{ "attributes": { "command": { "description": "Command executed.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "comments": { "description": "Additional comments.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "key": { "description": "Software hive key where the information is retrieved from.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "last-write-time": { "description": "Date and time when the key was last updated.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 0 }, "shell": { "description": "Type of shell used to execute the command.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "exe", "cmd", "bat", "hta", "pif", "Other" ], "ui-priority": 0 }, "shell-path": { "description": "Path of the shell.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 } }, "description": "Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the shell commands executed on the system.", "meta-category": "misc", "name": "regripper-software-hive-command-shell", "required": [ "key", "shell", "shell-path" ], "uuid": "a7dc3697-89ce-46dc-a64d-0b1015457978", "version": 1 }