{ "name": "process", "uuid": "02aeef94-ac23-455c-addb-731757ceafb5", "meta-category": "misc", "description": "Object describing a system process.", "version": 1, "attributes": { "creation-time": { "description": "Local date/time at which the process was created.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime", "disable_correlation": true }, "start-time": { "description": "Local date/time at which the process was started.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime", "disable_correlation": true }, "name": { "description": "Name of the process", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "pid": { "description": "Process ID of the process.", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "parent-pid": { "description": "Process ID of the parent process.", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "child-pid": { "description": "Process ID of the child(ren) process.", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text", "multiple": true }, "port": { "description": "Port(s) owned by the process.", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "src-port", "multiple": true } }, "requiredOneOf": [ "name", "pid" ] }