{ "attributes": { "conversion_rate": { "description": "Conversion rate between currency and currency_actual (if needed).", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "float", "ui-priority": 0 }, "conversion_time": { "description": "Timestamp when the conversion rate was queried.", "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 0 }, "criticality": { "description": "Criticality of the impact", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "Not Specified", "False Positive", "Low", "Moderate", "High", "Extreme" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "currency": { "description": "Currency used to describe the max and min amount of the impact.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "currency_actual": { "description": "Currency that the impact actually used.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "description": { "description": "Additional details about the impact.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "end_time": { "description": "The date and time the impact was last recorded.", "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 0 }, "end_time_fidelity": { "description": "Level of fidelity that the `end_time` is recorded in.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "day", "hour", "minute", "month", "second", "year" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "max_amount": { "description": "Maximum damage estimate.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "float", "ui-priority": 0 }, "min_amount": { "description": "Minimum damage estimate.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "float", "ui-priority": 0 }, "recoverability": { "description": "Recoverability of this particular impact with respect to feasibility and required time and resources.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "extended", "not-applicable", "not-recoverable", "regular", "supplemented" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "start_time": { "description": "The date and time the impact was first recorded.", "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 0 }, "start_time_fidelity": { "description": "Level of fidelity that the `start_time` is recorded in.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "day", "hour", "minute", "month", "second", "year" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "variety": { "description": "Variety of the moneraty impact.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "asset-and-fraud", "brand-damage", "business-disruption", "competitive-advantage", "legal-and-regulatory", "operating-costs", "ransom-demand", "ransom-payment", "response-and-recovery", "uncategorized" ], "ui-priority": 0 } }, "description": "Monetary Impact object as described in STIX 2.1 Incident object extension.", "meta-category": "misc", "name": "monetary-impact", "required": [ "variety" ], "uuid": "3376296c-c1ef-4847-979f-2bfc49aa983e", "version": 1 }