{ "requiredOneOf": [ "id" ], "attributes": { "id": { "description": "Tracking code", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "tracker": { "description": "Name of the tracker - organisation doing the tracking and/or analytics", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text", "sane_default": [ "Google Analytics", "Piwik", "Kissmetrics", "Woopra", "Chartbeat" ] }, "description": { "description": "Description of the tracking id", "ui-priority": 1, "misp-attribute": "text" }, "url": { "description": "URL where the tracking id was found", "ui-priority": 1, "multiple": true, "misp-attribute": "url" }, "hostname": { "description": "hostname where the tracking id was found", "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "hostname", "multiple": true }, "first-seen": { "description": "First time the tracking code was seen", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" }, "last-seen": { "description": "Last time the tracking code was seen", "disable_correlation": true, "ui-priority": 0, "misp-attribute": "datetime" } }, "version": 2, "description": "Analytics and tracking ID such as used in Google Analytics or other analytic platform.", "meta-category": "network", "uuid": "3681c62a-2c75-48d8-99f2-6a3444ce2393", "name": "tracking-id" }