{ "requiredOneOf": [ "transaction-number", "date", "amount", "transmode-code" ], "attributes": { "text": { "description": "A description of the transaction.", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "transaction-number": { "description": "A unique number identifying a transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "location": { "description": "Location where the transaction took place.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "transmode-code": { "description": "How the transaction was conducted.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "transmode-comment": { "description": "Comment describing transmode-code, if needed.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "teller": { "description": "Person who conducted the transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "authorized": { "description": "Person who autorized the transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "date": { "description": "Date and time of the transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "amount": { "description": "The value of the transaction in local currency.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "date-posting": { "description": "Date of posting, if different from date of transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "from-funds-code": { "description": "Type of funds used to initiate a transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text", "disable_correlation": true, "sane_default": [ "A Deposit", "C Currency exchange", "D Casino chips", "E Bank draft", "F Money order", "G Traveler’s cheques", "H Life insurance policy", "I Real estate", "J Securities", "K Cash", "O Other", "P Cheque" ] }, "to-funds-code": { "description": "Type of funds used to finalize a transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text", "disable_correlation": true, "sane_default": [ "A Deposit", "C Currency exchange", "D Casino chips", "E Bank draft", "F Money order", "G Traveler’s cheques", "H Life insurance policy", "I Real estate", "J Securities", "K Cash", "O Other", "P Cheque" ] }, "from-country": { "description": "Origin country of a transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "to-country": { "description": "Target country of a transaction.", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text" } }, "version": 1, "description": "An object to describe a financial transaction.", "meta-category": "misc", "uuid": "a47fa26a-01b6-4747-a394-5144e34456dc", "name": "transaction" }