{ "attributes": { "comment": { "description": "A description of the YARA rule.", "misp-attribute": "comment", "ui-priority": 0 }, "context": { "description": "Context where the YARA rule can be applied", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "all", "disk", "memory", "network" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "version": { "description": "Version of the YARA rule depending where the yara rule is known to work as expected.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "3.7.1" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "yara": { "description": "YARA rule.", "misp-attribute": "yara", "ui-priority": 0 }, "yara-rule-name": { "description": "YARA rule name.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 } }, "description": "An object describing a YARA rule (or a YARA rule name) along with its version.", "meta-category": "misc", "name": "yara", "requiredOneOf": [ "yara", "yara-rule-name" ], "uuid": "b5acf82e-ecca-4868-82fe-9dbdf4d808c3", "version": 5 }