{ "requiredOneOf": [ "registrant-email", "registrant-phone", "creation-date", "registrant-name", "registrar", "text" ], "required": [ "domain" ], "attributes": { "text": { "description": "Full whois entry", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "registrar": { "description": "Registrar of the whois entry", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "whois-registrar" }, "registrant-name": { "description": "Registrant name", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "whois-registrant-name" }, "registrant-phone": { "description": "Registrant phone number", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "whois-registrant-phone" }, "registrant-email": { "description": "Registrant email address", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "whois-registrant-email" }, "registrant-org": { "description": "Registrant organisation", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "whois-registrant-org" }, "creation-date": { "description": "Initial creation of the whois entry", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "modification-date": { "description": "Last update of the whois entry", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "expiration-date": { "description": "Expiration of the whois entry", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "nameserver": { "description": "Nameserver", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "hostname", "disable_correlation": true, "multiple": true, "to_ids": false }, "domain": { "description": "Domain of the whois entry", "categories": [ "Network activity", "External analysis" ], "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "domain" } }, "version": 8, "description": "Whois records information for a domain name.", "meta-category": "network", "uuid": "429faea1-34ff-47af-8a00-7c62d3be5a6a", "name": "whois" }