{ "attributes": { "beneficiary": { "description": "Final beneficiary of the boleto.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 1 }, "beneficiary-bank-account": { "categories": [ "Financial fraud" ], "description": "Recipient bank account number", "misp-attribute": "bank-account-nr", "ui-priority": 0 }, "beneficiary-bank-agency": { "categories": [ "Financial fraud" ], "description": "Recipient bank agency number", "misp-attribute": "bank-account-nr", "ui-priority": 0 }, "boleto-number": { "categories": [ "Financial fraud" ], "description": "Boleto code numbers", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 1 }, "creation-date": { "description": "Date the boleto was created", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 0 }, "febraban-code": { "description": "Financial institution code in Brazil that created the boleto.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0 }, "generator-financial-institution": { "description": "Name of the bank or financial organisation that created the boleto.", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 1 }, "payment-due-date": { "description": "Boleto payment date", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "datetime", "ui-priority": 1 }, "payment-status": { "description": "Inform if boleto was as paid or not", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 0, "values_list": [ "Not Paid", "Paid" ] }, "payment-value": { "categories": [ "Other" ], "description": "The payment boleto value in Brazilian Reais", "disable_correlation": true, "misp-attribute": "float", "to_ids": false, "ui-priority": 1 }, "requester": { "description": "Organisation, service or affiliated person that requested creation of the boleto.", "misp-attribute": "text", "ui-priority": 1 } }, "description": "A common form of payment used in Brazil.", "meta-category": "financial", "name": "boleto", "requiredOneOf": [ "boleto-number" ], "uuid": "24979ac7-d413-4345-9c8b-69b43a739fd1", "version": 1 }