config = request.get("config", {})
# Don't be picky about how the user chooses to say yes to these
acceptable_config_yes = ['y', 'yes', 'true', 't']
# Do we unzip attachments we find?
unzip = config.get("unzip_attachments", None)
if (unzip is not None and unzip.lower() in acceptable_config_yes):
unzip = True
# Do we try to find passwords for protected zip files?
zip_pass_crack = config.get("guess_zip_attachment_passwords", None)
if (zip_pass_crack is not None and zip_pass_crack.lower() in acceptable_config_yes):
zip_pass_crack = True
password_list = get_zip_passwords(email_object.email)
# Do we extract URL's from the email.
extract_urls = config.get("extract_urls", None)
if (extract_urls is not None and extract_urls.lower() in acceptable_config_yes):
extract_urls = True
file_objects = [] # All possible file objects
# Get Attachments
# Get file names of attachments
for attachment_name, attachment in email_object.attachments:
# Create file objects for the attachments
if not attachment_name:
attachment_name = 'NameMissing.txt'
temp_filename = Path(attachment_name)
zipped_files = ["doc", "docx", "dot", "dotx", "xls", "xlsx", "xlm", "xla",
"xlc", "xlt", "xltx", "xlw", "ppt", "pptx", "pps", "ppsx",
"pot", "potx", "potx", "sldx", "odt", "ods", "odp", "odg",
"odf", "fodt", "fods", "fodp", "fodg", "ott", "uot"]
# Attempt to unzip the attachment and return its files
if unzip and temp_filename.suffix[1:] not in zipped_files:
unzip_attachement(attachment_name, attachment, email_object, file_objects)
except RuntimeError: # File is encrypted with a password
if zip_pass_crack is True:
password = test_zip_passwords(attachment, password_list)
if password:
unzip_attachement(attachment_name, attachment, email_object, file_objects, password)
else: # Inform the analyst that we could not crack password
f_object, main_object, sections = make_binary_objects(pseudofile=attachment, filename=attachment_name, standalone=False)
f_object.comment = "Encrypted Zip: Password could not be cracked from message"
file_objects += sections
email_object.add_reference(f_object.uuid, 'includes', 'Email attachment')
except zipfile.BadZipFile: # Attachment is not a zipfile
# Just straight add the file
f_object, main_object, sections = make_binary_objects(pseudofile=attachment, filename=attachment_name, standalone=False)
file_objects += sections
email_object.add_reference(f_object.uuid, 'includes', 'Email attachment')
# Just straight add the file
f_object, main_object, sections = make_binary_objects(pseudofile=attachment, filename=attachment_name, standalone=False)
file_objects += sections
email_object.add_reference(f_object.uuid, 'includes', 'Email attachment')
mail_body = email_object.email.get_body(preferencelist=('html', 'plain'))
if extract_urls:
if mail_body:
charset = mail_body.get_content_charset()
if mail_body.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
url_parser = HTMLURLParser()
url_parser.feed(mail_body.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset, errors='ignore'))
urls = url_parser.urls
urls = re.findall(r'https?://(?:[-\w.]|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2}))+', mail_body.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset, errors='ignore'))
for url in urls:
if not url:
url_object = URLObject(url, standalone=False)
email_object.add_reference(url_object.uuid, 'includes', 'URL in email body')
objects = [email_object.to_json()]
if file_objects:
objects += [o.to_json() for o in file_objects if o]
r = {'results': {'Object': [json.loads(o) for o in objects]}}
return r
def unzip_attachement(filename, data, email_object, file_objects, password=None):
"""Extract the contents of a zipfile.
filename (str): A string containing the name of the zip file.
data (decoded attachment data): Data object decoded from an e-mail part.
Returns an array containing a dict for each file
Example Dict {"values":"name_of_file.txt",
"data":<Base64 Encoded BytesIO>,
"comment":"string here"}
with zipfile.ZipFile(data, "r") as zf:
if password is not None:
comment = f'Extracted from {filename} with password "{password}"'
password = str.encode(password) # Byte encoded password required
comment = f'Extracted from {filename}'
for zip_file_name in zf.namelist(): # Get all files in the zip file
with zf.open(zip_file_name, mode='r', pwd=password) as fp:
file_data = BytesIO(fp.read())
f_object, main_object, sections = make_binary_objects(pseudofile=file_data,
f_object.comment = comment
file_objects += sections
email_object.add_reference(f_object.uuid, 'includes', 'Email attachment')
def test_zip_passwords(data, test_passwords):
"""Test passwords until one is found to be correct.
data (decoded attachment data): Data object decoded from an e-mail part.
test_passwords (array): List of strings to test as passwords
Returns a byte string containing a found password and None if password is not found.
with zipfile.ZipFile(data, "r") as zf:
firstfile = zf.namelist()[0]
for pw_test in test_passwords:
byte_pwd = str.encode(pw_test)
zf.open(firstfile, pwd=byte_pwd)
return pw_test
except RuntimeError: # Incorrect Password
return None
def get_zip_passwords(message):
""" Parse message for possible zip password combinations.
message (email.message) Email message object to parse.
possible_passwords = []
# Passwords commonly used for malware
malware_passwords = ["infected", "malware"]
possible_passwords += malware_passwords
# Commonly used passwords
common_passwords = ["123456", "password", "12345678", "qwerty",
"abc123", "123456789", "111111", "1234567",
"iloveyou", "adobe123", "123123", "sunshine",
"1234567890", "letmein", "1234", "monkey",
"shadow", "sunshine", "12345", "password1",
"princess", "azerty", "trustno1", "000000"]
possible_passwords += common_passwords
# Not checking for multi-part message because by having an
# encrypted zip file it must be multi-part.
body = []
for part in message.walk():
charset = part.get_content_charset()
if not charset:
charset = "utf-8"
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
body.append(part.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset, errors='ignore'))
elif part.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
html_parser = HTMLTextParser()
payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
if payload:
html_parser.feed(payload.decode(charset, errors='ignore'))
for text in html_parser.text_data:
raw_text = "\n".join(body).strip()
# Add subject to text corpus to parse
if "Subject" in message:
subject = " " + message.get('Subject')
raw_text += subject
# Grab any strings that are marked off by special chars
marking_chars = [["\'", "\'"], ['"', '"'], ['[', ']'], ['(', ')']]
for char_set in marking_chars:
regex = re.compile(r"""\{0}([^\{1}]*)\{1}""".format(char_set[0], char_set[1]))
marked_off = re.findall(regex, raw_text)
possible_passwords += marked_off
# Create a list of unique words to test as passwords
individual_words = re.split(r"\s", raw_text)
# Also get words with basic punctuation stripped out
# just in case someone places a password in a proper sentence
stripped_words = [i.strip('.,;:?!') for i in individual_words]
unique_words = list(set(individual_words + stripped_words))
possible_passwords += unique_words
return possible_passwords
class HTMLTextParser(HTMLParser):
""" Parse all text and data from HTML strings."""
def __init__(self, text_data=None):
if text_data is None:
self.text_data = []
self.text_data = text_data
def handle_data(self, data):
class HTMLURLParser(HTMLParser):
""" Parse all href targets from HTML strings."""
def __init__(self, urls=None):
if urls is None:
self.urls = []
self.urls = urls
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'a':
if tag == 'img':
def introspection():
return mispattributes
def version():
moduleinfo['config'] = moduleconfig
return moduleinfo
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('tests/test_no_attach.eml', 'r') as email_file: