{ "requiredOneOf": [ "shell-command" ], "attributes": { "script": { "description": "Free text of the script if available which executed the shell commands.", "ui-priority": 10, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "comment": { "description": "Comment associated to the shell commands executed.", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "language": { "description": "Scripting language used for the shell commands executed.", "ui-priority": 9, "misp-attribute": "text", "disable_correlation": true, "sane_default": [ "PowerShell", "VBScript", "Bash", "Lua", "JavaScript", "AppleScript", "AWK", "Python", "Perl", "Ruby", "Winbatch", "AutoIt", "PHP" ] }, "shell-command": { "description": "", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "text", "multiple": true }, "state": { "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0, "description": "Known state of the script.", "multiple": true, "disable_correlation": true, "values_list": [ "Malicious", "Unknown", "Harmless", "Trusted" ] } }, "version": 1, "description": "Object describing a series of shell commands executed. This object can be linked with malicious files in order to describe a specific execution of shell commands.", "meta-category": "misc", "uuid": "fee65efa-eb64-4516-8611-1db76c589f79", "name": "shell-commands" }