{ "attributes": { "email-sender": { "description": "The source address from which the e-mail was sent.", "misp-attribute": "email-src", "ui-priority": 1 }, "embedded-link": { "description": "The malicious URL in the e-mail body.", "misp-attribute": "url", "ui-priority": 1 }, "redirect-url": { "description": "The redirect URL, if any, from the malicious embedded link.", "misp-attribute": "url", "ui-priority": 0 }, "research-links": { "description": "A link to an external analysis (VirusTotal, urlscan, etc.).", "misp-attribute": "link", "ui-priority": 0 }, "sender-ip": { "description": "The source IP from which the e-mail was sent.", "misp-attribute": "ip-src", "ui-priority": 1 }, "subject": { "description": "The subject line of the e-mail.", "misp-attribute": "email-subject", "ui-priority": 1 }, "supporting-evidence": { "description": "Description of the spearphish e-mail.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 } }, "description": "Spearphishing Link", "meta-category": "network", "name": "spearphishing-link", "required": [ "email-sender", "subject", "embedded-link" ], "uuid": "4e758e53-6c84-47b0-a19b-362f587059e2", "version": 20220520 }